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Weekly Update - 14th to 20th June 10

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just call the shop lar..

Call already twice but the staff there seem dun know what is african flameback angel instead tell me isit dottyback :angry2: . May be my english is too deep so they cannot understand me :ph34r: !

Btw, I used to have his HP no. as he sms me when shipment stock in but I have mis-deleted the no. a few day ago :paiseh: .


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Call already twice but the staff there seem dun know what is african flameback angel instead tell me isit dottyback :angry2: . May be my english is too deep so they cannot understand me :ph34r: !

Btw, I used to have his HP no. as he sms me when shipment stock in but I have mis-deleted the no. a few day ago :paiseh: .

Ask for ah boy or ah bee lor... They will know... Aunty also can mah..

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anyone know where seen dispar anthias and happen to know the price^^?

Ar beng always has a constant supply of dispar anthias at a good price. =)

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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  • SRC Member

Ask for ah boy or ah bee lor... They will know... Aunty also can mah..

THE Reborn incharge still Ah Soon ? still in the shop there ? Did saw him for a long time ?

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any idea how much?? he always carrot chop me de =(

Hmmm i get at around $4 each, cheaper if u get more. Get from the skinny guy, i feel he offer the best price.

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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Still many many captive bred latezonatus clownfish available. Do not hesitate people, these are real healthy. It might be years before CB latezonatus clownfish reach Singapore again.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • Senior Reefer

tons of yasha gobies at pinnicle. at least 10. but all same sex so forget about pairing.

plenty of golden angels left at pinnicle. look carefully, the majority of the rest are in pretty bad condition but you have to look closely. my eyes are trained for spotting soon to be dead fish.

ahbeng also has 2 big golden angels. very big very cute and look very active. bigger ones usually fare poorer.

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bro lemon, what sex are the yashas? Male?

tons of yasha gobies at pinnicle. at least 10. but all same sex so forget about pairing.

plenty of golden angels left at pinnicle. look carefully, the majority of the rest are in pretty bad condition but you have to look closely. my eyes are trained for spotting soon to be dead fish.

ahbeng also has 2 big golden angels. very big very cute and look very active. bigger ones usually fare poorer.

Main Tank: 3 by 2 by 2.5 ft

Sump: 30 by 16 by 16 inch

Return: Sicce 5000

Wavemaker: Vortech Mp40wES

Lighting: 2 X Maxspect Mazzara, 1 ATI True Actinic, 1 ATI BluePlus

Skimmer: Deltec APF 600

CR: Deltec PF 501

Filtration: Carbon FR, Phosphate FR

Chiller: Hailea 300A

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  • Senior Reefer

bro lemon, what sex are the yashas? Male?

if my memory serve me correct, male yashas have a black edge on their ventral fins. or was it females that have this marking?

anyway, those at pinnicle all do not have the black edge on the ventral fins. forgot isit male or female that have this marking...

maybe someone can chime in?

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if my memory serve me correct, male yashas have a black edge on their ventral fins. or was it females that have this marking?

anyway, those at pinnicle all do not have the black edge on the ventral fins. forgot isit male or female that have this marking...

maybe someone can chime in?


Always something more important than fish.


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if my memory serve me correct, male yashas have a black edge on their ventral fins. or was it females that have this marking?

anyway, those at pinnicle all do not have the black edge on the ventral fins. forgot isit male or female that have this marking...

maybe someone can chime in?

Better pics on pair Yasha goby.....


Sorry :off:


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • Senior Reefer

Better pics on pair Yasha goby.....


Sorry :off:

haha bro cf. the picture, the male and female tombalek.

the "female" you show here have a thin black edge on the ventral fins. should be male


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