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My 1st humble piece of the ocean


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QUESTIONS: how come my corals seems to be doing very well but fishes aren't? every 5 fishes i add in 4 will pass on within 2-3days... anyway to find out the cause?? i prefer having some fishes leh... so far the longest lasting one is my female leopard wrasse, the damsels are doing fine, 1 mandarin enjoying him/herself and a few others... clowns all completely dead together with anthias, tangs & angels :cry2:

maybe inside ur tank got serial killer.... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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Just to clarify, I've not have probs all these while using NSW.

Since day 1 after cycling, my fish survival rate has been hopeless... I bought the wrasse with another 3-4 fishes as my first batch and it's the only 1 that survived and it's around since then even after numerous water changes. Everytime I buy fishes I will have probably only 10% survival and this occurance haven't changed since day one so I don't relate it to "laced" nsw from oil leak.

IMHO, I will say smthg is wrong with the nsw IF livestocks that were already doing well dies after a water change(s). I have recorded 0 deaths till date on my corals and inverts and it's only fishes I have problem keeping alive leh sad.gif

parameters wise, I do basic testing weekly ph, salinity, nh3, no2, no3, po4, iodine, ca, mg & kh. Nh3 & no2 has constantly been tested at 0ppm since cycling is complete, my ph is 8.2, iodine, ca, mg, kh are maintained within recommended range with the dosing system But the unfortunate part is my no3 n po4 levels which are 5ppm n 1ppm since I started testing about 1mth ago... What I'm confused about is how come my NEW fishes (new corals/inverts addition no casualty) go in 2-3 days die while existing stocks continue to "florish"?

Would be good if sm1 can point me to the right directions else will not have confidence to add fishes sad.gif

Hi bro, envy your photos super clear, tempting me to get a DSLR with the macro LOL.

In your case, question - do you aclimatise your new stocks espc. fishes? Drip aclimitise I recommend. Am not tt expert but I had learn alot hard ways and I always aclimitise all new life stock either by drip or adding a cup every 10min. (depend on sensivity) abt half hr, whiles the plastic bag floating in the tank. One more thing I always quarintine my new stock corals in my fragging tanks about a week after dip in CoralX the 2nd day. With this practise till now I never have any LS casuallty.

Oh ya, for fishes you add on 1-2 fishes for a week. Never at once you add so much which will coz bio load overstock. The rule of thumb fishes addition-1inches fishes per square foot. Quarintine them about 3-7days till they eat in betabox then add to the community.

Anyway your param is well check except the PO4. Try make it below 0.3ppl. All LS dont like high PO4.

That is only MHE.

Mix reef-Main tank 3x2.5x2.5ftA

TI 3ft 8tube

Hitachi compressor unit 1HP

1 x AP- 702 Deltec

1 x Coral Lab CR with Ph controller; 1X AquaMedic Kalk Reactor top off

Baby fish dosing kh/Sr&Kcl/mg

DI water thru kalkwasser

1 x Skimz Fr with BRS gfo

2 x Rio 32hF main pump

1 x Pinpt Orp monitor

1 X Pinpt Ph monitor

Aquamedic wave maker

Sump 3x1.5ft plumbed together with;

1.5ft cube live rock

Frag tank 5x1x1ft


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  • SRC Member

nice tank bro.... cool......

add some wrasse wil be nicer....

correct hor bro lemon.... :heh:

thanks bro.... yup... have seen some really nice ones but until i can get the ko rate down i best keep my hands away from them first :rip:

QUESTIONS: how come my corals seems to be doing very well but fishes aren't? every 5 fishes i add in 4 will pass on within 2-3days... anyway to find out the cause?? i prefer having some fishes leh... so far the longest lasting one is my female leopard wrasse, the damsels are doing fine, 1 mandarin enjoying him/herself and a few others... clowns all completely dead together with anthias, tangs & angels :cry2:

maybe inside ur tank got serial killer.... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Hahahaha.... possibly.... i quite sure inside got massive dead body clean up crew though... ahahaha

:: just a noob ::

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  • SRC Member

Hi bro, envy your photos super clear, tempting me to get a DSLR with the macro LOL.

In your case, question - do you aclimatise your new stocks espc. fishes? Drip aclimitise I recommend. Am not tt expert but I had learn alot hard ways and I always aclimitise all new life stock either by drip or adding a cup every 10min. (depend on sensivity) abt half hr, whiles the plastic bag floating in the tank. One more thing I always quarintine my new stock corals in my fragging tanks about a week after dip in CoralX the 2nd day. With this practise till now I never have any LS casuallty.

Oh ya, for fishes you add on 1-2 fishes for a week. Never at once you add so much which will coz bio load overstock. The rule of thumb fishes addition-1inches fishes per square foot. Quarintine them about 3-7days till they eat in betabox then add to the community.

Anyway your param is well check except the PO4. Try make it below 0.3ppl. All LS dont like high PO4.

That is only MHE.

Nothing to brag about really.... not that clean anymore liao.... ahahaha....

normally, all i do is hang the bag in the tank, slowly add water for about 30mins then catch the bugger and in he goes.... i think i should really practice the bettabox method... else hard to track if they do eat or not actually.... thanks for the advice bro!:ThanxSmiley:

Coral wise, its always RX then about 30mins later into the main tank it goes.... dun have a frag tank at the moment.... might consider converting part of my sump to a frag tank but more for frag storage purpose la... ahahaha.... gotta see how to go about doing it first....

:: just a noob ::

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  • SRC Member

yup the power of primes and a good photographer :) Think really have to be disciplined and learn from you. Start shooting with tripod, window up and manual focus. :cheers:

Jacky you are limited by your acrylic tank coz can't take at angles... really limit the amount of shooting you can do.

bro, why is it that acrylic cant take angled shot? im using 1 for planted now, angled look quite alright. but then again, regardless of glass or acrylic, try not to shoot at an angle.

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