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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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  • Senior Reefer

very nice fishes out there!!!

maybe when i grow sick of my corals

will start collecting fishes :paiseh:


this is a yellow-masked angel (female)

the male form is very gorgeous but even rarer.

the female is often confused with the normal Genicanthus melanospilos, which looks exactly the same except that it doesn't have the black lines on the face, and the black edges on the tail do not join together.


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  • Senior Reefer

update time.

my harem of "flame" angels.

1 female flame

1 male flame

and 1 female rusty x flame hybrid.

the 3 fishes interact very well!

the flame angels spawn every night.

but i won't be surprised if the rusty x flame hybrids starts spawning with the male flame sooner or later.




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  • Senior Reefer

an update on my female genicanthus semifasciatus angel.

this fish is super rare and could be the only one alive in singapore now.

it used to be quite common many years back but recently, there has been a global shortage!

improved in health tremendously. it was almost on the verge of death with ammonia burns, break down stress and collection issues. but now is feeding very well!

hope for the best, it's still too soon to tell.

the male form of this fish is spectacular for those who know what it looks like!



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  • Senior Reefer

My marginalis butterflyfish.

i used to have one v long ago but it died. that was the first marginalis that ever came to singapore. the pioneer batch.

this one came from coral farm. the 2nd batch and now is fairly common from australia shipments.

it was not feeding enough initially and was on the verge of death. but now it is slowly gaining weight and is healthier and very greedy!



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an update on my female genicanthus semifasciatus angel.

this fish is super rare and could be the only one alive in singapore now.

it used to be quite common many years back but recently, there has been a global shortage!

improved in health tremendously. it was almost on the verge of death with ammonia burns, break down stress and collection issues. but now is feeding very well!

hope for the best, it's still too soon to tell.

the male form of this fish is spectacular for those who know what it looks like!

It looks better now, then when it came at CF...

And where is your baby argentatus...

Member of:


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  • Senior Reefer

and finally, a FTS.

its been awhile since i updated a FTS. but things still look kinda the same.






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  • Senior Reefer

It looks better now, then when it came at CF...

And where is your baby argentatus...

it's hiding :0

i tried a photo but it's v shy.

mitratus bullying it but it will survive. tomorrow i put photo.

super small and cute! i love it.

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and finally, a FTS.

its been awhile since i updated a FTS. but things still look kinda the same.



V dense growth now! Wat i like most about your tank is the scaping.

No matter how much the SPS has grown the tank still maintain this v spacious feel.

Excellent for free swimming fishes like your anthias, wrasses, chromis, butterfly, angels etc etc.

A video update will be even more awesome.

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  • Senior Reefer

Very nice tank with super fishes!

Love it!!!

thanks wilson!

V dense growth now! Wat i like most about your tank is the scaping.

No matter how much the SPS has grown the tank still maintain this v spacious feel.

Excellent for free swimming fishes like your anthias, wrasses, chromis, butterfly, angels etc etc.

A video update will be even more awesome.

yes the scape!

there's only 11 rocks in that tank. i use big rocks so scaping is easier.

and i like the meandering sand that weaves around the rocks.

aiyah video. will do when i have time. v time consuming.

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nice fts bro!! n i like ur flame :)

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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My marginalis butterflyfish.

i used to have one v long ago but it died. that was the first marginalis that ever came to singapore. the pioneer batch.

this one came from coral farm. the 2nd batch and now is fairly common from australia shipments.

it was not feeding enough initially and was on the verge of death. but now it is slowly gaining weight and is healthier and very greedy!

Bro, don't think its the pioneer batch cos a few other lfs brought marginalis in few years back just that one bring them in recently. There was a lfs that sell both lie seafood and livestock at Payar lebar area sometime back, they brought marginalis in.

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  • Senior Reefer

Bro, don't think its the pioneer batch cos a few other lfs brought marginalis in few years back just that one bring them in recently. There was a lfs that sell both lie seafood and livestock at Payar lebar area sometime back, they brought marginalis in.

i never reef so long haha.

my pioneer batch at least ._>

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beautiful and nice grown of the sps and not forgetting ur fishes...

all blend in nicely.... :welldone:

|| Tank: 5x2x2.5 || Sump 3.5x1.5.1.5 || Lights: DeLighting 2x80w Aquable Special T5 ||

|| Return: 2 x ehiem 1264 || Skimmer: Skimz SM251 ||

|| CR: deltec denitrator || ATO with custom make reservior tank||

|| FR: TLF running Rowas ,UV ||

|| Wavemaker: Jebao RE20& RW15|| Chiller: Daikin 1HP Compressor ||

|| Monitor 1: American Marine Pinpoint Temperature monitor ||

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