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Tank infested with hairy legged crabs


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it's horrible, they multiplied like ants in such short order. i noticed alot more holes these days in my rocks, i think these monsters bored them. is baited trap the best way to remove them? any other better methods? i just lost two little fish to the crabs. :(

"Less technology, more biology" --- John Tullock

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  • SRC Member

it seems very trouble esp tehy like to hide in the holes of those live rocks that u have

maybe u can try to set up a trap for this small little guys

use those small coke bottle, cut into half

seal up the back of the front bottle with a net or so

then place some market prawn inside the bottle

guess this little crabs will be attracted into the bottle

once they get in dun think they can escape so easily

have luck in trying that


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Don't think those crabs can mutiply in your tank. The planktonic larves cannot survive without the right food. More likly they hitch hike on the LR

Best method is to take the rocks out and dry them in the sun. :lol:

or you can try using mini skewers and spears them in the holes.

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i believe they hitchhike from my rocks too, but the crab population boom is only recent. more porous holes appeared from my rocks lately. and some of them are really big and hairy.

thanks for the advice anyway guys, i plan to use "Finger of Death" and coke bottle trap together. if i can catch them successfully, here's what i'm gonna do:

1) boil them in hot water till they turn red and then feed to my dogs.

2) crush them and feed the remains to my fishes.

3)slowly torture em by plucking out their claws and legs one by one

any other suggestions?

"Less technology, more biology" --- John Tullock

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  • SRC Member

haha toking abt crab..DAMN HATE them... i saw that Crab kill my BT and my GOBy... ALOT MORE!!!! it just climb on the rock.. then wait for the fish to hide inbetween to slp then it use it LEGS and grab the Fish and ATTACK!!!!! it will attack the stomach if the fish is too big.. it will attack the eyes first.. I SAW IT with my own EYES!!!!! F***... used the trap and wat ever method DOESNT wORK... then during one morning... ( my torch coral i place on the sandbed) when i am watching my tank, the torch suddenly move.. then i saw the lEGs of the CRAB.. so i use the net to push it frm behind and the crab Came out.. so i faster Take the crab out.. then i put in one Cup and prepare to torture it.. still tinking of ways to torture it.. but when i reach hm.. die already so... cant do anything..


i got lots of suggestion:

1st - use electric Shock them.. connect one of the legs to one point and use the OTHers to SHOCK IT... dun kill it slowly then pour water on it to wake up...

2nd - BURN IT, pour oil on it body or watever la.. then let the crab out and light it.. let it run abt... see how it react... after awhile put in water then den repeat the procedure.

3rd - PLAY DART... hang it on the wall and then use sometime sharp to try and aim at it...

4th - throw it frm high high building..let the crab SHIOK for awhile...

5nd - get another fish that eat crab... and put them together... FEEd it to LUOHAN or ARowana.

shld be enough la... hahah

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oh yes terryansimon, believe it or not, no doubt these crabs are opportunist who nib at fishes half dead. but they also prey on fishes that likes to rest on rocks or acro branches, especially when the fish is stationary and the crabs will pounce on em. :D i had the same problem as Kee, i witnessed my BT getting nipped by the crabs when it was resting in my acro. i had to put my hand in before the crab is willing to let go of the BT's tail fin. :nc: so im gonna kill the two acro crabs first. :)

"Less technology, more biology" --- John Tullock

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  • SRC Member

just use a brands chicken essense or baby food glass bottle, put in some sinking fish food, and position your bottle near the rocks where the crabs are. make sure the fish don't go in the bottle to eat the food, so will suggest you do this when the lights are off at night. Next day, just look at the crabs trapped inside and dispose of them as you wish. the crabs can climb in easily but cannot get out. I caught as many as 5 in one go last time.

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  • SRC Member

I also have this crab problem, and I've been using my hand to catch them.

more than 10 are caught.

my timing of catching is after a few hours of darkness, then on a dim light to catch them.

Still considering to place a hawk into the tank to eat them up...but must remove my shrimps first. :angry:

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