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YT mix with PT

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  • SRC Member

i have recently bought a purple tang.. guess what...

the yt territory kanna taken by the purple tang.. and nx day my purple kanna white spot so is my Yellow tang..

within 1 day.. i back from work... my yellow tang die...

what had actually happened... dont think ich will kill a fish within 1 day right...

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I have introduced a few tangs into my tank over the stretch of more than 6months...one of the them is a purple tang 6 months after the yellow tang was introduced.

As predicted...my YT was relentless is wacking the purple....that's why I got the PT that is bigger than the YT, aclimatised in my q tank until I am sure it is well from the shipment and stress..then I introduced it to the main tank...

after 2 days....it established itself and now is doing alright and my YT doesnt harress it more.

Putting a mirror will also help to distract the established ones as well....

The rule to most tangs, unless you are getting mild ones like choc surgeon tangs or kole....should try to add one that is bigger....and definitely need to qurantine it as once ich breaks out, the rest might get it too

hope what I shared is helpful

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  • SRC Member

my YT was with me about 2 weeks.. and just recover from ich... then i get this purple tang... kaoz..

1 come 1 die...

now my purple tang kanna white spots.. but slowly get use to the surrounding.. poking the sandbed and live rock... and eating well with brine shrimp soaked with garlic xtreme..

i think that a chance recover from white spots...

my YT n PT are the same size... that the problem...

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Hey IMo you should read up more before buying a fish which might bring harm to your existing tank inhabitant or to the fish itself. If your tank is small you should never put 2 zebrasoma species of tang togetehr in the same tank. There goes the same for acanthurus and naso(They are abit more sociable).

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  • SRC Member

yah.. i just PM him... thanks alot...

dunno hw much will it cost.. if more then 500... i rather go for bro riodan tank maker...

cause he build his 4ftx2ftx2ft tank for $500+

but unsure izzit come with pipe...

i dont think i will be getting the cabinet too... get iron stand... cabinet will cut a hole in my pocket...

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