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Pump size for hailea 500a

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can anyone advise on the subject? manual stated recommended flow rate 1200 to 3000 l/h. i am currently using 1200l/h ehiem. remember read somewhere hailea 500a need higher flow rate? the temp indicator on this new chiller keeps fluctuating, from 26 to 27.3 within seconds and back to 26.. at times, below set tem of 25.9, next o.1 n 0.1 up in less than a second before reaching 27.3 and down again...is this normal?

thks in advance for your time and guidance. Chung

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  • SRC Member

Is your Hailea brand new? The thermostat could be faulty, that's why the temperature keeps jumping.

Nevertheless I would suggest using a stronger pump. Depending on your pipings, our pump will encounter head loss before entering the chiller.

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Thank all of you for your kind guidances. its a brand new chiller less than a week. will upgrade the pump and see how it goes.

Btw, if to modify thermostat, where and how to get the external thermostat; from who and where to fix it and how much. Once again, thank you all for the selfless advices.

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  • SRC Member

Thank all of you for your kind guidances. its a brand new chiller less than a week. will upgrade the pump and see how it goes.

Btw, if to modify thermostat, where and how to get the external thermostat; from who and where to fix it and how much. Once again, thank you all for the selfless advices.

Since it's new, should still be under warranty. Can call them and try to fix the problem. Will let other bros advice you on where to get the external thermostat, not sure myself although I recall someone was selling off his in pasar malam section. Can check it out.

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  • SRC Member

Yes, as suggested by bros here, get the external thermostat, even those with other chiller brands will go for external thermostat. You won't go wrong as it measures tank temp more accurately since the sensor is now in yr tank. You will notice that your chiller won't kick in and out so often. Before i got my external thermostat, my chiller will kick in every 2-3 hours. Now, it has delayed to 4-5 hours. Also note that the hailea chiller thermostat itself may read about 1 to 1.5 degrees less than the main tank. You can calibrate it by pressing and holding the up and down buttons.

For external thermostat, you can even select temp in the decimals...eg. stop at 27.3 and kick in at 28.7. You can either DIY yourself (if you know how) or buy a set from those companies that service chillers, shd be less than $200. I will pm you the contact where i bought my set for your ref.

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sorry not all hailea is like this is just the 500a but however it also not faulty is the design of the cooler box that the thermosate place at the bottom of the box

i'm using 1000a now use use to have 500a brand new also

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