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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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hi mossrope :)

nice meeting you again ha!.

nope, did not get the snow basslet. although a very rare fish and possibly one of the first few ever to be exported out of the carribean, i did not get it. actually if i did, i could probably get on glassbox design lol.

the price is actually cheaper than those in the states. but still abit too pricey for me and i'm not really interested in it as much as wrasses or butterflies/angels.

so nope. din get it. maybe digiman will! and i hope he does.

i only bought 2 cleaner shrimps and 2 blood shrimps.

look so miniscule in my tank. maybe i should get 2 more of each.

wont they become a nuisance in future? i actually do not have a single shrimp in my tank because everyone's complaining so much bout them misbehaving after a while.

have you started your coral stocking?

Brown SPS > Kinder Surprise

White SPS = Kinder Surprise after expiry date

Assumption killed the dinosaurs, they didnt have test kits.

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wont they become a nuisance in future? i actually do not have a single shrimp in my tank because everyone's complaining so much bout them misbehaving after a while.

have you started your coral stocking?

yes they will become annoying like all cleaner shrimps.

but they're nice and their annoyance is usually quite mild and can be curbed.

when they get big, they get lazy and don't really clean ur fish. and they will steal food from your corals. can be prevented if you feed them first then feed your coral.

i get them coz they look nice. not for their cleaning.

corals? yes. very little only lah. few pieces of white pom pom fiji xenias, some rather hardy ones.

SPS not yet :)

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i only bought 2 cleaner shrimps and 2 blood shrimps.

look so miniscule in my tank. maybe i should get 2 more of each.

hey lemon..

how much did you get the blood shrimps for?

still have alot in RB?

didnt see carefully when i was there..

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

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hey lemon..

how much did you get the blood shrimps for?

still have alot in RB?

didnt see carefully when i was there..

i bought from ahbeng.

1.2 red notes each.

sealife has tons of them in case you want. CF also

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got back some of my old soft corals that have been kept by FuEl while my tank was getting ready.

got some of them back.

green nephtea

Oh my.. Lovely...

fiji xenias.

This is not the one from Iwarna shipment... This looks much more nicer...

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  • Senior Reefer

Oh my.. Lovely...

This is not the one from Iwarna shipment... This looks much more nicer...

yah these are from fiji. the one whiter one is from iwarna, the browner one is from reborn.

the one from reborn is very very old liao. started out white but now it's brown? dunno why.

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yah these are from fiji. the one whiter one is from iwarna, the browner one is from reborn.

the one from reborn is very very old liao. started out white but now it's brown? dunno why.

Will go and wait for this Xenia, They are so nice...

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Singapore's original cesptitularia colony from debut shipment. used to be 1.5ft tall now it's only a shadow of it's former glory. had this longggggg ago before i decom.

nevermind, wait for it to grow.

post-15755-041302800 1280060894_thumb.jp

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phymanthus crucifer

long long ago many months from iwarna's carribean shipment.

thanks to Joe_P for holding it for me all these months. i had 2 but one did not make it. died 2 days before i collected it. stupid right? lol

post-15755-089916400 1280060935_thumb.jp

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phymanthus crucifer

long long ago many months from iwarna's carribean shipment.

thanks to Joe_P for holding it for me all these months. i had 2 but one did not make it. died 2 days before i collected it. stupid right? lol

You actually bought it.. Thought you never buy?

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Lemon can post pics of your japanese swallow tail angel and also any updates on your multibar and colini angels

i don't have the japanese swallowtail angels.

i got the red sea swallowtail angel, the genicanthus caudovittatus. It's undergoing hypo so no photos. there might still be a pair of watanabei angels at CF if you want to buy.

multibar was very healthy and feeding, but did not make it when i transferred it to hypo. stressed till die.

colini died from cyanide and decompression loooooong ago liao.

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Don't think can add anymore angels, resident angels and fishes are all very territorial now. Even my long time CB is now in the survival of the fittest list, didn't see it for sometime already.

Furthermore i think the angels are paired up, doing mating and flaring moves once lights hits dusk.

Do keep us posted. Sad to hear about the multibar and colini.

Hey do you know any reason why my cesptitularia isn't expanding as before? JK says could be nutrient lv too low, whats your take?

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Don't think can add anymore angels, resident angels and fishes are all very territorial now. Even my long time CB is now in the survival of the fittest list, didn't see it for sometime already.

Furthermore i think the angels are paired up, doing mating and flaring moves once lights hits dusk.

Do keep us posted. Sad to hear about the multibar and colini.

Hey do you know any reason why my cesptitularia isn't expanding as before? JK says could be nutrient lv too low, whats your take?

It will be some time before he starts stocking again.. LOL...

Anyway the Cesp might be nutrient too low, try dosing trace element or amino acids?

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Don't think can add anymore angels, resident angels and fishes are all very territorial now. Even my long time CB is now in the survival of the fittest list, didn't see it for sometime already.

Furthermore i think the angels are paired up, doing mating and flaring moves once lights hits dusk.

Do keep us posted. Sad to hear about the multibar and colini.

Hey do you know any reason why my cesptitularia isn't expanding as before? JK says could be nutrient lv too low, whats your take?

define isn't expanding.

give it time. low to medium flow, medium light.

sometimes the pinnules (the flower like organs) may not open for the first few days-weeks.

nutrients? shouldn't be a problem... they can grow well in low nutrient tanks as well.

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my two colony of fiji white xenias.

the first one has been with me for very long, with me even since before my old tank decom. since reborn's debut fiji shipment. it's a strong pulser but the colour has faded gradually from white, to peach, to pink, and now relatively brown.

the second photo shows another colony from iwarna's previous walt smith's shipment. it's a very strong pulser, stronger than the first one. and the colour has remained white up till now. hopefully the colour will stay white and not fade to brown. so far i've tried them many times, and they always fade from white to brown over a few months.

sorry keep posting photos of the same few things. at this point nothing much to show hehe

post-15755-020275300 1280227542_thumb.jp

post-15755-028291700 1280227549_thumb.jp

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my two colony of fiji white xenias.

the first one has been with me for very long, with me even since before my old tank decom. since reborn's debut fiji shipment. it's a strong pulser but the colour has faded gradually from white, to peach, to pink, and now relatively brown.

the second photo shows another colony from iwarna's previous walt smith's shipment. it's a very strong pulser, stronger than the first one. and the colour has remained white up till now. hopefully the colour will stay white and not fade to brown. so far i've tried them many times, and they always fade from white to brown over a few months.

sorry keep posting photos of the same few things. at this point nothing much to show hehe

If by any chance, trimming the xenia let me know. LOL...

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