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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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  • Senior Reefer

anyway the fishes have settled down now.

here's a picture of the tracey damsel showing the purple and yellow colouration better.

a truly unique colouration for a damsel fish. it's very passive. the broken tail is due to minor territorial disputes between my caeruleolineata damsel



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  • Senior Reefer

here some blur shots of the acares chromis.

it's very fast so hard to take photos.

the little yellow mask and yellow tail is absolutely charming!

in the first photo, half of the body is cut off by my male sailfin anthias.




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  • Senior Reefer

an just an update shot of my fremblii butterfly again.

i dunno why but it takes good photos. fremblii butterflies like to exhibit their fright colouration. which is the dirty yellow colouration with the two faint white spots. this photo doesn't show it but the 2nd photo you can see the colour turning from bright yellow to a little murky brown.

it is a perfect mood indicator as when it's feeling fightened or angry, the colour changes. very good chameleon!



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yes the pastel purple and yellow is GORGEOUS!

thanks so much for bringing them. i might get another one if you still have! :)

I bought one too! Sweet looking damsel. :wub:

Mine was quite hyper at M3, and already swimming out in the open in my tank. Just fed it. Very active fella. Keeping my fingers crossed on aggression though... its the next biggest fish apart from my velvet wrasse (also from M3 today).

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  • Senior Reefer

I bought one too! Sweet looking damsel. :wub:

Mine was quite hyper at M3, and already swimming out in the open in my tank. Just fed it. Very active fella. Keeping my fingers crossed on aggression though... its the next biggest fish apart from my velvet wrasse (also from M3 today).

very pretty right!

i hope you enjoy yours.

i don't think it should pose a problem on aggression. perhaps in the long run maybe slightly towards other damsels. but i don't forsee a problem. it's a new fish in the trade so not much reviews on it yet but so far, very good.

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  • Senior Reefer

i've always liked the longnose butterflyfish.

It's one of those iconic fishes that everyone sees in books and documentaries. i always remember when i was much younger and i wanted to keep this fish ever since i saw it in TV and books. now that i have my own tank, it's great to know that this iconic symbol is so cheap and readily available haha.

so docile and easy. i like their square shaped appearance but when the dorsal spines are erected, WOO HOO! they look gorgeous!



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  • SRC Member

here some blur shots of the acares chromis.

it's very fast so hard to take photos.

the little yellow mask and yellow tail is absolutely charming!

in the first photo, half of the body is cut off by my male sailfin anthias.

very nice acares chromis... and nice setup too.. simply beautiful!!!!... :groupwavereversed::groupwavereversed:

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i've always liked the longnose butterflyfish.

It's one of those iconic fishes that everyone sees in books and documentaries. i always remember when i was much younger and i wanted to keep this fish ever since i saw it in TV and books. now that i have my own tank, it's great to know that this iconic symbol is so cheap and readily available haha.

so docile and easy. i like their square shaped appearance but when the dorsal spines are erected, WOO HOO! they look gorgeous!

In your experience with the longnose butterfly, do they disturb tubeworms?

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lemon, looking at your tank and the scape, I wish I had a longer and wider tank.. ok.... next tank... 6 x 3 x 2 .. LOL ... I must push ketchup to work harder. I would love to buy those beautiful colored damsels.. love blues and purples but I feel my tank has way enough fish. I don't want to put in too much. I'm afraid the BArtlet Anthias my whack the damsels would they? since most of my fishes are wrasses and I just added in a powder brown.. quite aggressive I think.. I wouldn't want the poor damsels to get chased to a corner. :P

on the whole beaut la BEAUT.

Cheers, ;)


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an just an update shot of my fremblii butterfly again.

i dunno why but it takes good photos. fremblii butterflies like to exhibit their fright colouration. which is the dirty yellow colouration with the two faint white spots. this photo doesn't show it but the 2nd photo you can see the colour turning from bright yellow to a little murky brown.

it is a perfect mood indicator as when it's feeling fightened or angry, the colour changes. very good chameleon!

So pretty !!!! From the picture, the colour and stripes pattern looks like clown tang which is my favorite ^_^

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  • Senior Reefer

In your experience with the longnose butterfly, do they disturb tubeworms?

only the very small tubeworms.

so far i dont notice them bothering big ones. more tubeworm friendly than copperbands.

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  • Senior Reefer

lemon, looking at your tank and the scape, I wish I had a longer and wider tank.. ok.... next tank... 6 x 3 x 2 .. LOL ... I must push ketchup to work harder. I would love to buy those beautiful colored damsels.. love blues and purples but I feel my tank has way enough fish. I don't want to put in too much. I'm afraid the BArtlet Anthias my whack the damsels would they? since most of my fishes are wrasses and I just added in a powder brown.. quite aggressive I think.. I wouldn't want the poor damsels to get chased to a corner. :P

on the whole beaut la BEAUT.

thanks des.

yes you should get a bigger tank ;)

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  • Senior Reefer

So pretty !!!! From the picture, the colour and stripes pattern looks like clown tang which is my favorite ^_^

yes the colour is exactly that of clown tang.

this butterflyfish is endemic to only in hawaii. it's a relic species there.

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  • Senior Reefer

ahhh finally it is out.

this little fish here is a razor wrasse. the exact species name i forgot though :/

razor wrasse are rare in the hobby and this is the 2nd one i saw and tried. unfortunately they can be a little hard to keep. my first one did not feed and died.

this guy is feeding on frozen food after hiding in the sand for 3 days. but they are thin, streamlined and perfect for sand diving. and very very timid. a hood is a must!

look at the squarish head. doesn't it look like a dinosaur or some kind of.... lizard?

i think it's very cute.


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here some blur shots of the acares chromis.

it's very fast so hard to take photos.

the little yellow mask and yellow tail is absolutely charming!

in the first photo, half of the body is cut off by my male sailfin anthias.

one words...A.W.E.S.O.M.E...........

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one words...A.W.E.S.O.M.E...........

yes it's so cute right!

look at these photos of them in the wild!

aiya i really love it so much and it looks weird being the only one tiny chromis in such a big tank.

i really really want a small group but at $20 a chromis, that's a bit too expensive!



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yes it's so cute right!

look at these photos of them in the wild!

aiya i really love it so much and it looks weird being the only one tiny chromis in such a big tank.

i really really want a small group but at $20 a chromis, that's a bit too expensive!

bro, for u $ it not a problem ...GO FOR IT LAH !!! hope to see a group of chromis in your tank...power......haha...

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  • Senior Reefer

bro, for u $ it not a problem ...GO FOR IT LAH !!! hope to see a group of chromis in your tank...power......haha...

oh quiet the contrary!

money is a problem as i'm just a student. all the rare fish in my tank here are cheap rare fishes! cheap but rare. expensive and rare i no money :)

SPS all cheap bali ones that no body want.

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ahhh finally it is out.

this little fish here is a razor wrasse. the exact species name i forgot though :/

razor wrasse are rare in the hobby and this is the 2nd one i saw and tried. unfortunately they can be a little hard to keep. my first one did not feed and died.

this guy is feeding on frozen food after hiding in the sand for 3 days. but they are thin, streamlined and perfect for sand diving. and very very timid. a hood is a must!

look at the squarish head. doesn't it look like a dinosaur or some kind of.... lizard?

i think it's very cute.

Looks like a iguana from Galapagos island

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