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Cute little tiny baby starfish


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dear all,

Just to share... found a few pieces of little tiny starfish after rescape my tank on Sun. :yeah:

Hope they can survive and grow big big.... :whistle

p/s: Bro MarineDreamer, you may able see some of this lil star tag along the rocks u just got it from me




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dear all,

Just to share... found a few pieces of little tiny starfish after rescape my tank on Sun. :yeah:

Hope they can survive and grow big big.... :whistle

p/s: Bro MarineDreamer, you may able see some of this lil star tag along the rocks u just got it from me

brittle stars ...

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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yep brittle stars.... see whether can grow to be as big as lemon's :) 1 feet across!

hey BK, should start your tank thread bro!

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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Bristle stars?

Is the Serpent Sea Star-Fancy Tiger-stripe, belong to bristle stars family? I have one in my tank since Otc 09. They lay eggs or what? how they breed? anyone any idea? that day saw my serpent crawled up to top corner of my tank for mins then back to its cave again. couple days later found these lil stars

1ft is really scary. :shock:post-17348-1271815022847_thumb.jpg

Jacky, my tank is still empty after rescape le. nothing can post now.... maybe later hehe:rolleyes:

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Hmm most prolly It came from your liverocks?

brittle stars are fine just that I might be a nuisance once it grows too large? :thumbsup:

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  • 8 months later...
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Don't have to worry as the brittle stars from LR is different from the serpent star. They do not grow bigger than 20cents sized, include all arms. they feed on detritus and they like those home-made seafood food mix. Interestingly to know, they give birth from that star-shaped hole on its underside. they thrive best in a refugium

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