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ARGH UNBELIEVABLE!! my rhomboid male has been displaying to the female nightly and going into crazy flashing fits. today, i JUST WITNESSED THEM SPAWNING Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! AMAZZZZZZZING. NEVER DID I EVER EXPECT THIS!! THE FEMALE IS SO NEW!!

it starts with the female hanging out the outer edge of the rocks, and the male will just swim circles around and around and really, its so amazing when he flashes, i swear he is emitting his own light lol. even the other wrasses backed off. this is not the usual flashing he does, it seemed different somehow. so i just watched and watched.

next, he swims towards the female, and both dash to the surface with a slight splash. didnt get to see any eggs. wrasse eggs are tiny, pelagic, transparent, and think my eye too screwed up to see them. the two partners then decend down to resume their normal fishy activities.

never did i expect them to spawn so soon, in a SHALLOW TANK OF ONLY 2 FT, and with only one female! i dunno if the eggs are fertile or not, but its certainly very very nice to see! i wanted to take a picture or a video of the male flashing but i have been trying to get good shots for the past 2 weeks to no avail, so i kinda gave up. regretted it lols.

hope this keeps up!! FUEL, JOE, WANNA RAISE SOME RHOMBOID BABIES? ahhhhhhhhh hands are shaking as i type this.

Hi Bro LemonLemon

Congratulations! If ever you are successful in raising future broods of Rhomboid fry, please include me in your list of potential buyers. I'm sure they would have a better chance of survival than the imported ones from LFS. Bravo again!


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  • Senior Reefer

bro not to burst your bubble. rhomboids, or for that matter, any wrasse, have not been bred in captivity before. they are super difficult to breed, even harder than shrimps i think. this must ask fuel.

you will probably stand a better chance getting live ones from LFS.

not to mention, even IF fries were being raised, it will take years before they grow to a sellable alpha male size. it's seriously not practical in a commercial point of view, much less impossible.

Female rhomboids are not popular. you see, wrasses live in a harem. if you raise a group from eggs, every single one will be female first. one dominant one will emerge to be the alpha male, and followed by smaller subordinate males. if you raise 30+ rhomboids, out of 30, only 1 will be a good male worth selling. rest will be juveniles, females and small males which, to be honest, are quite hard to sell.

thing is, its extremely hard to raise them and don't think any wrasses have been captive bred before.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Reefer

Any updates?

sigh i never wanted to view this thread again but it's been bumped up...

my male died recently.... dun wanna talk about how it died .__.

left the 2 females now.

sad right? unfortunately, this is how the cookie crumbles.

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  • Senior Reefer

Sorry to hear abt that bro. Maybe try another time till they breed?

its not easy for fairy wrasses to spawn in captivity, yet alone rhomboids. my case was 1st in the world to my knowledge. and it was probably a freak incident. the loss of the giant alpha male was a tragic case. tragic enough to put me off wrasses for the time being. and even more so, tragic enough for me to stop hunting rhomboids intensively for the time being. it's more of passive searching now..

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