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coral help


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Just bought 2 non-branching octopus coral(one of brown colour and the other neon green). However, after 3 days in my tank, I can see some tissue sloughed (dead I suppose) off from neon green. Have used a toothpick to get rid of dead tissues.

I was suspecting my acclimatization was not up to standards. I am using 3 ATI T5 tubes for my 3 footer.

First day: only switched on Actinic blue

2nd day: revert back to normal photoperiod i.e. 8 daylight in between 10 actinic blue

3rd day (today): some tissues sloughed off. Subsequently, loaded off 2 drops of lugol's solution (max dosage per day)

Urgently need some advice from old birds or anyone to halt the sloughing.

Current water parameters:

Ammonia: 0 Sera

Nitrite: 0 Sera

Nitrate: 10ppm Salifert

PH: 8.0 - 8.3 Salifert

dkh: 12 Sera

S.G: 1.025, 34PPT

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  • SRC Member

Are they releasing this 'dead tissue' or is the coral itself dying?

Cause if it's the first it's normal as corals do this (I think to cleanse themselves) from time to time..

But if the coral itself is dying and rotting away... Check your water parameters and other LS immediately... Could be an NH3 or NO2 spike....

Most likely not due to not enuf light as corals dun act this way if not given enuf light... They will probably just retract till there's light....

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dun think ur problem come from the lights....... i hv 1 non branching octopus for 2 mths liao and i m only using ZooMed coral sun and ocean sun FLs. yet they r doing fine and even growing.......

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Thank u all for yr invaluable advice. Could not get a gd picture, as i was rescaping and added some Fiji LR fr CF.

Btw, the affected coral I was mentioning did not slough off any more dead tissues(tentacles). But I can clearly see some parts of tentacles are beginning to die off.

Though this is not the first time it happened to me(I had previously few mnths back bought a non-branching octo with 4 polyps and they die off 1 by 1 over a period of 2 wks)

As the non-branching octo was more ex and difficult to get hold off nowadays, I hate to know that it might die off soon too : (

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