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World Cup Match to Match predictions


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  • SRC Member

nice.. but that makes only 2.

they say that exercising by playing soccer reduces algae in your tanks... believe it or not!

wat sort of crap theory is this?! reducing fungus growing inside my soccer boots probably...but reducing algae in my tank!...

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  • SRC Member

World cup day 12


France vs South Africa 1-0 :phone:

Mexico vs Uruguay 0-2 :sick:

Greece vs Argentina 0-2 :peace:

Nigeria vs South Korea 0-1 :angel:


Mexico vs Uruguay 2-2

South Africa vs France 1-2

Argentina vs Greece 3-0

Nigeria vs Korea Republic Korea 0-0


France vs South Africa 1-1

Mexico vs Uruguay 0-0

Greece vs Argentina 0-3

Nigeria vs South Korea 1-1


France vs South Africa 0 - 1

Mexico vs Uruguay 0 - 1

Greece vs Argentina 0 - 1

Nigeria vs South Korea 2 - 0


France vs South Africa 1-0

Mexico vs Uruguay 0-0

Greece vs Argentina 0-3

Nigeria vs South Korea 0-1


France vs South Africa 2-0

Mexico vs Uruguay 1-0

Greece vs Argentina 0-0

Nigeria vs South Korea 1-1

Brown SPS > Kinder Surprise

White SPS = Kinder Surprise after expiry date

Assumption killed the dinosaurs, they didnt have test kits.

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  • SRC Supporter

World cup day 12


France vs South Africa 1-0 :phone:

Mexico vs Uruguay 0-2 :sick:

Greece vs Argentina 0-2 :peace:

Nigeria vs South Korea 0-1 :angel:


Mexico vs Uruguay 2-2

South Africa vs France 1-2

Argentina vs Greece 3-0

Nigeria vs Korea Republic Korea 0-0


France vs South Africa 1-1

Mexico vs Uruguay 0-0

Greece vs Argentina 0-3

Nigeria vs South Korea 1-1


France vs South Africa 0 - 1

Mexico vs Uruguay 0 - 1

Greece vs Argentina 0 - 1

Nigeria vs South Korea 2 - 0


France vs South Africa 1-0

Mexico vs Uruguay 0-0

Greece vs Argentina 0-3

Nigeria vs South Korea 0-1


France vs South Africa 2-0

Mexico vs Uruguay 1-0

Greece vs Argentina 0-0

Nigeria vs South Korea 1-1


France vs South Africa 1-0

Mexico vs Uruguay 0-0

Greece vs Argentina 0-2

Nigeria vs South Korea 0-1

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  • SRC Member

losing streak for me now...

Goondoo is on a roll! :welldone:

Aiyo, still long long way to go lar


Billy Cheong

70gal, 250w MH (Reeflux 12000K), Tunze Nano Wavebox 6206, Tunze 6045, Tunze 6025, Teco TW4, Rio HF20, Aquabee 3000L, Rio HF17, SM100 Scrubber box (4x24w T5 2700K)

Fish: Amphiprion ocellaris (Ocellaris Clowns), Nemateleotris magnifica (Firefish), Pterapogon kauderni (Kaudern's Cardinal)

Inverts: Calcinus laevimanus (Hermit Crab), Lysmata amboinensis (Cleaner Shrimp), Sand Dollar

Corals: Capnella (Purple Hairy Finger Leather), Plerogyra sinuosa (Green Bubble Coral), Euphyllia glabrescens (Torch Coral), Dendrophyllia (Supersun Coral), Rhodactis spp. (Hairy Mushroom)

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Table Chart after World Cup Day 12

1) Goondoo 85+8+15+6+0=114

2) Mossrope 96+0+2+0+6=104

3) Eniram 73+0+8+15+0=96

4) mitlancer 69+0+0+15+0=84

5) Kiko 62+2+0+8+6=78

6) Bino 76

7) Siang 55+0+2+8+6=71

8) Ray 60+0+0+8+0=68

9) Vtec 7+0+0+15+0=22

10) Jacky 15

11) Wilson 3

11) Skinbone 3

11) GerrardBoon 3

eh count till blur.. few days of 4 games each..

do notify me of errors

Brown SPS > Kinder Surprise

White SPS = Kinder Surprise after expiry date

Assumption killed the dinosaurs, they didnt have test kits.

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  • SRC Member

Day 13 World Cup games

England vs Slovenia England@-1.25

USA vs Algeria Usa@-0.5

Germany vs Ghana Germany@-1

Serbia vs Australia Serbia@-0.5

Brown SPS > Kinder Surprise

White SPS = Kinder Surprise after expiry date

Assumption killed the dinosaurs, they didnt have test kits.

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  • SRC Member

England vs Slovenia 1-0

USA vs Algeria 2-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 2-0


Billy Cheong

70gal, 250w MH (Reeflux 12000K), Tunze Nano Wavebox 6206, Tunze 6045, Tunze 6025, Teco TW4, Rio HF20, Aquabee 3000L, Rio HF17, SM100 Scrubber box (4x24w T5 2700K)

Fish: Amphiprion ocellaris (Ocellaris Clowns), Nemateleotris magnifica (Firefish), Pterapogon kauderni (Kaudern's Cardinal)

Inverts: Calcinus laevimanus (Hermit Crab), Lysmata amboinensis (Cleaner Shrimp), Sand Dollar

Corals: Capnella (Purple Hairy Finger Leather), Plerogyra sinuosa (Green Bubble Coral), Euphyllia glabrescens (Torch Coral), Dendrophyllia (Supersun Coral), Rhodactis spp. (Hairy Mushroom)

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  • SRC Member


England vs Slovenia 1-1

USA vs Algeria 1-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-1

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 2-1

USA vs Algeria 1-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 1-0

USA vs Algeria 2-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 2-0


England vs Slovenia 2-0

USA vs Algeria 1-2

Germany vs Ghana 1-0

Serbia vs Australia 0-0

Brown SPS > Kinder Surprise

White SPS = Kinder Surprise after expiry date

Assumption killed the dinosaurs, they didnt have test kits.

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  • SRC Member


England vs Slovenia 1-1

USA vs Algeria 1-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-1

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 2-1

USA vs Algeria 1-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 1-0

USA vs Algeria 2-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 2-0


England vs Slovenia 2-0

USA vs Algeria 1-2

Germany vs Ghana 1-0

Serbia vs Australia 0-0


England vs Slovenia 2-0

USA vs Algeria 1-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0

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  • SRC Supporter


England vs Slovenia 1-1

USA vs Algeria 1-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-1

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 2-1

USA vs Algeria 1-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 1-0

USA vs Algeria 2-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 2-0


England vs Slovenia 2-0

USA vs Algeria 1-2

Germany vs Ghana 1-0

Serbia vs Australia 0-0


England vs Slovenia 2-0

USA vs Algeria 1-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 2-1

USA vs Algeria 2-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0

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  • SRC Member


England vs Slovenia 1-1

USA vs Algeria 1-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-1

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 2-1

USA vs Algeria 1-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 1-0

USA vs Algeria 2-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 2-0


England vs Slovenia 2-0

USA vs Algeria 1-2

Germany vs Ghana 1-0

Serbia vs Australia 0-0


England vs Slovenia 2-0

USA vs Algeria 1-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 2-1

USA vs Algeria 2-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 1-0

USA vs Algeria 2-1

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member


England vs Slovenia 1-1

USA vs Algeria 1-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-1

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 2-1

USA vs Algeria 1-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 1-0

USA vs Algeria 2-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 2-0


England vs Slovenia 2-0

USA vs Algeria 1-2

Germany vs Ghana 1-0

Serbia vs Australia 0-0


England vs Slovenia 2-0

USA vs Algeria 1-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 2-1

USA vs Algeria 2-0

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 1-0

USA vs Algeria 2-1

Germany vs Ghana 2-0

Serbia vs Australia 1-0


England vs Slovenia 2-1

USA vs Algeria 2-1

Germany vs Ghana 3-1

Serbia vs Australia 1-1

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member

Table Chart after World Cup Day 13

1) Goondoo 114+15+8+4+0=141

2) Mossrope 104+4+0+15+4=127

3) mitlancer 84+6+4+4+0=98

3) Bino 76+6+8+4+4=98

4) Eniram 96

5) Ray 68+15+8+4+0=95

6) Siang 71+4+15+4+0=94

7) Kiko 78+6+0+4+0=88

8) Vtec 22+2+0+4+0=28

9) Jacky 15

10) Wilson 3

10) Skinbone 3

10) GerrardBoon 3

those who haven been catching up... a few jackpots is all you need!

do not give up!

mossrope really love maths

Brown SPS > Kinder Surprise

White SPS = Kinder Surprise after expiry date

Assumption killed the dinosaurs, they didnt have test kits.

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  • SRC Member

World Cup Day 14

Italy vs Slovakia Italy@-1

Paraguay vs New Zealand Paraguay@-1

Denmark vs Japan Denmark@-0.25

Netherlands vs Cameroon Netherlands@-0.75

Brown SPS > Kinder Surprise

White SPS = Kinder Surprise after expiry date

Assumption killed the dinosaurs, they didnt have test kits.

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