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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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Lemon your tank is a show of how success in reef keeping can be achieved with careful research, planning and patience.

SPS are not colorful but never mind as it has v good growth.

The mix of SPS with softies and LPS makes the tank more diverse and natural looking tat's wat i like better compared to those colorful SPS dominated tank.

The scaping is v intelligent and shows your good foresight!

Scaping a square tank nicely is not easy and yours will be a good example for anyone who intends to keep a square tank in future.

However there is one thing lacking if u ask me, something special is lacking in the fish list. Well i'm biased towards fishes so am always looking out for a striking fish whenever i view a tank vid.

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Thanks digi and braincoral.

Yes I need a show fish. You told me before.

But I don't like big fishes and show fishes usually need to be big and nice. But I'll try to see what I can do

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looks like a junior brother of chingchai's tank :groupwavereversed:

The first person to say that. I've been wondering when someone would notice.

My scape is heavily influenced by chingchai's tank. His scaping is very very clever and intelligent. I am not a fan of cluttered scaping that is very dense. I've always wanted a very open pillar like scape but a small tank does not allow it.

With this tank, I could be free to play around and experiment with the open concept.

I also did a few isolated coral mounts on the sanded which is made up only of one large rock. It's very lagoon style which is great in freeing up open space :)

So people who considering a square tank could take this into consideration

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Did somethign to the tank today.

added a small liverock to create a new coral outcrop. 2 birdnests, 1 large caulestra and a pavona fitted nicely in place. the fishes love it and are curious of their new formation and the rusty flame conquered this as it's territory. the chromises are also sleeping in the birdnest.



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i think the new coral outcrop adds colour and more dimension to the tank.

yet it does not compromise the open concept and does not add clutter. the coral mount is separate from the main rock structure and is divided by long valleys of sand. not evident in the photos though.

an updated FTS.

the birdnests are new, from wild shipment. let's just hope they don't die :P

placed them at the mount there as the flow is good, and lights aren't too strong.



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So nice!

There are more layers now. More hiding places and shelter for the fishes.

Pink Birdnest is one of my favourite SPS.

Also i love the pallidus wrasse and semi angel. Two of the rarest fishes in your tank. V hard to find and keep healthy.

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  • Senior Reefer

So nice!

There are more layers now. More hiding places and shelter for the fishes.

Pink Birdnest is one of my favourite SPS.

Also i love the pallidus wrasse and semi angel. Two of the rarest fishes in your tank. V hard to find and keep healthy.

i love the new look too.

tomorrow going hunting for more fish haha. i'm still a fish person lah.

ultimately all this coral is just to make the fishes look more beautiful. i'm just lucky that my heavy feeding and high fish load is going well with the easy SPS.

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The razor wrasse should still be waiting for u.

Not v beautiful but well any razor wrasse is rare and best they are not ex, so go and see if u like it.

i want it.

i think it should be the same species as the other one i got from iwarna which didn't make it.

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i want it.

i think it should be the same species as the other one i got from iwarna which didn't make it.

Confirm different species!

The one from iwarna is white with a bit of yellow.

The one u see tmr will be a bright green colour with a pinkish red crosshatch belly patch!

They are v different, u see u will know.

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Confirm different species!

The one from iwarna is white with a bit of yellow.

The one u see tmr will be a bright green colour with a pinkish red crosshatch belly patch!

They are v different, u see u will know.

will update the photo of the razor wrasse soon! :0

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ok i'm really excited

gonna share this with you guys.

3 fishes arrived from M3MORPH today, and it's been 3 that i've been waiting for for very long!


tracey's damselfish. Chrysiptera traceyi.

this is a rare damselfish from marshall islands. it's a new import in the marine industry and it's very rare still. if you like the fish, M3 still have plenty and it's very affordable at $20. it's purple and yellow. a very unusual colouration for damsels and looks like a royal gramma.

not aggressive.


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the second fish is a rare chromis.

Chromis acares, or the midget chromis.

it's v common in the wild but v uncommon in the trade. it's related to the vanderbilt's chromis.

very peaceful and VERY beautiful. will make a good schooling fish but abit pricey. $20.

M3 still have quite a few of them so please hurry if u want!


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and finally,

cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis. its v rare in singapore but common elsewhere in the world. i think it came in many years back here when harlequin marine was still around.


M3 may still have limited pieces so act quickly if you want.

its orange dorsally and purple ventrally. people who like the colour combination should go for it!


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ok i'm really excited

gonna share this with you guys.

3 fishes arrived from M3MORPH today, and it's been 3 that i've been waiting for for very long!


tracey's damselfish. Chrysiptera traceyi.

this is a rare damselfish from marshall islands. it's a new import in the marine industry and it's very rare still. if you like the fish, M3 still have plenty and it's very affordable at $20. it's purple and yellow. a very unusual colouration for damsels and looks like a royal gramma.

not aggressive.

Erm... how come a Google search give me results that show a very dull looking fish? Nothing like the one shown in your pic...

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