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Need helps with Elegence Coral


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Hi all,

Need valuable experience from any of you.

Just obtained 1 x beautiful Elegance Coral from Irwana.

After placing in my tank, it opened up fantastically big. Awesome!

However, into the 3rd day, the tentacles seems to have shrunk alot, and the body didnt expands as much as before.

Placement: Mid~high

Flow: High

Light: High

Food: JBJ Coral Food regularly

Temp: >28.8degC

NO3: 15~25 (last check today)

Any comments will be appreciated.

:unsure: Ten


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I've never kept one, but to echo what everyone is always saying, keep it on the sand bed, not on the rocks. They are found on silty sand beds in the wild. Your nutrient levels shouldn't be a problem.

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

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  • SRC Member

Temp a little too high...if can lower to 28 and below will be better....

Try to place it on the sand bed and make sure its flesh is not rubbing against any rocks...very sensitive....and dun feed so much....can dun feed also can....cause they will consume watever leftover floating in yr water....

Dun ever let yr elegance rest on yr rocks...especially the soft tissue areas...bottom part is ok....ideally their mouth shd be facing up towards the lights....

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Binsoage - Noted, i try to lay it on the bottom of the tank. (However, im on barebottom...)

Ahsiang - that will be my highest temp. Current temp 25.5 ... 28+ will only hit during Sat/Sun

Eniram - Disease?Huh? How would it look like if kana disease?


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What about flow? i shifted from mid to bottom, however, the flow is still strong. Can see that the flow is causing the skin to retract even more....

Now its hiding between 2 x mountains.

Hopefully this position will helps. . .


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1) Placed in horizontal orientation, point down, mouths and tentacles facing upward,

NOT in vertical settings as they are often arranged in reef systems. They really need to be placed "on their backs"

2) Semi-still waters. They come from settings with actually very little water movement,

NOT as many hobbyists place them; in full front of a powerhead’s constant blast.

Elegance corals need gentle, non-linear water movement.



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unlikely...otherwise he wd have noticed and will not buy...

The thing about the disease its it will spread from one colony to the other. Possible and maybe one was infected?

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u can cut a pvc pipe and let it rest on it or epoxy its side to one of your rocks, but make sure its flesh not rubbing on the rocks or sharp edges....

Siang, How about the placement? Can i place it higher? As i need to epoxy...

Flow? High or lower?

Whats your Opinion?


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  • SRC Member
Siang, How about the placement? Can i place it higher? As i need to epoxy...

Flow? High or lower?

Whats your Opinion?

based on my 2 failures.....try to place them on a low flow area first, for them to get use to yr water conditions...best is bottom area....since yours is bare bottom....try to find a big pvc pipe to hold it...u can ask from LFS if they want to sell/give one to u...or any piping shop....

u can epoxy it between 2 small rocks...so long no sharp edges poking on its flesh when they expand....

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elegance disease noted by extreme bloatedness, super shrunk tentacles, excessive slime and won't open. it doesnt manifest itself immediately at the LFS. sometimes only after weeks of purchase.

place on sand, low-med flow, med lights.

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  • SRC Member
elegance disease noted by extreme bloatedness, super shrunk tentacles, excessive slime and won't open. it doesnt manifest itself immediately at the LFS. sometimes only after weeks of purchase.

place on sand, low-med flow, med lights.

the elegance guru have spoken..

have a safe flight my friend!

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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i have kept an elegence coral before , i place it on the rocks (none of its meat pressing against the rock), mid light , low flow .

it did quite well for a few months until I decom. :rolleyes:

thanks for sharing 91.

guess, its all come to luck...when choosing this coral.

Though its hardy, but heard that the way its harvasted from the sea, would easily injure it, which also prone to diseases...


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  • SRC Member
This coral never survive more than 3 months... this is a difficult coral to keep...

But its a challenge to try..

Ah Bro. Very long never see you. Thought you stop reefing? Cheers

I think (marine) therefore I am

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Infact, i took back the coral home yesterday.

It doesnt look that good at home.

But after a while, it seems better.

This morning, it was slightly better than in my office tank for most part, expect for the lower left portion, in a rather shrunked look...

Crossing my fingers..


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  • SRC Member

Good luck. Basically what Lemon2 said is true.. and elegance is not easy to keep... even if it appears healthy, was told most will die off within 1 year.

The one we got from GO was very nice and healthy and then suddenly disintergrate over 2 days or so... desi suspect some crab may have nib or irritate the coral but we still don't know the exact cause.

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Good luck. Basically what Lemon2 said is true.. and elegance is not easy to keep... even if it appears healthy, was told most will die off within 1 year.

The one we got from GO was very nice and healthy and then suddenly disintergrate over 2 days or so... desi suspect some crab may have nib or irritate the coral but we still don't know the exact cause.


Luck is all i can rely on this mmt.

Did all i could to try keep this beautiful thing alive...

Ketchup, so no more Elegance after the 1st experience?


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