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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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after i change my bulbs to 12k, it's impossible to take photos. all come out so blue.

i like the front better oso. v hard to scape 3 sided square tank.

softies nice but the SPS need to grow faster to keep up!

Agree! I think your SPS too puny for the tank! Softies are like HUGE!

But still got the natural tinge to the tank hehe (:

what's the huge softie on the left? (:

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Agree! I think your SPS too puny for the tank! Softies are like HUGE!

But still got the natural tinge to the tank hehe (:

what's the huge softie on the left? (:

litophyton sp. if i'm not wrong.

ID-ed by terryz.

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Lovely, as usual.

Issit your camera setting? But the blue stag seemed to have lost a little blue?

stag still blue, but yes, not as blue as it used to be.

this one attributed to my rather high fish load i guess :0 or maybe light placement.

but for me, SPS's colour is not priority. i can never achieve colour because of my fishes and my negligence.

so healthy, + growing + NOT BROWN = happy lemon :)

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stag still blue, but yes, not as blue as it used to be.

this one attributed to my rather high fish load i guess :0 or maybe light placement.

but for me, SPS's colour is not priority. i can never achieve colour because of my fishes and my negligence.

so healthy, + growing + NOT BROWN = happy lemon :)

Actually it's just a very slight colour change isn't it? Still doing very well.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



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Actually it's just a very slight colour change isn't it? Still doing very well.

Yes juz slight change. Not as intense, but not brown.

Right side need more corals. If u have trouble maintaining blue color sps but not other colors maybe get a potassium testkit, could be low on that aspect.


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so healthy, + growing + NOT BROWN = happy lemon :)

AHHAHAHA That's a good one!!!! I SECOND THAT! :yahoo:

For me, SPS .. only free ones then I put in cause I know my water parameters will NEVER be able to sustain expensive ones.. hopefully this time around can sustain the LPS and zoos I intend to keep. :superman:


Cheers, ;)


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This one faded alot!

when i first got it, it was purplish blue. but now it faded to a light lavender colour with abit of brown. blue is still slightly kept in the tips. more blue when seen from side.

no worries, i love this piece as it breaks the shape of my scape.

post-15755-075139100 1291287667_thumb.jp

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one of the 3 i have.

they are growing very well and pulse pretty well too. first time success. never had success in my old tank. they just die after awhile.

probably need strong lights and fast currents.

post-15755-036556500 1291287818_thumb.jp

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