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Weekly Update - 2nd to 9th May

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Happy Holidays to some. It's a working day for me.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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Henry's place only left with one pair of masked shrimp goby with shrimp...2 copper bands, a few yellow long nose, one mystery wrasse, a few small size true perculas with unique markings...

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any new shipment ?

Humble tank :

Size: 4x2.5x2 ft - Display 

Equipment :

Return 1 : Ecotech marine L1

Return 2 : Ecotech marine M1

CR : Skimz CM122 - Caribsea extra course media with Grotech magnesium

Light : ATI 8x54W



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Still waiting for Vanuatu mystery wrasse... :(

Vanuatu shipments will be very very difficult to come by. It has been like this for very very long and likely to remain like this unless the situation clears up at vanuatu :( Like you, i've been waiting for my vanuatu hooded wrasse. But i can assure you that it won't come even after my new tank arrives and finish cycling.

let's hope shall we, and i'll let you know if there is news with regard to this.

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seen an joculator or any reefer plan to sell his/her

Check with CF auntie, thought in saw 1 over the weekend.

Sorry, currently sorting out my decomm. Will let u know if any dwarf angel to let go. :)


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Its time I poison u guys after being poisoned by RC's Mpoletti and Ultimatereef's Sanjay Joshi :eyebrow::eyebrow::eyebrow:

I long poisoned by Mpoletti... LOL... Haven seen Sanjay tank before.. Go see wen home today...

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LCK new shipment arrived




Flame angel

Flame wrasse




Nakeed Clown

Orchid Dotty

Neon Dotty

Splendid Dotty

Yellow Assesor

Corals from ORA


Kenyan tree

Loco Lobo

Seamat Zoanthia

Please dun ask me about coral cos I know nut about it.

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