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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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its v small. only like 50 cent coin size.

and it's hiding under a rock now. have to wait for it to come out :}

50cent coin!! wao.. thats small and cute.. hope it grows big soon! :)

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lemon, where the fishes you bot from HK? any updates?

the butterfly i bought did not make it after 2-3 weeks. i believe the stress of shipping was too much for it to handle.

but the undescribed species of anthias i brought back is doing awesome and is spawning everynight.

the anthias is undescribed but similar in appearance to Pseudanthias marcia. the books by S. michael label it as "Pseudanthias sp. 4"

this is what it looks like.

its pink with yellow dusting at the tail region.

when it's displaying to the female, the tail becomes red and the body has a red bar.

pics borrowed from RC




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The anthias look beautiful. could it be another rare and "unexpected catch"?

Kinda sad that the butterfly died, you sold the other one? Some bro posted that should put in vaccum vase, wonder if this might somehow reduce the stress level...

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the butterfly i bought did not make it after 2-3 weeks. i believe the stress of shipping was too much for it to handle.

but the undescribed species of anthias i brought back is doing awesome and is spawning everynight.

the anthias is undescribed but similar in appearance to Pseudanthias marcia. the books by S. michael label it as "Pseudanthias sp. 4"

this is what it looks like.

its pink with yellow dusting at the tail region.

when it's displaying to the female, the tail becomes red and the body has a red bar.

pics borrowed from RC

Your is slightly different... Yours have a red bar...

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The anthias look beautiful. could it be another rare and "unexpected catch"?

Kinda sad that the butterfly died, you sold the other one? Some bro posted that should put in vaccum vase, wonder if this might somehow reduce the stress level...

It was solded to me... It started breathing heavily the 2nd night and didnt make it pass that night.. The corpse is still in my freezer...

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This is really sad :(. Freeze it to find out the cause of death? could it be due to compression problem on aircraft? luggage holding area air pressure is not similiar to cabin air.

It was solded to me... It started breathing heavily the 2nd night and didnt make it pass that night.. The corpse is still in my freezer...

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the genus "flabelligobius" is very mysterious and not much is known about them. almost all species in this genus are undescribed.

this is the most commonly known flabelligobius sp. it's undescribed and very rare in the trade.


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i did not obtain the above mentioned flabelligobius. that would just be insane.

instead, i obtained another undescribed species from the same genus!

it is however, less showy than the black one above.

it's also undescribed.

it's now paired with a randall's pistol shrimp and will go into my brother's nano tank soon.



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here's 2 photos of the same goby i obtained, but this is in the wild.

the website labelled it as Flabelligobius sp.

actually now i'm unsure if it's flabelligobius sp, or F. latruncularia...

it does look abit like latruncularia but abit different.

i hope some goby expert can chime in.

gobies are not my area of specialty,



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I thought is the black one when you sms me.. Reborn bought in a few of this before.. no one even bothered about it.. all in one tank.. I have already decommed that time and breeding betta.. so I dint buy them...

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I thought is the black one when you sms me.. Reborn bought in a few of this before.. no one even bothered about it.. all in one tank.. I have already decommed that time and breeding betta.. so I dint buy them...

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

i told u it's not the black one mah.

i think the black one and even this one reborn brought in before. but very obsure lah. i PM marinebetta to see if he knows the ID of it. i only know it's flabelligobius. dunno what species it is..

looks like a mudskipper ._.

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i told u it's not the black one mah.

i think the black one and even this one reborn brought in before. but very obsure lah. i PM marinebetta to see if he knows the ID of it. i only know it's flabelligobius. dunno what species it is..

looks like a mudskipper ._.

I thought the brown is dark brown kind.. lol.. I think I have the ID on my laptop but not sure if it is the one and I not at home..

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Most possibility is Tomiyamichthys oni.. from our area..

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it's not a flabelligobius!

thanks for the ID!

strange. the japanese website lists the exact same fish as flabelligobius.

i need to do more re-search on gobies. my goby ID-ing skills is terrible!

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it's not a flabelligobius!

thanks for the ID!

strange. the japanese website lists the exact same fish as flabelligobius.

i need to do more re-search on gobies. my goby ID-ing skills is terrible!

Most flabelligobious is found in Japan and only a few species I think..

The dorsal fin will tell the sex.. if any more came.. I guess it is not expensive bah.

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here's 2 photos of the same goby i obtained, but this is in the wild.

the website labelled it as Flabelligobius sp.

actually now i'm unsure if it's flabelligobius sp, or F. latruncularia...

it does look abit like latruncularia but abit different.

i hope some goby expert can chime in.

gobies are not my area of specialty,

Came in before from Reborn & Irene shipment. Think vaguely remember seeing it in Iwarna before. Tried keeping before but all went M.I.A. A very very timid fish from what I remember. And they have quite a shocking bite for their size.

Always something more important than fish.


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Came in before from Reborn & Irene shipment. Think vaguely remember seeing it in Iwarna before. Tried keeping before but all went M.I.A. A very very timid fish from what I remember. And they have quite a shocking bite for their size.

Yep, used to have a pair of this but they are very very shy. I thought they went MIA after a while but after I tore down the tank, I found out that they are alive and kicking. Elusive fishes

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No leh, my wishlist still maintains, C. Hotumantua, B. Opercularis and A. Chrysogaster(so gutted that I lost my pair)

hotumatua cannot get now bah.

opercularis even if have are you willing to pay?

chrysogaster can get.

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