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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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MY PRIDE AND JOY! a pair of very healthy and feeding colini angelfish.

Denizens of fairly deep water, these dwarf angels are notoriously difficult to acclimate. worst than multibar. However, these 2 are feeding immediately after being thrown into QT. better yet, they aren't fighting. a potential pair.

one of them is reserved for digiman though. so when he comes back i'm gonna have to split them up :)




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MY PRIDE AND JOY! a pair of very healthy and feeding colini angelfish.

Denizens of fairly deep water, these dwarf angels are notoriously difficult to acclimate. worst than multibar. However, these 2 are feeding immediately after being thrown into QT. better yet, they aren't fighting. a potential pair.

one of them is reserved for digiman though. so when he comes back i'm gonna have to split them up :(

Nice pair!!!

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my guinea pigs for my QT.

firstly, a juvenile multi bar angelfish. this fella was very healthy when i unpacked him during shipment. i kept it for more than a week at iwarna. Sad to say, the condition which i found it after 1 week plus was not terrific. Heard that someone went to catch it and packed it but aunty said it's not for sale. so he returned it.

Quite stressed and doesn't look healthy at all now! :angry:

i'm very unhappy. but it's no ones fault since this is a difficult fish :) we'll see how she goes in the QT

She seems quite stress... Try to get those big pipes so they can hide.. Since they are cave dwellers..

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She seems quite stress... Try to get those big pipes so they can hide.. Since they are cave dwellers..

she was like half dead when i went iwarna this morning. aunty say maybe CMI so i told her its ok...

then they pack for me just keep throwing into new water. i think very stressful for it lah. pH shock everything. so i slowly acclimate into my QT. but she doesn't look good.

maybe will die by tomorrow :(

but the colinis are extremely healthy and curious. i hope they survive until my tank is ready! it's up to me to take care of them in QT liao. make sure no ammonia spike etc.

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she was like half dead when i went iwarna this morning. aunty say maybe CMI so i told her its ok...

then they pack for me just keep throwing into new water. i think very stressful for it lah. pH shock everything. so i slowly acclimate into my QT. but she doesn't look good.

maybe will die by tomorrow :(

but the colinis are extremely healthy and curious. i hope they survive until my tank is ready! it's up to me to take care of them in QT liao. make sure no ammonia spike etc.

They are like that.. Maybe tml she will get better..

Very cool that you managed to pair them/... Giving me ideas... LOL..

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They are like that.. Maybe tml she will get better..

Very cool that you managed to pair them/... Giving me ideas... LOL..

dunno if they're really a pair or they're just tolerating each other. they do chase each other around for short distances but there's no circling, and no fin nipping.

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dunno if they're really a pair or they're just tolerating each other. they do chase each other around for short distances but there's no circling, and no fin nipping.

As long as no circling.. I think it is fine...

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Wonder when will it reach our shore.. its seems quite affordable in US..


i hope my colinis will do well until digiman comes back and my tank is up and running. very hard to pair them and got both of them feeding is so nice already. but only one is feeding properly. the other still abit choosy. i aim to get both feeding like horses on pellets and mysis. now only take brine readily and occasionally mysis.

going to sleep now and hopefully see them greeting me tomorrow with a voracious appetite!

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i hope my colinis will do well until digiman comes back and my tank is up and running. very hard to pair them and got both of them feeding is so nice already. but only one is feeding properly. the other still abit choosy. i aim to get both feeding like horses on pellets and mysis. now only take brine readily and occasionally mysis.

going to sleep now and hopefully see them greeting me tomorrow with a voracious appetite!

As long as they recognize food.. It is fine..

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my guinea pigs for my QT.

firstly, a juvenile multi bar angelfish. this fella was very healthy when i unpacked him during shipment. i kept it for more than a week at iwarna. Sad to say, the condition which i found it after 1 week plus was not terrific. Heard that someone went to catch it and packed it but aunty said it's not for sale. so he returned it.

Quite stressed and doesn't look healthy at all now! :angry:

i'm very unhappy. but it's no ones fault since this is a difficult fish :) we'll see how she goes in the QT

Good catch there lemon, with TLC both species will pull through. :welldone:

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  • Senior Reefer

Some updates on the colini angelfish pair.

day 2 of QT, did water change today. Both are feeding but not strongly. one is feeding much better than the other. body mass is still within acceptable fitness,both are very alert, and healthy overall. No signs of delayed decompression sickness or apparent internal problems. Clear eyes, absence of sores and patches, no frayed fins or scales.

Colini A - Feeding on live brine and frozen mysis. but sparingly.

Colini B - Feeding on live brine. Not on mysis. Needs more training.

both angels are very comfortable with each other today. No chasing at all observed, some quivering from the larger specimen. Does not appear to be submissive behaviour though. Both of them swim together occasionally and greet each other. Absolutely marvelous news, for if they were not a pair, one of them would be dead within hours of introduction.

Overall i would say the pair is in exceptional health except for the feeding. Being a terribly difficult fish by nature, this is considered above average and i'll give them more time to adapt and begin feeding more. :)

here's some pictures of them. took picture with flash so pardon the slight over saturation of colours.



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They seems much happier now.. And the ich seems to be better..

They love the sponge filter. i don't have any PVC pipes at home though :(

the colour abit saturated lah. took using flash in a pitch dark living room.

errm, ich problem is very very much better. :) hypo FTW!

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It will be a joy and talk of the town to see that you succeed with the coliny. Why not try talk to digiman about letting you keep them as a pair. All the best Lemon !

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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  • Senior Reefer

It will be a joy and talk of the town to see that you succeed with the coliny. Why not try talk to digiman about letting you keep them as a pair. All the best Lemon !

thanks cedric! yes very difficult to keep them alive let alone pair them.

i'm happy with just one though. i obtained it as a lone individual and asked digiman if he wanted the other individual at iwarna. i separated them in my qt but they accidently escape and happened to pair up lol.

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thanks cedric! yes very difficult to keep them alive let alone pair them.

i'm happy with just one though. i obtained it as a lone individual and asked digiman if he wanted the other individual at iwarna. i separated them in my qt but they accidently escape and happened to pair up lol.

It would be the first colini pair in SG if I am not wrong...

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It would be the first colini pair in SG if I am not wrong...

not sure if it's the first pair or not. pair or non pair, i'm fine with both and colini is definately a splendid fish

I wonder if this is suitable as a temporary shelter. Commonly used for freshwater hobby.

many things are suitable for shelter. that one you posted is good too.

even those ceramic flower pots or castle, fake bridges sold in FW shops are more than excellent. to a fish, as long as it's dark and can hide in, it's a good shelter hehe.

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  • Senior Reefer

my colini pair may be the first in singapore, but it's definitely old news to the rest of the world.

here's a nice pair from reefcentral. RCT has also successfully bred colini angels before.


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  • Senior Reefer

:( look at how healthy this fella's pair is.

should i add in a dither fish to my QT to socialise with my colini pair? perhaps monkey see monkey do and they will learn to feed too.

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