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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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  • Senior Reefer

Nice fishes bro...

i prefer adult guentheri.

there are 2 more adults there but too big. so no choice got the small one.

the colour is really refreshing.

pale cream and the light orange. it's like a delicious desert!


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i prefer adult guentheri.

there are 2 more adults there but too big. so no choice got the small one.

the colour is really refreshing.

pale cream and the light orange. it's like a delicious desert!

A great substitute to the unobtainable chaetodon sanctaehelenae


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  • Senior Reefer

was cleaning up my computer and found various short length clips of the tank and some of the fishes.

decided to lump all together to create a rustic black and white video. summary of the tank.

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  • Senior Reefer

What do they feed on (guenther's butterflyfish)? Can't find much info about it


it's a very easy and forgiving species, perfect for beginners, which is not always the case for butterflyfishes.

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was cleaning up my computer and found various short length clips of the tank and some of the fishes.

decided to lump all together to create a rustic black and white video. summary of the tank.

Why black and white? I want to see colors!

I think i saw the assarius butterfly?!

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  • 2 months later...
  • Senior Reefer

Have not updated this thread in awhile.

Here's a couple photos of a new dwarf angel added to my collection.

It's the Indian Ocean variant of the Lemonpeel Angelfish, Centropyge flavissimus.

What's so special/different from the regular lemonpeel?

Check out the eyes. Not only does it lack the blue eye ring, the entire iris of the eye is blue.

Pacific Ocean lemonpeels from marshall islands, hawaii etc have brown irises and a blue ring around the eye.

Indian Ocean lemonpeels from christmas island and cocos island have blue irises and no blue eye ring.

This gives the appearance of a rather clueless- squinty eyed lemonpeel. I find it extremely cute and charming!

Only Indian ocean lemonpeels have this characteristic and it's a geographical variation, but some scientists believe that this divergence has caused the normal lemonpeel to slightly evolve and classify it as a different species.

enough words, here are some pics.

all pics taken using iphone4. Take quite good photos right!

unfortunately this is seldom seen in the trade and can only be gotten so far from coral farm here in singapore. these fish arrive from the same shipment as joculator angelfishes, from the cocos islands. but each shipment only yields a small small number and not every shipment will carry this.





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  • Senior Reefer

I intend to pair the cocos lemonpeel with my hybrid Eibli x vroliki.

I've already caught it out and placed it in the sump where the cocos lemonpeel is.

the two fishes, when spawned and fries raised, will produce the legendary tiger-pyge dwarf angel.

here's a few pics of my eibli x vroliki.

since eibli, vroliki and lemonpeel are all very closely related and in the same complex, mixing and pairing any of the three is quite easy and possible.




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  • Senior Reefer

In the wild, the indian ocean lemonpeel with the funky eye hybridizes with the eibli angelfish in christmas islands to produce the legendary tiger-pyge dwarf angel.

it can also hybridize with eibli x vroliki hybrids to produce tiger-pyge hybrids too (since they are not sterile), but they will look difference, since this hybrid will then contain genetic input from three fishes. the lemonpeel, the eibli, and the vroliki.

this is the tigerpyge. a nickname given to any specimen which is a lemonpeel x eibli or a lemonpeel x (eibli x vroliki).

so far all these tigerpyge hybrids have been formed with the indian ocean lemonpeel. this is proven by the appearance of the hybrids having a blue iris. only the lemonpeel from the indian ocean has a blue iris and so it's the only fish to pass this trait on.

so far no "tigerpyges" involving the pacific ocean regular lemonpeels with the blue eye ring have been documented as far as i know. those regular lemonpeels with the blue eye ring produce other hybrids with vroliki halfblack angels in marshall islands and vanuatu, etc.

below some photos of tigerpyge.

i can only pair the parents up and even if they spawn, no one in singapore as far as i know is capable of breeding centropyge yet. i don't think fuel can raise centropyge. but who knows.




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Do you still have Apogon Parvulus in your tank? If yes, how are they doing so far? I plan to keep like 50 in my tank (still figuring out where to source for it)

Hi bro, I think Apogon Parvulus normally dun do very well during shipping. So the survive rate is quite low, but after it stable it will do quite well. If u are getting 50, the number will keep dropping until a smaller number.

i get 10 last time,then within 3 days the number drop till 3 and they are doing quite well after that.

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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