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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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  • Senior Reefer

My terelabrus has thicker red bars den yours, but probably becos mine is bigger.

The tail is broken on its own i believe and not due to any culprit. Becos mine also torn after a few days. Maybe due to fin burns.

mine broken today only lei.

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  • SRC Member

nice shots of the fishes bro.. i always had trouble capturing shots of fishes.. usually end up with TONS of photos, and only 1 usable hahaha..

anyway i love how your roseafascia has grown so much and is now a stunning male.. welldone.gif

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  • Senior Reefer

nice shots of the fishes bro.. i always had trouble capturing shots of fishes.. usually end up with TONS of photos, and only 1 usable hahaha..

anyway i love how your roseafascia has grown so much and is now a stunning male.. welldone.gif

yes it's grown alot but it's no where near stunning!

roseafascias are one of the most beautiful fairy wrasses and can grow up to 9 inches including tail.

mine is no where near... :(

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  • Senior Reefer

this was my roseafascia when it was just a little female.

i had 2. one did not make it. so i'm left with one...

it was mixing in a tub full of lineatus and flame wrasses. . did not take long to realise these were gems hidden in a pile of other fairy wrasse.



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  • Senior Reefer

it has grown since, but it will never look like these.

these are wild caught and are fully grown. look at the size of that massive tail!

rosefascia's are one of the largest fairy wrasses and can grow to 9 inches.

i guess it will never develop to it's full potential in a enclosed environment. but heck, the only roseafascia in singapore is enjoying life in my tank now. so there's no complain here.



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this was my roseafascia when it was just a little female.

i had 2. one did not make it. so i'm left with one...

it was mixing in a tub full of lineatus and flame wrasses. . did not take long to realise these were gems hidden in a pile of other fairy wrasse.

How nostalgic! Both were in my tanks for a period of time and i remember they were so cute and red under my dim lighting.

Now it has grown big and fat and scary!

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  • Senior Reefer

How nostalgic! Both were in my tanks for a period of time and i remember they were so cute and red under my dim lighting.

Now it has grown big and fat and scary!

Yalo actually ur right. It's nicer when smaller. And thx for holding them for me that time

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  • Senior Reefer

i found another hybrid flasher wrasse.

as i've said in the past, hybrid flasher wrasses are very common. in fact, just as common as non-hybrids. because flasher wrasses have a very messy and non-organised spawning pattern in the wild, similar species tend to mix and spawn at the same time. causing many hybrids to occur.

this one is a flavianalis x filamentosus hybrid. the most common hybrid you can find. and in every shipment there will be at least 1, if not more.

look at the tail.

a long lunated tail from filament X the rounded tail from flavianalis will result in the double emarginated tail that the hybrid posesses. it also has a verticle band on the tail which came from flavianalis.

cost the same as a non-hybrid, looks almost the same. takes a real fish geek to see. it's common, not rare, not expensive. just a little bit more unique! so if you like it, you can take a try at trying to find one next time!



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  • Senior Reefer

Sweet... I wish I had such an eye for detail.

actually it's not difficult once you get the basics right. it's like SPS.

some people like cedric, joe p etc have very detailed eyes and can differentiate all the SPS species based on looking.

i for one, can never tell apart all the acropora.

but when it comes to fish, the littlest detail makes a whole lot of difference and i can tell apart a from b, and b from c.

i guess if you're really interested in something, then it automatically becomes easy.

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  • Senior Reefer

Got back my camera and its ready to be used. When do you need it?

haha. anytime.

i need to take a good photo of my hooded wrasse flashing. you think you can help me?

but it's not goign to be easy because i cnanot control when it's going to flash and it might not flash at all! so you need to be pretty free and hang around for awhile.

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haha. anytime.

i need to take a good photo of my hooded wrasse flashing. you think you can help me?

but it's not goign to be easy because i cnanot control when it's going to flash and it might not flash at all! so you need to be pretty free and hang around for awhile.

Ok, no problem glad to help, will be free from 1500hrs tmrw onwards so let me know a good time. Will pray that your wrasse cooperate for the shoot.

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i'm free 1500 hours tomorrow too.

so tomorrow is a good day.

if not, weekend also fine :)

anyone else want to come also can. maybe i can frag some stuff and pass to you guys..

Ok see you tmrw then.

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