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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis.

picked up one this morning... was abit late so the nicer ones were already taken. slowly choose from the rest in the blue tub..

1st pic w/o flash, 2nd and 3rd pics with flash.

hope it does well. deep water wrasses like rhomboids are prone to a myriad of maladies.

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Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis.

picked up one this morning... was abit late so the nicer ones were already taken. slowly choose from the rest in the blue tub..

1st pic w/o flash, 2nd and 3rd pics with flash.

hope it does well. deep water wrasses like rhomboids are prone to a myriad of maladies.

Looks more yellow leh... or should i say golden..

Edited by Terryz_

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Looks more yellow leh... or should i say golden..

the one i took is more yellow.

my old one is very purple.

since i kept the more purple one before, i got the more yellow one today.

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the one i took is more yellow.

my old one is very purple.

since i kept the more purple one before, i got the more yellow one today.

Not v impressive piece, no rhomboid tail and short pelvic fin and colours not intense enough. Guess u're really late tt the v alpha ones are gone.

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  • Senior Reefer

Not v impressive piece, no rhomboid tail and short pelvic fin and colours not intense enough. Guess u're really late tt the v alpha ones are gone.

yep. agreed.

the tail is not diamond enough. and the pelvic fins still have potential.

i arrived 10mins after 10.30 and 4 very nice ones were reserved in the basket. so i just picked one of the leftovers which was still so so.

a far cry from my old rhomboid. but with time, will grow.

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  • Senior Reefer

argh i really hate this month.

bad luck after bad luck..

the compressor was working fine and suddenly stopped.

need to call the person come and settle -.- and i hope SOON.

problem is the electricity cannot reach the compressor unit... i think the wiring never do properly.


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  • Senior Reefer

For your tank size, even having backup equipment might prove difficult. You'll need to rely on good after sales service.

it's difficult to get a 2nd hand chiller... how to have a convinient 2nd hand chiller lying around to chill a 183 gallon tank? the after sales service is good. is just when he doing it that time, probably did it with some mistake because we cannot test it there and then without the thermostat and the tank running.

will arrange with him to come to settle the problem on monday.

i want to get everything done with ASAP so i can put the tank set up behind me.

anyway on a brighter note (pun intended), the lights are up.

no chiller = no lights. so they will be turned off for now.

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argh i really hate this month.

bad luck after bad luck..

the compressor was working fine and suddenly stopped.

need to call the person come and settle -.- and i hope SOON.

problem is the electricity cannot reach the compressor unit... i think the wiring never do properly.


Precisely.. My vortech was working fine yesterday night... This morning found out it is not running... Took out, Ceramic broken and wet frame broken... :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

Guess have to do without wavemaker for a month... Not that critical for cycling period..

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it's difficult to get a 2nd hand chiller... how to have a convinient 2nd hand chiller lying around to chill a 183 gallon tank? the after sales service is good. is just when he doing it that time, probably did it with some mistake because we cannot test it there and then without the thermostat and the tank running.

will arrange with him to come to settle the problem on monday.

i want to get everything done with ASAP so i can put the tank set up behind me.

anyway on a brighter note (pun intended), the lights are up.

no chiller = no lights. so they will be turned off for now.

Please turn off if not we will see steamed multibar,marginalis and rhomboid... LOL...

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yep. agreed.

the tail is not diamond enough. and the pelvic fins still have potential.

i arrived 10mins after 10.30 and 4 very nice ones were reserved in the basket. so i just picked one of the leftovers which was still so so.

a far cry from my old rhomboid. but with time, will grow.

a healthy fish is a nice fish. no pt getting a very nice piece end up dying few days later cos of some stupid wrasse sickness

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  • SRC Member

yep. agreed.

the tail is not diamond enough. and the pelvic fins still have potential.

i arrived 10mins after 10.30 and 4 very nice ones were reserved in the basket. so i just picked one of the leftovers which was still so so.

a far cry from my old rhomboid. but with time, will grow.

arg.... how can u buy without me.... :(:cry::cry2:

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  • Senior Reefer

After hiding in the sand for 2 days, look who decided to come out today.

i love the dorsal fin. it's pink with a very nice blue line at the part where it meets the body!

the body colour of this fish is blueish green. it's a unique colour that looks extremely nice under MH. the blue is iridescent. the first spine of it's dorsal fin is also elongated, like a firefish. very cute

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After hiding in the sand for 2 days, look who decided to come out today.

i love the dorsal fin. it's pink with a very nice blue line at the part where it meets the body!

the body colour of this fish is blueish green. it's a unique colour that looks extremely nice under MH. the blue is iridescent. the first spine of it's dorsal fin is also elongated, like a firefish. very cute

NICE... Nice catch... Never seen this before at Ah Beng...

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  • Senior Reefer

freaking bad luck.

i just did a FW dip on most of my fish and found out they have flukes.

apparently it's more common than you think. Those who are reading this, don't laugh. your tank might just as well be infected. Flukes are unseen until you FW dip your fish. they drop off as tiny white flatworms that look like sesame seeds.

Very common in wild caught angels, butterflies and wrasses.

Symptoms include flicking, scratching and shaking. as well as colour fade occasionally.

You might think, aiyah, it's just ich. think again. it could very well be flukes.

fuel used to tell me about them all the time but i thought he was just paranoid. I WAS WRONG. I'M A BELIEVER!

I'm willing to bet that many of you surfing SRC, reading this, probably have them in your tank. Just not serious enough to cause alarm. Especially those who frequently buy angels, butterflies and wrasses, and do not quarantine.

if you see your fish flicking constantly, do not hesitate to do a FW dip. it's a peace of mind :)

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Told you flukes are common. :upsidedown:

FW dips will only remove the adult flukes. Eggs will not be affected. If a tank has fishes with flukes, you need to treat the entire tank to rid it of flukes. Dipping fish in freshwater will only be a temporary relief. The flukes will come back once the eggs hatch. Most healthy fish can resist a small fluke attack but a large population of flukes can be deadly.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • Senior Reefer

Told you flukes are common. :upsidedown:

FW dips will only remove the adult flukes. Eggs will not be affected. If a tank has fishes with flukes, you need to treat the entire tank to rid it of flukes. Dipping fish in freshwater will only be a temporary relief. The flukes will come back once the eggs hatch. Most healthy fish can resist a small fluke attack but a large population of flukes can be deadly.

no need to gloat -.- it won't make my fish cure any faster

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  • Senior Reefer

After dipping my fish in FW (those i can catch anyways...)

this is what i found.

the small white oval shaped flatworms are flukes. found them on my fish.

they are dead, in a petri dish.

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After hiding in the sand for 2 days, look who decided to come out today.

i love the dorsal fin. it's pink with a very nice blue line at the part where it meets the body!

the body colour of this fish is blueish green. it's a unique colour that looks extremely nice under MH. the blue is iridescent. the first spine of it's dorsal fin is also elongated, like a firefish. very cute

Nice fish, i like red the red fins contrast w the blue, spotted body. Guess now u dun hav to sell it anymore.

Told you flukes are common. :upsidedown:

FW dips will only remove the adult flukes. Eggs will not be affected. If a tank has fishes with flukes, you need to treat the entire tank to rid it of flukes. Dipping fish in freshwater will only be a temporary relief. The flukes will come back once the eggs hatch. Most healthy fish can resist a small fluke attack but a large population of flukes can be deadly.

Oh no, i've to start reading up abt flukes, never encounter it b4 so din expect it to be so common!

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Nice fish, i like red the red fins contrast w the blue, spotted body. Guess now u dun hav to sell it anymore.

yes. it's very nice especially under MH. the blue body glitters.

Oh no, i've to start reading up abt flukes, never encounter it b4 so din expect it to be so common!

save yourself!! :(

i first encountered it today, on the white bar maculosus's eye which i bought. i took it out to do a FW bath but the particular eye fluke did not detach. even after repeated FW baths. so i decided to just leave it be.

The eye fluke is different from the ones on the body. the eye fluke is much bigger and is very visible. anyway, the eye fluke did not come out but i noticed small white things at the bottom of the pail. siphoned them out and realised they were the body fluke.

so i caught my marginalis, majestic, flame hawk, clowns, and did a FW bath for all. all came back positive for flukes except the clowns. the marginalis and majestic showed the most. about 4 for each fish. however i think 4 is still ok. many threads in RC showed hundreds or thousands of flukes which were dead after FW bath.

i guess the flukes were causing the colour fade in the majestic afterall.

so now i have probably more flukes in the tank, on those fish i cannot catch. and that single eye fluke on my maculosus.

that's enough catching, stressing and cleaning for today.

i will dose my tank with praziquantel for the next week to kill all the remaining flukes and eggs. praziquantel kills eggs and is reefsfe (according to fuel and RC). so i will dose my entire tank.

last but not least, will pray that this annoying parasite be ridded.

chances are, many of us here have flukes already... just don't notice it. i found mine by accident today and would never have guessed had i not been poisoned into thinking my fish had flukes.

my tank has less than 10 fish and already i have flukes. imagine those people who stock so much more frequently and don't QT?

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Flukes and tapeworms are probably the cause for many unexplained fish deaths. Just because everyone ignores it does'nt mean it is'nt there. If I could make an estimate, I would estimate that at least 60-70% of marine aquariums here will have flukes. :heh:

Always something more important than fish.


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Flukes and tapeworms are probably the cause for many unexplained fish deaths. Just because everyone ignores it does'nt mean it is'nt there. If I could make an estimate, I would estimate that at least 60-70% of marine aquariums here will have flukes. :heh:

I will be the 30-40%... LOL...

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