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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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  • Senior Reefer

Lol... I'm so bad at ID... I think its closer to Centropyge flavicauda instead. Here's a pic from the net that most resembles what I have.

yes C. flavicauda.

but it's the smallest dwarf angel and it's perfect for nano tanks. if you like it, it will make a great addition to your tank.

becareful though, flavicauda angel can get rather aggressive when settled down. it should have no problem feeding soon. it's a very easy fish.

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  • Senior Reefer

I like the blue edges... looks really good under LEDs. Its currently under scrutiny by the multi-color. :heh:

if you're patient, you can find entirely blue flavicauda angels.

whole body navy blue.

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  • Senior Reefer

just ranting, don't mind me.

this two pictures are of my declivis butterflies. the first picture is my current one, the second picture was the one in my old tank before i decomm.

as you can see, the backs are very black and there's hardly any yellow on it.

Scott michael's book list it as C. declivis wilderi, a subgenus which has the black colouration predominantly.



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  • Senior Reefer

These two super yellow ones... i really want a lot.

i've only seen it once at CF 2 years ago and never again. it's apparently very common in the U.S but why are they so rare here, i don't know. i've been told that as they age, the yellow comes out more. but there are tons of juvenile specimens online with bright yellow patches, as well as tons of adults online with black patches. so this theory seems a little off.

scott michael lists this yellow one, as a subgenus, C. declivis declivis.

so. two subgenus, two different colours.


- end of rant.



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just ranting, don't mind me.

this two pictures are of my declivis butterflies. the first picture is my current one, the second picture was the one in my old tank before i decomm.

as you can see, the backs are very black and there's hardly any yellow on it.

Scott michael's book list it as C. declivis wilderi, a subgenus which has the black colouration predominantly.

Beautiful butterfly,wish I got one of this in my tank :thumbsup:

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  • Senior Reefer

today is a sad day for me.

I just realised that i've not seen my Rosefascia fairy wrasse.

It's gone! it MIA for no reason.

fairy wrasse have this sickening behaviour of just dissapearing one day without notice. and i've lost some of my most precious wrasses like this. But this time i lost my rarest one. Cirrhilabrus roseafascia. The only one left in Singapore. now there are none!

i kept it from a 2 inch female to a 4 inch male and then it suddenly just dissapeared. whereever you are, R.I.P!


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  • Senior Reefer


i've always been a fan of your Roseafascia since the day you got it. amazingly beautiful fish.

is there any chance that it has gone into hiding for the time being?

no. fairy wrasses do not hide during the day unless something is bothering it. my roseafascia is the biggest fairy in my tank and is the boss. no reason why it should hide. oh gosh i'm so sad.

roseafascia is extraordinarily rare in Singapore. the only people who have ever kept roseafascia was kueytoc and me (as far as i know). mine was the last one here and now there's no more. i'm more sad now that my marginalis butterfly (also one left in singapore) died.

here's the story on my roseafascia for those who are interested to hear.

I obtained 2 females that were mixed up with some other fairy wrasses. No one saw it but i took notice and was so excited! the condition in which i obtained them was not very good, and one of them did not make it. no worries, because i still had one.


the remaining one was also a tiny little female. i treasured it alot and it was my goal to grow it into a big male.


over the months it grew, quite quickly i must say, into a small sub-male. i was pleased and i was so happy! i loved my rare roseafascia alot. it's almost impossible to obtain one here!


fast forward many months later, almost a year, it has grown into a big 4 inch male. the tail has yet to fully develop yet though.


and then it's gone. i just did not see it anymore.

devastated. fairy wrasse and flasher wrasses have this sickening behavior of sometimes just vanishing without reason. has anyone experienced that before? or is it just me.

i don't know why, but i miss my roseafascia already

it was fun raising it into a male. but why did it have to go like that.

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  • Senior Reefer

Beautiful butterfly,wish I got one of this in my tank :thumbsup:

you can own one if you really want to.

declivis butterflies are common and very hardy. they feed very easily and are bullet proof once stabalised. and they are not overly expensive. LCK and iwarna sells them for about 15-17 red notes.

here's two more photos for you.



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no. fairy wrasses do not hide during the day unless something is bothering it. my roseafascia is the biggest fairy in my tank and is the boss. no reason why it should hide. oh gosh i'm so sad.

roseafascia is extraordinarily rare in Singapore. the only people who have ever kept roseafascia was kueytoc and me (as far as i know). mine was the last one here and now there's no more.

For the record, i had a pair of Roseafascia before, the male was stunning but was very unstable when brought in. ( 2 years + ago ).As a result kenna by other fishes and died. he died for a reason, though. The female was left untouched ( old fishes always bully the weakest new fish ) and was in my tank for many months. One fine morning, as i was leaving home, i touched my tank to say goodbye, the poor rose got a shock ( Rose always swim near the surface ) and jumped over and behind the tank. I couldnt reach it, with the wall against the tank's back. By the time, i managed to get it, it was covered with dust and hardened.

Bloodly long winded,mike


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  • Senior Reefer

For the record, i had a pair of Roseafascia before, the male was stunning but was very unstable when brought in. ( 2 years + ago ).As a result kenna by other fishes and died. he died for a reason, though. The female was left untouched ( old fishes always bully the weakest new fish ) and was in my tank for many months. One fine morning, as i was leaving home, i touched my tank to say goodbye, the poor rose got a shock ( Rose always swim near the surface ) and jumped over and behind the tank. I couldnt reach it, with the wall against the tank's back. By the time, i managed to get it, it was covered with dust and hardened.

Bloodly long winded,mike


there are more people who have kept it before.

but like i said, the only people whom i know who has kept before, is kueytoc and me. and now i know, you also! so if there are more ppl who has kept roseafascia before, please post here?

it still remains a super rare fish in singapore and now no more i believe.

sorry to hear about your roseafascia.

for the record, the males are very aggressive when stable.

i tkae photo using iphone 4. put against the glass, focus and take.

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  • Senior Reefer

So sad bro... Hope it jus hiding somewher.... Fish can be mysterious... One day u thought they r gone, e next day they appeared...

i really hope so... but i'm not positive about it.

i've kept many fairy wrasses before and i've lost many of them like this. if they dont appear for 1-2 days, that's it. gone liao.

i lost my rhomboid, marjorie and some other wrasses like this.

fairy and flsaher wrasses are very sensitive. a little bit of problem they will hide and just don't appear ever again.

even rescape or sometimes even water change can make them MIA for no reason!

that's why i refrain from buying expensive fairy wrasses. nowadays i hunt for cheap and rare fairies. my roseafascia was one of them. super rare but i got it at a cheap price because it was an accidental shipment and was sold same price for female flame wrasse.

philippine shipments sometimes have v rare fairy wrasse. roseafascia can get from philippine shipment too. lunatus fairy as well as melanomarginatus. and all these will but sold at cheap price due to the shipment location.

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  • Senior Reefer

sorry for your loss bro ... such a nice wrasse. btw, how long haven't you seen it ?

i'm not sure.

usually when they MIA like that it catches me by surprise. i will just suddenly realise it's not swimming around and then can't recall when was the last time i saw it.

probably 2 days? maybe 3?

that's why i say it's most probably gone.

but it's ok....

part and parcel of reefing. you win some you lose some. just that lately i've been losing too many.

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  • SRC Member

so once they go missing a couple of days, there's really no chance at all that for some reason they're hiding, and come out during the dark ? just wondering ... my clown goby long time ago disappeared, and i was only able to accept that it was indeed gone maybe after a week of not seeing it ... well it is quite tiny compared to this though ...

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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  • Senior Reefer

so once they go missing a couple of days, there's really no chance at all that for some reason they're hiding, and come out during the dark ? just wondering ... my clown goby long time ago disappeared, and i was only able to accept that it was indeed gone maybe after a week of not seeing it ... well it is quite tiny compared to this though ...

fairyw rasses are different.

they don't hide in the day unless chased or targetted. so no reason why it will hide and MIA. this problem is common amongst wrasse keepers. but no one knows where they go or why they dissapear

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there are more people who have kept it before.

but like i said, the only people whom i know who has kept before, is kueytoc and me. and now i know, you also! so if there are more ppl who has kept roseafascia before, please post here?

it still remains a super rare fish in singapore and now no more i believe.

sorry to hear about your roseafascia.

for the record, the males are very aggressive when stable.

i tkae photo using iphone 4. put against the glass, focus and take.

Thanks,LL. Let me try. Just got an Iphone for my daughter.

Heres a old pic of Rose..


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