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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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Wow...speak of fish and you are really excited about it :lol:

That's very modest of you, i think you will go very far in this area of expertise.

Keep the flame of passion going, and who knows one day you wouldnt be one of asia's john coppolino ? :upsidedown:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Wow...speak of fish and you are really excited about it :lol:

That's very modest of you, i think you will go very far in this area of expertise.

Keep the flame of passion going, and who knows one day you wouldnt be one of asia's john coppolino ? :upsidedown:

haha, I always worried the "Lemon's New Fruity Tank SPS tank !" will end up with a fish tank instead of SPS tank :groupwavereversed:

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  • Senior Reefer

Cirrhilabrus naokoae

Naoko's fairy wrasse. Described by Randall and Tanaka. Dr. Hiroyukia Tanaka named this fish after his wife, Naoko. females are ridiculously rare in the trade and are almost never shipped in.

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  • Senior Reefer

Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus.

The hooded wrasse. this variant comes from Northern-middle part of Vanuatu around Efate island. The hood is red and is a clear and distinct cut from the orange body.

One of my absolute favourite fishes and i've been waiting so so long for them. Not a very old species, this is a relatively new wrasse described by Randall and Nagareda in 2002. Less than 10 years only.

Must thank bro lcf425 for letting me have it even though he went earlier. A special thanks and i'm very grateful. When the Australian variant of the hooded wrasse came in such huge quantities, i controlled and waited for the Vanuatu one. Only 2 specimens came and i was a little late, but thank you again bro lcf425 for letting me have it.

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Nice hooded and naoko. They will be more beautiful in the days to come until u add the roseafascia back.

hahahaha.. roseafascia is that fierce meh? anyway beautiful hooded. I saw lawrance's in the container just now. really very chio! worth every single buck for it! :)

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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  • Senior Reefer

hahahaha.. roseafascia is that fierce meh? anyway beautiful hooded. I saw lawrance's in the container just now. really very chio! worth every single buck for it! :)


sorry couldnt talk to u just now. was talking on my phone and it's giving me f* alot of problems. it only works on loudspeaker. the headset does not work.

you have no idea how fierce roseafascia is.

the terror that it is is just legendary.

anyway, beauperryi and naoko wrasse are also very aggressive when settled down. but both of them are getting beaten to a pulp single handedly by 1 roseafascia. and it's piece of cake for it.

so im letting the beauperryi and naoko get comfortable first and show their aggressive side. then i'll introduce back the roseafascia and the 2 will hopefully, be strong enough to fend against the roseafascia.

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  • Senior Reefer

Nice hooded and naoko. They will be more beautiful in the days to come until u add the roseafascia back.


they will be more beautiful in the days to come even after adding the roseafascia back.

that is, the dream anyway. :)

can lah. naoko and beauperryi also 2 terror fish.

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sorry couldnt talk to u just now. was talking on my phone and it's giving me f* alot of problems. it only works on loudspeaker. the headset does not work.

you have no idea how fierce roseafascia is.

the terror that it is is just legendary.

anyway, beauperryi and naoko wrasse are also very aggressive when settled down. but both of them are getting beaten to a pulp single handedly by 1 roseafascia. and it's piece of cake for it.

so im letting the beauperryi and naoko get comfortable first and show their aggressive side. then i'll introduce back the roseafascia and the 2 will hopefully, be strong enough to fend against the roseafascia.

it's okay bro. hahaha :)

woot! so rambo ah! zzzz. whats the roseafascia now?

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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  • Senior Reefer

it's okay bro. hahaha :)

woot! so rambo ah! zzzz. whats the roseafascia now?

in my sump tank with the venustus angel.

my sump has a compartment with liverocks and a sand bed.

i'm keeping my venustus angel there temporarily because there was a point in time where it was bullying my other fish. but it's very greedy and very very healthy and that's very difficult to achieve for a venustus angel.

i've tried i think around 6 venustus. this is my final try and succeeded. eating like a machine, never stop. but for now it's in my sump in solitary confinement. it's happier here actually. it prefers the dimmer lighting since it's a deepwater cave dwelling species.

the roseafascia too. roseafascia is a deepwater wrasse that don't see much sunlight, unlike their shallower water brethrens. so it's colouration really improve 10x in the dimmer sump tank and the rose colouration is really striking.

good also lah. both of them can rot down there while my other peaceful fishes gain confidence.

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in my sump tank with the venustus angel.

my sump has a compartment with liverocks and a sand bed.

i'm keeping my venustus angel there temporarily because there was a point in time where it was bullying my other fish. but it's very greedy and very very healthy and that's very difficult to achieve for a venustus angel.

i've tried i think around 6 venustus. this is my final try and succeeded. eating like a machine, never stop. but for now it's in my sump in solitary confinement. it's happier here actually. it prefers the dimmer lighting since it's a deepwater cave dwelling species.

the roseafascia too. roseafascia is a deepwater wrasse that don't see much sunlight, unlike their shallower water brethrens. so it's colouration really improve 10x in the dimmer sump tank and the rose colouration is really striking.

good also lah. both of them can rot down there while my other peaceful fishes gain confidence.

hahahaha just remember to put them back someday yeah! or you can set up another tank under your main tank! remember? it's still an empty space! hahaha :)

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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  • Senior Reefer

hahahaha just remember to put them back someday yeah! or you can set up another tank under your main tank! remember? it's still an empty space! hahaha :)

i will put them back dun worry.

no its not an empty space anymore.

my CR, UV, test kits, barang barang etc etc etc, power plugs everything inside liao.

good also lah coz then i have somewhere to keep all these things.

but if ever the day come when i want to build another tank inside, i will just move all those junk to my storeroom.

cannot set up another tank for roseafascia. max size 9 to 10 inches. largest fairy wrasse in the world. needs a big spacious tank with tons of swimming space.

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  • Senior Reefer

i posted all these photos of roseafascia in the rare fish thread but i don't think anyone reads that thread except fish nerds like me, so i'll post here.

these below are some pictures of full grown terminal male C. roseafascia. their range actually very wide, from cebu to new caledonia, to palau, to fiji and some other locales. however they are deepwater, not abundant and hard to find.

the body colour is light pink with a dark pink band from the snout to the tail just below the dorsal fin. this band gives it it's name, roseafascia. literally translated, it means rose-band. the common name is rose-banded fairy wrasse.

the characteristic of fully grown males roseafascia is the super super long tail. look at some of these photos of large males. the pelvic fins are sapphire blue which adds contrast to the light pink body.

it's going to take awhile before mine gets anywhere close to these photos. currently mine is only around 4 inches. not even halfway to max size at 9 inches!

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  • Senior Reefer

pls don't let the venustus angel rot down there. If need to i can provide a home

i was only joking about the rotting part.

like i've said earlier. the venustus angel loves it there.

it's the only fish apart from the roseafascia there. have ample swimming space, liverocks, macroalgae, feedings 2x a day. the lighting is subdued which replicates it's natural habitat. i don't feel like touching it coz it feels so at home there!

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yes yes apologise for that! haha.

i know you like angels. occasionally when we post some rare angels you will read and comment.


Hahaha spot on my dear friend, although i love angels, its very encouraging to see many reefers contributing to the above topic. It really is an eye opener, a good source of information worth reading through.

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  • Senior Reefer

nice tank bro!!! after so long, these few days been reading your threads.... i htink i will be back into this hobby very soon :welldone:

hey bro thanks!!!

been so so long since i've heard from you and pauline. hope both of you are ok, happy and hope your baby is healthy and happy too!

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  • SRC Member

Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus.

The hooded wrasse. this variant comes from Northern-middle part of Vanuatu around Efate island. The hood is red and is a clear and distinct cut from the orange body.

One of my absolute favourite fishes and i've been waiting so so long for them. Not a very old species, this is a relatively new wrasse described by Randall and Nagareda in 2002. Less than 10 years only.

Must thank bro lcf425 for letting me have it even though he went earlier. A special thanks and i'm very grateful. When the Australian variant of the hooded wrasse came in such huge quantities, i controlled and waited for the Vanuatu one. Only 2 specimens came and i was a little late, but thank you again bro lcf425 for letting me have it.

congrats for having this prized fish :D kudos to your dear fren whom let it out to u! love the colors! :eyebrow: hopefully we'll be able to have more soon.

" The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people! "

Randy Pausch, (The Last Lecture)

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  • SRC Member

Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus.

The hooded wrasse. this variant comes from Northern-middle part of Vanuatu around Efate island. The hood is red and is a clear and distinct cut from the orange body.

One of my absolute favourite fishes and i've been waiting so so long for them. Not a very old species, this is a relatively new wrasse described by Randall and Nagareda in 2002. Less than 10 years only.

Must thank bro lcf425 for letting me have it even though he went earlier. A special thanks and i'm very grateful. When the Australian variant of the hooded wrasse came in such huge quantities, i controlled and waited for the Vanuatu one. Only 2 specimens came and i was a little late, but thank you again bro lcf425 for letting me have it.

very nice pictures and soft specimen.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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  • Senior Reefer

congrats for having this prized fish :D kudos to your dear fren whom let it out to u! love the colors! :eyebrow: hopefully we'll be able to have more soon.

thanks :)

very nice pictures and soft specimen.

thanks :)

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