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protein skimmer queries

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Agree with Tanzy... perhaps your skimmer isn't producing enough foam or maybe the bubbles are too big. You should look into producing very very fine bubbles for organics to bind onto the bubbles.

You are using an airstone type skimmer? They are usable for the short term but require a lot of maintenance as you will have to change out the airstone everytime... get the wooden ones, they work better. They still do not give a consistent skimming result coz they get clogged over in a matter of days/weeks, and your water quality takes a nose-dive too.

I used to use one a long long time ago! Have long since abandoned them.

You will appreciate the increased water quality from good skimmers ie. pump driven ones.

It's an investment you will not regret ie. good skimmers coz your livestock will appreciate all the dissolved organics being removed as fast as possible.


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  • SRC Member

yah , i agree with AT and the rest of the guys on getting the best skimmer that you can afford for your tank ... also you can never really over-skimmed a tank .... it could be x but i personally think it's worth it ... as you have already spent quite a hefty sum on your own stuff so y not a good skimmer too .... :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member

Venturi skimmers are water pump driven.

The venturi valve is a T-shaped valve that draws in water from the water pump in one T-arm, and air from the other T-arm and combines both and shoots it in the skimmer column.

The Red-Sea Berlin is the classic venturi skimmer design. Most of the other mid-range skimmers are venturi skimmers.

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  • SRC Member

Any recommendation for a venturi skimmer type if I don't use a sump?

I currently use an internal counter-current (i.e. airstone type). Gunk gets collected but it's more like dirty water than the thick brown stuff u guys get.

Would like to change - so I suppose the only option is a hang-on venturi?

Is Prizm any good?


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hey guys,

Thanks for all your advices. I have change to a wooden airstone and the skimming really improves alot. At least i can see foam climbing into the foam cup now. I did thought of buying a better PS but i dun have $$ :( . No choice, still schooling.... Will wait until after CNY then see is i have extra cash to pamper my fishes.... B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have just installed an ORCA PS which a friend gave to me today. The only place I can install is in the 2nd sump compartment which is about 5" wide and has 8" head of water. I was forced to shorten the PS column by 1" so that the water inlets are submerged. The net result is that the PS cup is almost filled with water (the thin layer of bubble is only about 10mm from the cup cover) and that a copious amt of bubble 'escaped' from the cup and form a bubble mass on the cup cover. Also there are bubbles 'escaping' from the PS column inlets. I am using a sandstone connected to a 2-head air pump. Think I am not doing the right thing. Someone pls point out the faults. :bow:

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  • SRC Member
Have just installed an ORCA PS which a friend gave to me today. The only place I can install is in the 2nd sump compartment which is about 5" wide and has 8" head of water. I was forced to shorten the PS column by 1" so that the water inlets are submerged. The net result is that the PS cup is almost filled with water (the thin layer of bubble is only about 10mm from the cup cover) and that a copious amt of bubble 'escaped' from the cup and form a bubble mass on the cup cover. Also there are bubbles 'escaping' from the PS column inlets. I am using a sandstone connected to a 2-head air pump. Think I am not doing the right thing. Someone pls point out the faults. :bow:

Hi... the collection cup is not supposed to be submerged at all. The bottom of the cup is supposed to "sit" on the water surface. I.e.: The inverted cone shape part inside the cup should not be blocked by water, so that the bubbles can slowly move up and the "protein" and gunk pushed up to overflow into the cup.

I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do, but everything seems to work fine. I throw away a greenish-yellowish-brownish liquid that contains some solids and foam that collect in the cup everyday.

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Hi... the collection cup is not supposed to be submerged at all. The bottom of the cup is supposed to "sit" on the water surface. I.e.: The inverted cone shape part inside the cup should not be blocked by water, so that the bubbles can slowly move up and the "protein" and gunk pushed up to overflow into the cup.

I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do, but everything seems to work fine. I throw away a greenish-yellowish-brownish liquid that contains some solids and foam that collect in the cup everyday.

My collection cup is sitting above water level. However, the water in the cup has cover the inverted cone (inside cup). Understand that bubble foam should comes out of the cone and into the cup. Why is my cup almost flooded with water ?

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My collection cup is sitting above water level. However, the water in the cup has cover the inverted cone (inside cup). Understand that bubble foam should comes out of the cone and into the cup. Why is my cup almost flooded with water ?

check the control outlet valve. the pressure is too high thats why all the water rush into the cup

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Thanks anyway Dino. Maybe, I can install a smallish control valve if this can solve the problem. Anyway, I have decided to go for a PRISM PS after reading up on it. Know any LFS having it in their display tank ? Nothing beats seeing one in operation to gauge its effectiveness and to gauge if I can incorporate it into existing system.

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The 3 ft display tank at Marine Life (Hong Leong) is using a Prizm and mine too. Really much better than Orca or even Sander. I upgraded from Sander to Prizm and since then no regret.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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hmmm.... no good... no good at all... you should have no such bubbles escaping from your PS. Check all your fittings... sometimes a bad seal from the unions (uhh... does this PS even have one?) could leak air bubbles.

Experiment with your in-sump PS.. adjust the height it sits in the water and the water intake until no water is going into the PS due to excessive water pressure.

You want to ensure that you only have dry foam moving up the riser tube and into the collection cup. It is not good to have too liquid skimmate... you want it thick and black/dark.... not full of yellowish tea-coloured water.

Good luck! ;)

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  • SRC Member

At, wiff regards to thick black skimmate...

im using a normal venturi skimmer...

its very difficult to get that dark skimmate....

furthermore, most of the bubbles would collapse at the foam riser...

the best i think i got was a rather wet foam,but with spots of blacks and browns....

is it suppose to be like that ?

or shd i let the thing run even longer ( the longest it was on was 2 weeks i think)

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Is this the "escaped bubbles" you're referring to? I don't know if its supposed to happen, but yeah, I get it too.

Yes, it is precisely what I meant. After seeing that it is not too efficient and reading so much about the ++of the PRIZM, I have discarded the ORCA after 1 day and replaced it with a PRIZM. So far so good. :D

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