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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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  • SRC Member

lemon,your tank vid is AWESOME.... absolutely wonderful.. :) I can't wait to start stocking up my tank once the parameters are steady... :)

Cheers, ;)


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  • Senior Reefer

Bro, nice video! Like the FTS too! :thumbsup:

thanks bro :)

the FT"S" hehe.

hope to see lemon tank one day

with exotic fishes etc

always c so many gd comment on it

looking forward to it

Thanks bro.

you're welcome to visit whenever i'm free and you're in the vicinity.

exotic fishes? no lah not say VERY exotic.

lemon,your tank vid is AWESOME.... absolutely wonderful.. :) I can't wait to start stocking up my tank once the parameters are steady... :)

thanks desi!

can't wait for you to stock up also then can go LFS together.

what's the 2001 fish? hahaha

hmm, telling you is no fun!

Next time you go CF, get the big folder with all the fish names and serial numbers and look up number 2001.

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  • Senior Reefer

Nice scaping man .. love the 3 island look, are there any dead spots the flow cant reach? Fishes look so healthy and happy too.

thank you. it's terribly difficult to show the depth of the scape using photograph. only video can show.

actually there's 5 "islands".

3 infront, 2 at the back.

the rocks are very far apart from each other and thus circulation is very brisk between the rocks and there is minimal dead spots.

there are only 2 dead spots and both are at the back left corner of the tank. but the problem is solves using 1 small tunze 6045 from my old tank which is specifically aimed at that spot.

yes the fishes are all very happy and healthy. my current two favourites are the "vanderbilt chromises". i took many shots of them in the video.

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thanks bro :)

hmm, telling you is no fun!

Next time you go CF, get the big folder with all the fish names and serial numbers and look up number 2001.

Went to CF w Jon jux now, Auntie remembers my "2001" fish haha. But she say that one v difficult to keep and hard to get, that means she has recollection of the "2001" fish!

Also more shockingly, CF auntie's piglet fish is sold!! Someone pleaded the boss and finally it was sold to him at a sky high price! I dunno how much cos auntie dun wan to disclose, but she say really sky high! The piglet fish will be left there for some time for others' admirations after that will be collected. She claims the piglet fish is a toby, but i told her it's definitely a puffer, but she say no la she think is a toby, so i dun wan to argue w her!

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  • Senior Reefer

Went to CF w Jon jux now, Auntie remembers my "2001" fish haha. But she say that one v difficult to keep and hard to get, that means she has recollection of the "2001" fish!

Also more shockingly, CF auntie's piglet fish is sold!! Someone pleaded the boss and finally it was sold to him at a sky high price! I dunno how much cos auntie dun wan to disclose, but she say really sky high! The piglet fish will be left there for some time for others' admirations after that will be collected. She claims the piglet fish is a toby, but i told her it's definitely a puffer, but she say no la she think is a toby, so i dun wan to argue w her!


poor aunty now she will be so bored and sad. must find her another pet next time.

TOBY!? sigh....

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the brand new LPS seen at pinnicle that day is available now!

remember you asked me what it was and i told you i forgot the name?

it's Australomussa rowleyensis and it can be found in nearby indo shipments. This is a rather new coral to hit the trade and i was pleasently surprised to see this insane LPS at Pinnicle. :) in fact, the exact piece at pinnicle was this pictured below.

Anyway i just finished takign a tank video with many shots of the orange true octo. :D

Thanks lemon for the id, now i know it's rowleyensis :thumbsup:

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  • Senior Reefer

can someone explain something to me?

My water parameters.

Mg - 1350

Ca - 380

KH - 8.3

PO4 - 0

NO3 - 0

water parameters look ok to me but i've had some problem with my SPS.

one of my longest living SPS (my first SPS), a blue stag frag, suddenly RTN. so i throw away today.

one tort frag which i just got 2 days ago, STN today. Ok lah this one die nvm coz it's fresh from shipment and maybe stress or wat i dunno.

My pink millie some of the tips "burnt" off and is white. i understand this can be due to high KH but KH seems fine to me? This millie continues to have very healthy polyp extension.

other than that no problem. all other SPS doing ok with healthy polyp extension.

the only reason i can think off is for the past 2 days, my skimmer has been turned off. accidently turned off because i mistook it for another switch. however it has been 2 days only and for the past 2 days i did not even feed my tank anyway coz i was too busy.

so can anyone tell me what's going on?

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Some factors that I had encountered in the past.

A drop in specific gravity (often neglected, school boy error.. I kena twice)

Direct flow on yellow BN caused tissue blown off at the tip. RTN in 1 day.

Sudden change in light/flow. STN

Stung by more aggressive SPS. RTN in 1 day too.

That's my (limited) experience.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



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  • Senior Reefer

Some factors that I had encountered in the past.

A drop in specific gravity (often neglected, school boy error.. I kena twice)

Direct flow on yellow BN caused tissue blown off at the tip. RTN in 1 day.

Sudden change in light/flow. STN

Stung by more aggressive SPS. RTN in 1 day too.

That's my (limited) experience.

the SG has been kept rather constant.

flow, light, stinging all very unlikely. i've never changed lighting periods nor wavemaker adjustment. my tunze set on pulse so the flow is random and turbid.

sting cannot be coz none of my SPS touching each other.

i'm stumped... i hope none of my SPS start having burnt tips and STN/RTN.

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  • SRC Member

well did the skimmer go mad skimming after u turned it back on? Did u dose anything during the 2 days it was off? Could only be high nutrient during the 2 days or something u might have added during the 2 days just my humble opinion. Parameters look ok cept Cal abit on the low side but i agree notin to indicate sudden RTN.

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  • Senior Reefer

well did the skimmer go mad skimming after u turned it back on? Did u dose anything during the 2 days it was off? Could only be high nutrient during the 2 days or something u might have added during the 2 days just my humble opinion. Parameters look ok cept Cal abit on the low side but i agree notin to indicate sudden RTN.

actually the skimmer was skimming as per normal. i did a water change and the skimmer went crazy. starting overflowing, but it was overflowing water. i wanted to turn off some other plug but accidently turned off the skimmer. today only just noticed so i re-turned it on, but it was over-flowing again. i think there must be something from the WC that caused the skimmer to over-skim like crazy.

so i tuned it and now get the skimming back to normal. but whatever it's trying to skim out should be out in 1-2 days. perhaps that's what's causing the STN/RTN? that "something" that was from my WC that was causing my skimmer to skim out lots of water and overflow.

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  • SRC Member

Skimmer turned off for two days

will not cause SPS to STN~~

High Nutrient will cause Sps to browned out

first but not leading to Stn or RTN

Stn or Rtn for no reason normally is due

to water parameters or unhealthy sps that

u got in the first place or worse/Flatworms

,bugs etc

Remove your sps and dip into Coral RX, and

start doing water changes.

Constance shifting of Sps will also stress

them out too :)

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Hmm...indeed a very perculare situation and very difficult to derive the cause of it.

However, SPS do STN / RTN ( though less lightly ) even in matured systems for no apparent reasons, and yes... Staghorn tend to exhibit more of such behavoir compare to others such as birdnest or poccillopora.

In your case, the skimmer behaving strangely after your wc could be one main reason to the rtn.

Sadly, in the case of NSW we cannot know the quality of it except at the hands of the provider.

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  • Senior Reefer

Hmm...indeed a very perculare situation and very difficult to derive the cause of it.

However, SPS do STN / RTN ( though less lightly ) even in matured systems for no apparent reasons, and yes... Staghorn tend to exhibit more of such behavoir compare to others such as birdnest or poccillopora.

In your case, the skimmer behaving strangely after your wc could be one main reason to the rtn.

Sadly, in the case of NSW we cannot know the quality of it except at the hands of the provider.

just see how lor. nothing i can do now.

the parameters are ok as far as i'm concerned. just up calcium abit more..

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  • SRC Member

When i first started with Sps

I also used NSW, but found out

that end results dont turn out

to be so well, perhaps due to the

bad pollution of region seas nowdays

It is better to use mixed salt, at least

can monitor and adjust the water parameter

that suits our sps :)

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  • Senior Reefer

When i first started with Sps

I also used NSW, but found out

that end results dont turn out

to be so well, perhaps due to the

bad pollution of region seas nowdays

It is better to use mixed salt, at least

can monitor and adjust the water parameter

that suits our sps :)

to each their own.

i've never used salt mix since first day of my reefing until now.

i know many people who use NSW only and no problem. in fact, have some of the nicest SPS tanks. they just never post here.

but you're right... each batch of water is different and need to adjust.

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