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WTT blue spotted maroon shrooms


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  • SRC Member

hope to swop this rock abt 10cm by 4 cm size with abt 10 polyps of blue spotted red shrooms...2 polyps abt 20cents...the rest abt 1cm when open..fast grower n reproducer..

hope to have either one of the below mentioned starting from most preferred :

- sunflower zoa frag

- blue ricordea 2 mouths

- very blue zoas

kindly post latest pics of actual item to be exchanged.. i reserve the right to choose or refuse if my perceived value of my shrooms differ from other party..exchange to take place bedok north ave 1 blk 550 or bedok mrt..

actual pic attched


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for your consideration. blue ric with 2 green mouths

size about 10 cents maybe..

on the left is the mother ric.

let me know if you will be interested. 96232880

(click to see my tank thread)

Skimmer : Deltec SC2560

Chiller : Sanyo 1HP Compressor with copper coil

Lighting : Ecotech Radion XR30w x 3 + 5 ft ATI power module 4 tubes

Dosing - Bubble magnus 7 channel

Main pump - reef octopus 7000

FR : Skimz phosphate reactor + FR45 Biopellet reactor

Wavemaker - Vortech 3X MP40W + 1 x sun sun

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  • SRC Member

got a few "floating" polyps... attached to 1-3mm coral sand...can glue anywhere u like...

dun mind trading these "floating" ones for blue zoas

Would you like to trade for blue shrooms? I have a few floating polyps here and there too and some attached to rock. Can do 1 for 1 trade :)

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