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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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From the shape of it's mouth it doesn't look reef safe.

That is my tot when I first saw them appear in supplier's list. I was thinking "Aren't these fish those shown in Natgeo TV that crush corals!"

Guess I was mistaken. hahahaha

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  • Senior Reefer

razor wrasses are reef safe.

they hunt for crustaceans in the sand that are small enough to fit in their mouths. so not safe for sexy shrimps and other tiny invertebrates.

but coral safe and big shrimp safe.

their head do resemble abit like parrot fishes. square head with very strong teeth.

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  • Senior Reefer

Nice! Hopefully we can import a few in the near future. :eyebrow:

there are many species of razor wrasse and all are very rare!

seldom come in!

chingchai has an amazing pink one from dejong marine. see if you can get that.

i forgot the species name. i'm very bad with razor wrasse ID.

but bear in mind they are difficult!

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  • Senior Reefer

Chingchai's razor wrasses are x2 Xyrichtys novacula and x1 Novaculops halsteadi.

Lemon your razor wrasse is Xyrichtys Pentadactylus.

ah yes thanks!

i just found that out from my book.

chingchai's one will grow to a max length of 20+ cm!

mine will grow to about 15

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ah yes thanks!

i just found that out from my book.

chingchai's one will grow to a max length of 20+ cm!

mine will grow to about 15

They barely grow an inch in captivity i'm sure. No need to worry on the max size.

Many fishes kept in out tank will not reach the adult size in the wild.

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  • Senior Reefer

They barely grow an inch in captivity i'm sure. No need to worry on the max size.

Many fishes kept in out tank will not reach the adult size in the wild.


i really love my razor wrasse!

the army green with the bright pink belly is so cute!

my mom also likes it. she say really look like dinosaur

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  • Senior Reefer

Pseudanthias leucozonus, the white bar anthias.

A species that i've been tracking down and hunting for, and i finally managed to get one.

There is a little injury near it's @###### fin which i hope is nothing serious. However, this is a deepwater species that is very prone to decompression problems and improper handling. I really hope it survives and stay with me for a long time.



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  • Senior Reefer

Nice wrasse, damsel n athias u got ther bro...

Envy u... Keep e rare fishes coming... Lol... :P

hey bro

sorry your piece had decompression issues.

to be honest i'm not as happy as i expected getting one of these anthias. the lingering feeling of death is quite un-nerving.

but nvm, let's pray that it does not develop any bad symptoms and it will stay healthy just like it is now.

i wrote an article on them for reefbuilders the minute i came home.

you can read it here :)http://reefbuilders.com/2011/08/19/pseudanthias-leucozonus-bali/

this marks my 17th article for RB. 3 more to go and i hit 20. slow and steady!

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  • Senior Reefer

Nice wrasse, damsel n athias u got ther bro...

Envy u... Keep e rare fishes coming... Lol... :P

aiya don't envy me lah.

all of them come from the phillipines and are cheap.

and that reminds me, i just removed my female flame angel that's been wrecking havoc on all my fishes due to it's breeding habits now. it's getting very territorial. but flame angels are one of my favourite fishes and i can't bear to sell it off! it's cheap and common but one of the loveliest species out there. red is a very rare colour for angelfish! and only the flame angel is strikingly red.

i'll find a way to re-introduce her back into the tank soon.

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  • Senior Reefer

No need to be sori bro. Not ur fault.

I believe ur anthis will survive bro. Hav faith in urself. As for ur F flame angel, send her to rehab center.... Lol!!! :P

actually have very little faith in bali/philippine caught deepwater fish.

but with the success of my semifasciatus angel, i'll be positive for the leucozonus anthias.

and yes i'll throw her in the sump. until my rusty flame gets established, i'll throw her back

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