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David's 2ft Tank


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probably will put it in my QT to freshen up the tank as it is so empty with only LR & 4 $1 chromis there.

You may not even want him in the QT.

I had an adult Red Coris once. That bugger kicks up a lot of sands and my tank is forever cloudy. The corals that I put on the sand bed are all covered with sand and dont open completely.

Go to this link to see how to catch it.

Catching Red Coris

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You may not even want him in the QT.

I had an adult Red Coris once. That bugger kicks up a lot of sands and my tank is forever cloudy. The corals that I put on the sand bed are all covered with sand and dont open completely.

Go to this link to see how to catch it.

Catching Red Coris

Thanks bro. Wat a good info.

I'm gonna get u........RED CORIS WRASSE. Here I come.

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hi hondace

how much you bought the tank? where? you got any skimmer? can show pictures where and how you place the chiller in the tank? by the way you got a nice tank>>> how old liao?


I bought the tank from CR Aquarium at $379 (read classified ad) at Tagore lane. It is expensive but so far is one of the best tank that I have scout around as its sump is located at the back & I like the blue colour background. If u have the sump behind the tank, the other manufacturers can only use dark glass & u can still see the filter materials.

got small skimmer in the sump that fits in nicely (but no many LFS carry it). Refer to my earlier posting of my sump pics.

The chiller is connected to the power head in the last compartment of the sump (3 compartments in total) whereby water is pump into the chiller & runs back to the tank through a blue plastic hose that can control the water flows using the red knob. See pic below.

The tank is 2mths plus only.


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