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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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  • Senior Reefer

finally, exquisite variant 5.

this is only from rowley shoals in western australia. unobtainable so forget about getting it.

look at the flashing colours! simply AMAZING.

if you look at all 5 variants of exquisite, the colours are so different and so is their flashing/nuptial colours. this led some ichthyologists to believe that all 5 variants are different species. but no solid evidence yet.

post-15755-031585900 1281248138_thumb.jp

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  • SRC Member

That was the exact same picture I saw that got me into the Exquisite Wrasse Craze.

Thanks for sharing the info about Exquisite Wrasses! ThanxSmiley.gif

Variant 1,2,3 they are quite nice. I specifically like Variant 2. The colors appeal to me.

Unobtainable. Hmm... I could break some rules in Diving but that be too troublesome. Hahaha. laugh.gif

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  • Senior Reefer

That was the exact same picture I saw that got me into the Exquisite Wrasse Craze.

Thanks for sharing the info about Exquisite Wrasses! ThanxSmiley.gif

Variant 1,2,3 they are quite nice. I specifically like Variant 2. The colors appeal to me.

Unobtainable. Hmm... I could break some rules in Diving but that be too troublesome. Hahaha. laugh.gif

unobtainable coz we dont have shipment from rowley shoals in west australia. the mutant wrasse coniella lives there

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  • Senior Reefer

Nice blue pocci... I wann try also..

shud be super hardy. you know where i got it right? :eyebrow: if it can survive there, it can survive anywhere.

I am definitely going to save up to get that book.

the book is excellent but there's one fairy wrasse that the book has no information on.

Cirrhilabrus claire.

endemic to Rarotonga @ Cooks Island.

extremely rare, no photograph or information or live specimen has ever been documented before except for the original holotype discovered by Randall and Pyle in 2001.

In the book written by rudie kuiter, it just list it as..

Cirrhilabrus claire -- N/A

gives you an idea how rare this fish is. wonder what's it's real colours..

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  • SRC Member

shud be super hardy. you know where i got it right? :eyebrow: if it can survive there, it can survive anywhere.

the book is excellent but there's one fairy wrasse that the book has no information on.

Cirrhilabrus claire.

endemic to Rarotonga @ Cooks Island.

extremely rare, no photograph or information or live specimen has ever been documented before except for the original holotype discovered by Randall and Pyle in 2001.

In the book written by rudie kuiter, it just list it as..

Cirrhilabrus claire -- N/A

gives you an idea how rare this fish is. wonder what's it's real colours..

Blue and black with purple eye.....

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  • Senior Reefer

Blue and black with purple eye.....


this is the only known photo of C. claire..

cannot tell from the poorly coloured dead specimen, but can tell there is 2 purple lines on it's face, resembling C. jordani, aka the flame wrasse.

post-15755-001283800 1281529263_thumb.jp

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  • Senior Reefer

Phymanthus crucifer.

the most well behaved anemones one can have. Commonly called rock anemones, for good reasons. they stay on rocks and never move.

the pink one is insane but i cannot capture the colour. this is the best i can but does no justice. the red tentacled one with the zebra stripes is my favourite.

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post-15755-012014000 1281536101_thumb.jp

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Phymanthus crucifer.

the most well behaved anemones one can have. Commonly called rock anemones, for good reasons. they stay on rocks and never move.

the pink one is insane but i cannot capture the colour. this is the best i can but does no justice. the red tentacled one with the zebra stripes is my favourite.

OMG... They look so nice... LOL..

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Phymanthus crucifer.

the most well behaved anemones one can have. Commonly called rock anemones, for good reasons. they stay on rocks and never move.

the pink one is insane but i cannot capture the colour. this is the best i can but does no justice. the red tentacled one with the zebra stripes is my favourite.

Are these in your tank?? They will stay at the original position? Dun need sand bed right? Thinking of getting one, v fed up w my RBTA, it keep moving here and there and hide under the cliff, cant see at all. Are these ex and will they eat fishes?

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Are these in your tank?? They will stay at the original position? Dun need sand bed right? Thinking of getting one, v fed up w my RBTA, it keep moving here and there and hide under the cliff, cant see at all. Are these ex and will they eat fishes?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes and No...

They are very nice..

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  • Senior Reefer

last qn, easy to keep as in photosynthetic or mux feed?

photosynthetic but don't need much light. T5 will suffice.

do note these don't host clownfishes. so if you planning on getting them to host, it won't work.

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