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Mushroom & Plate


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Came across the above corals which u were enquiring

Luminuous Green Mushrooms - Between $5 to $8 depend on size from Reborn at Paya Lebar.

Luminuous Green Plate - Reef World $7 (BUT LOOK OUT 4 BROWN PLATE WORMS !!!), Seletar Farm - $10 to $12 (Plate worms free)

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You mean flat worms?


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AT, Dodo, Morgan, Pacificbetta, Rumor and me are all very experienced in flatworm eradication. Don't worry!


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Hi swfish

If you are willing to spend $7 for corals that is infested by flatworms and giving it to us I do not mind taking them. More would be much better. There are alot of space to fill.

The worms will be dead within 20 mins, and it will be flatworm free and into my tank it goes. :lol:

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350kg of rocks, more than 50 pieces of corals and clams, 550gal of water and millions of flatworms later, makes us experienced. All you need is one big jump. If you feel that we aren't, I sure as heck won't mind nuking your tank to learn more if you would kindly infect it with flatworms.


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AT, Dodo, Morgan, Pacificbetta, Rumor and me are all very experienced in flatworm eradication. Don't worry!


Looks like we got a new team aka the "Flatworm Busters"... :P

Anyone wants to start a "Aiptasia Buster" Strikeforce????

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Haha Tanzy,

Great I'll go shopping 2mr for flatworms, n I mean $7 worth of flat worms, not the plate coral!!! I'm sure $7 will get a a few kg worth! Well, just get me an add n I'll sent it freight inclusive. Probly a new candidate would be gd. I dont have such big tank for $7 worth of flats! Would undermine ur "exaggerated capabilities" if those were in my small tiny tank wont it, Flatworm Buster? LOL


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Experienced? Did it once and u call that experienced? LOL

There'll be more jumps required to earn those wings!!!

Wont any of u guys want to have a go again in either of ur tanks? I dont mine buyin $7 worth of flat worms to offer. LOL

Hi Swfish,

You are new here so I'll say "Welcome to SRC!"

You'll find that most of us are rather friendly and helpful folks... so...hmmm.... not really nice to dig at those who could potentially help you out in future, right? ;)

Flatworms are a problem which many hobbyists around the world battle... and it takes guts to take drastic steps like what Morgan and us did... we are talking about potentially killing corals worth thousands of dollars, kept over many years.

We did what we did after careful deliberation, great teamwork and resourcefulness in finding something which might work in killing the flatworms but hard to find in SG... and if the club wasn't in existence, we wouldn't have been brought together to accomplish what we did that day.

I dare say you won't know much about this matter as we do. And if you are experienced and knowledgeable, we'll welcome your input. After all, we learn something new everyday.



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Hi AT,

Many tks for ur grand welcome! Wheres the red carpet? Juz kidding!!!

No hard feelings lah but juz couldnt standby seeing young punnies pass such declaration while people who have been keeping tanks by the hundreds dont make such "confident" remarks! That's bad for new members who likes high hats! (not the fish)

Definitely diff from keeping 1 tank compared to tens n hundreds, wont u agree? N that's wat I do! haha... :ph34r:

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"young punnies"? That is an extremely derogatory remark!

No hard feelings? Are you sure, you condecending old git?

I'll love to see how you fit tens and hundreds of tanks in a house? If you want to brag, at least make it believable. I don't see how some one who can make such an obvious mistake as plate/flat worms to be any more experienced.


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Hmmm... by any chance are you called fishnfish in some other forum? Nevermind.

Well... young 'punnies' (err.. what's that?) or not, knowledge is a well-respected trait regardless of age. Many younger hobbyists here exhibit enough know-how to impress some of the older ones here. As for experience, well, that's also highly subjective.

Someone who spends two years cramming all he can read, study and research, spending the money to get the right stuff, conscientiously maintaining his tank and doing his best to learn more everyday VS someone who keeps many marine tanks for 6 years, without truly understanding the biology, chemistry, mechanics and ecology of the marine world, and keeping up with advances and trends... would he truly ever be judged as being an old salt coz his hands was in saltwater more often then the guy with only 2 years? Is there more pride in number of years/number of tanks vs keeping one tank in great condition for a shorter duration?

Can I assume you are running a farm since you keep tens or hundreds of tanks? Can I say WOW! :unsure:

Everyone's experience in this hobby is unique so I won't be so quick to judge someone. But we setup this reef club so we can learn from one another and help one another.

Would you like to share with us more about your experiences since you said you are keeping tens/hundreds of tanks? That's quite a handful, isn't it. Are the livestock for sale or are they all show tanks?

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Do I smell gun powder here.

I truely appreciate the effort of the founding memebrs of the site for providing us with the avenue for discussion and learning. I'm sure many regular members of this site feel this way too. I hope the site will continue to serve all reef hobbyists, like us and not degenerate into a "who's better" contest. Let's keep this site cordial and friendly, lest we might face the horror of people deserting it. I agree with AT and hope Swfish care to share your knowledge as AT, Tanzy and Morgan has done so selflessly for the past months.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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Hi swfish

If you are willing to spend $7 for corals that is infested by flatworms and giving it to us I do not mind taking them. More would be much better. There are alot of space to fill.

The worms will be dead within 20 mins, and it will be flatworm free and into my tank it goes. :lol:

How do you clear them from corals before introduction? I haven't been catching up much on posts.

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