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Miss Singapore Universe 2010 finalists


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apparently there was an error with most of the ages listed there.

Brown SPS > Kinder Surprise

White SPS = Kinder Surprise after expiry date

Assumption killed the dinosaurs, they didnt have test kits.

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whatzzzzzz up man singapore! i think we can forget about getting singapore born girls! its time to import foreign talents! :thumbsup:

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I find some of the girls are alright lah (except for a few that really look like zombies), but I find the entire campaign sucks big time. The creative, the venue, the make-up, the wardrobe, the photographer. :thumbdown:

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a few of them looks not bad but is the costume that's out of place

think that our local creative department is not up to the standard

And the photo looks normal not even look like professional at all

overall SUCKS :rip:

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  • SRC Member

I find some of the girls are alright lah (except for a few that really look like zombies), but I find the entire campaign sucks big time. The creative, the venue, the make-up, the wardrobe, the photographer. :thumbdown:


All of you damn harsh la, IMO at least 50% of them are pleasant looking and the rest are either average looking or have more exotic features. Quite representative of the population as a whole cos let's face it - we are not a nation of super models. The photography hasn't done anything to help also hahaha.

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the last one looks like a horse..

i think if i wore a skirt i'll look prettier than her. :D

AGREED ^ 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 TIMES!! :D

Hmm, don't know leh. I think most look okay nia. don't have the WOW or This One I Wish She's My Gf/Wife kind of material. :(

And tell you where all Singapore pretty girls go liao, they all went to MY house when there was the campaign! :D LOL

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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  • Senior Reefer

OMG, thank for posting the link. I din know the standard of our beauty pageants are like this now. Ok tmr i'll go for a sex change and next year i will join MSU.

dont need to sex change lah haha. i think you go as a guy also will win

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  • SRC Member

the photography SUCKS MAN... my god... some of the pic got part of the hand gone some more.. WTH!!!blink.gif

one of the girls look like they are on drugs.. LOL.. if that was supposed to be a smokey sultry look... It sure looks more drug induced than a sexy come hither look! oh dear.... what is the photographer telling them to do!?thumbdown.gif

as for the last one, yes I do agree she has a broad face la. but horse..... well.. a very WELL Mannered horse? :)

BUT BUT BUT.. that's only from this picture and we all know.. photos can make us look DAMN GOOD or really HORRIBLE... so let's give them the benefit of the doubt and see in real life. blushing.gif

Unforutnately the pageant industry here has not much funding and so the girls also have to spend their own money to doll themselves up so.. can't really blame what singapore sends to the international stage.. sadly.huh.gif

I just wish that for such international pageants that the GOVERNMENT should perhaps sponser certain portion of the grooming costs for the girl who is going to represent our country. Beauty IS expensive... :P

It's the shingz man but I give them credit for willing to join and giving it a shot. bowdown.gif

Cheers, ;)


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another website I got from a friend :


they don't look so bad here. smile.gif

And here's a link to another forumn with more pics... my question is .. WHY ARE they wearing FLORAL SHORTS?!


Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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