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Where can I find Jewel coral?

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  • SRC Member

Dear all,

I am looking for brown or other color jewel coral, today I went Pasir Ris Farmway 1 but did not manage to find any! Pls advise, if you seen any LFS selling & prices pls!



My Humble 2Ft Tank:

- 1 x 55w PL blue

- 1 x 25w FL white

- 1 Jebo Side Overflow Filter

- 1 AA brand Protein Skimmer

- 1 three stripes damsel

- 1 fire goby

- 1 yellowtail damsel

- 1 coral beauty

- 1 dragon wrasse

- 1 dottyback gamma

- 1 skunk shrimp

- 1 Green turtle weed

- 1 Greenish Mushroom

- 1 Green Yuma

- 1 Green jewel coral

- 1 Brown tubeworm

- 1 white tubeworm

- Temp 26-27C

- Amonia 0mg/l

- Salinty 1.020

- 10kg LR

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  • SRC Member

:shock: Huh, then what should i do with the Jewel now?? I was told by a few LFS that it is very easy to maintain lei & so far it is with me for a month oredi!! It is still very healthy & fine, may I know what will happen in a few months time cos it is my favourite coral!! Pls advise on how to maintain it!!


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:shock: Huh, then what should i do with the Jewel now?? I was told by a few LFS that it is very easy to maintain lei & so far it is with me for a month oredi!! It is still very healthy & fine, may I know what will happen in a few months time cos it is my favourite coral!! Pls advise on how to maintain it!!


Sometimes its better to ask certain requirement of a particular coral in the forum or read up from reputable website instead of asking the lfs owner.

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:shock: Huh, then what should i do with the Jewel now?? I was told by a few LFS that it is very easy to maintain lei & so far it is with me for a month oredi!! Pls advise on how to maintain it!!

Nothing much you can do since it is in your tank.....try feeding live phytoplankton and rotifers, it may help.

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  • SRC Member

You might like to do your best to keep it alive now, instead of wasting your time observing how it die... Anyway, I agree with Dispar_anthias that you should not consult LFS seller as they usually know little about what they are selling, remember, most of them just sell for the money... :)

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