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could low ph be due to usage of NP pellets without skimmer??purple hea


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Hi guys,

as mentioned in my title, juz tested my water and found ph quite low(7.6-7-7).Kh is slightly low is well(7).would like to ask those users of NP pellets, can the low ph be due to usage of Np pellets without a skimmer? understand that Np pellets produce CO2 and ph drops when not enough C02 is not driven out of the water. I'm using NSW and ph tested b4 WC(50%) into tank is 8.2 . juz 3 days has past and ph is now so low??? Tank is a 1ft pico. juz recently got a purple heart and a sunflower zoa frag from a veri friendly reefer... while the sunflower is blooming nicely....the purple is not fully open, in fact some polyps are not even opened!!? wat could be the cause

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  • SRC Member

adding stone helps.

i would advice you getting a skimmer though.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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unfortunately there not much of a space for me to add a skimmer....on top of that...my intentions is to keep a yuma n zoas tank....i'm a firm believer that yumas would do better in a skimmerless tank with WC using NSW....gonna add a air stone ,,,plus using baking soda to see whether it works.....thanks for the help guys

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  • SRC Member

if i m not wrong, NP pellet should use with skimmer. the instruction even state that output of the water from NP pellets should be place at the intake for the skimmer to skim out dunno what stuff....

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NP also suggests placing the outlet of the pellet filter in front of a protein skimmer, to limit the amount of bacteria entering the system. This has the additional benefit of increased gas exchange (CO2-removal and O2-addition). The pellets should never be used without sufficient aeration, as this may lead to low oxygen and pH levels, especially during night time. Proper aeration can be established with air pumps and protein skimmers.

i guess the it's highly likely due to lack removal of CO2 in the tank.gonna add a air stone and monitor. thanks V[tec] bro..

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