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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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I will be the 30-40%... LOL...

i've heard fuel say the word flukes more time than i've heard my mum call my name since the day i was born.

i'm starting to think the flukes in my tank was the result of his incessant talk about flukes. say so much until one day, it really happened.

dam curse. really dam curse.

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i've heard fuel say the word flukes more time than i've heard my mum call my name since the day i was born.

i'm starting to think the flukes in my tank was the result of his incessant talk about flukes. say so much until one day, it really happened.

dam curse. really dam curse.


Maybe we should get a bomoh and curse back... LOL...

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Maybe we should get a bomoh and curse back... LOL...

he's been talking about flukes even before i had my new tank set up. cursing me for months.

now finally tio flukes. see lah.

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he's been talking about flukes even before i had my new tank set up. cursing me for months.

now finally tio flukes. see lah.

LOL.. I think pure coincidence lar... LOL... Maybe we all have flukes in the tank just that the seriousness of the flukes... And not discovered by reefers...

Edited by Terryz_

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bro, did you have parzi pro? not sure if you have stock up on coral yet, maybe just do some parzi treatment to cure the whole tank, thought im not too sure if there will be any after effect when you add coral in

I will be passing him praziquantel, the same stuff used in prazipro. There will not be any side effect as any excess medication in the water can be removed via water change or activated carbon. The medication will also be removed by protein skimming.

Always something more important than fish.


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i'm very easy worried by nature :) lol. bad habit. :(

Like how you thought many ppl will be aiming for your marginalis... In the end, no one give a hoot when they walk pass the fish... :whistle :whistle :whistle


Edited by Terryz_

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Like how you thought many ppl will be aiming for your marginalis... In the end, no one give a hoot when they walk pass the fish... :whistle :whistle :whistle


Too bad for them! Hahaha. Nicer than that ugly tahiti

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  • Senior Reefer

compressor finally up and running.

takes slightly more than 1 hour to cool from 29C to 25C.

the thermostat is currently programmed to chill to 25 by default. 25 is too cold IMO, and will increase it to 26 being the lowest.

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  • Senior Reefer

How many do you have in your tank? Or maybe I should ask, how many do you need to keep your sand bed shifted and clean? :rolleyes: If you have like 50 inside, you can start Left 4 Dead marine version.

haha. L4D marine :rolleyes:

no i only have 12 :) don't forget when the tank is matured with lots of fish and corals, little food will end up on the sandbed as fishes will devour everything up.

so the nassarius snails will die. 12 is fine i think.

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  • Senior Reefer

some of the more interesting fishes i've collected so far...

none of these photos are mine. all taken from google. i did not take recent pictures of my fishes.

- a juvenile white bar maculosus angelfish. bought this from LCK. white barred maculosus angels are all captive bred from taiwan. the white bar is a very rare variant.

- chelmon marginalis. the margined butterflyfish from the land down under. an easy butterflyfish closely related to copperband butterflyfish

- marjorie's fairy wrasse. a very rare fijian endemic fairy wrasse. the first ever to come to singapore. founded by bruce carlson, named after his wife, Marj.

- roseafascia wrasse. also known as the rose banded fairy wrasse. this is a very rare fairy wrasse in Singapore. the only one left in Singapore at the moment.

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Beautiful wrasses... I wish I have a bigger tank to house more of them.

currently only have a few kinds.

a small group of melanomarginatus wrasse, 1 roseafascia, 1 marjorie, 2 angulatus flasher wrasse. the roseafascia and marjorie are considered one of the "holy grails" of wrasses. both of which i've obtained via very lucky finds and at very reasonable prices.

rhomboids are so common now that i've not even considered them to be rare anymore. and they're offically off the holy grail list.

many of the very rare fishes are obtained via accidental finds..so i hope my luck continues.

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still sourcing for these 4 wrasses. the other holy grails of fairy and flasher wrasses

- paracheilinus octotaenia (eight line flasher wrasse. found in red sea. obtainable but need to source)

- cirrhilabrus lunatus (very very rare. found only in japan and even more rarely, in indonesia)

- cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus (the pintail wrasse. very rare. but found in cebu. maybe if we're extremely lucky, we will see it here)

- paracheilinus attenuatus (the attenuatus flasher wrasse. found in kenya. obtainable but need to source)

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still sourcing for these 4 wrasses. the other holy grails of fairy and flasher wrasses

- paracheilinus octotaenia (eight line flasher wrasse. found in red sea. obtainable but need to source)

- cirrhilabrus lunatus (very very rare. found only in japan and even more rarely, in indonesia)

- cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus (the pintail wrasse. very rare. but found in cebu. maybe if we're extremely lucky, we will see it here)

- paracheilinus attenuatus (the attenuatus flasher wrasse. found in kenya. obtainable but need to source)

I think u can at most only get P.Octotaenia and C.cf.lanceolatus.

C.Lunatus is too rare, while P.attenuatus too much competition from other countries.

Nevertheless jia you, hope u can bring back some interesting finds from japan.

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  • Senior Reefer

I think u can at most only get P.Octotaenia and C.cf.lanceolatus.

C.Lunatus is too rare, while P.attenuatus too much competition from other countries.

Nevertheless jia you, hope u can bring back some interesting finds from japan.

octotaenia obtainable easily. it's not rare, just not shipped only

pintail is very rare and also alot of competition. but recently too many surprises like roseafascia and marjorie. so hey, who knows! haha.

lunatus is very rare. but not impossible. still obtainable and maybe only if i get it from japan. nevermind, it will show up in singapore one day. months, years, who knows?

attenuatus also available. it has been brought in before years ago. it's from kenya, africa, and not some obscure place. so i'm sure it's still relatively obtainable.

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octotaenia obtainable easily. it's not rare, just not shipped only

pintail is very rare and also alot of competition. but recently too many surprises like roseafascia and marjorie. so hey, who knows! haha.

lunatus is very rare. but not impossible. still obtainable and maybe only if i get it from japan. nevermind, it will show up in singapore one day. months, years, who knows?

attenuatus also available. it has been brought in before years ago. it's from kenya, africa, and not some obscure place. so i'm sure it's still relatively obtainable.

Why only wrasses... Angels and butterflies leh?


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  • Senior Reefer

Why only wrasses... Angels and butterflies leh?


not really holy grails, but these 3 must get.

male bellus angel

male yellow mask angel

marcellae butterfly

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