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WTT my luminous green ST-plate abt 10cm when fully expanded


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  • SRC Member

only looking for these 3 types of snails...no other types wanted... TRADE with my luminous green ST plate coral...

luminous green plate coral--short tentacled but still aggressive to corals less than 5cm from it...moves around so need use rocks taller than 3 cm to barricade it... it moved to sit on my green moon coral frags and immediately overnight gone... 2 frags less than 5cm but not touching also doing poorly now...

very nice green--very luminous under 14k and above lighting...BUT AGGRESSIVE...thats y letting go...

do not try in a pico/ nano/ packed tank, i'd advise...

would like to deal at my place bedok north ave 1 blk 550.... let u witness its health...not responsible for any negligence on ur part during transportation..because like bubble coral, rough handling will damage its tissue..

picture taken under 1x ati aquablue special/ 1 x aquablue plus - 50/50

sms 96405360


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  • SRC Member

clearer pic...plus basic care..

Plate corals should be placed on a bed of sand or fine pebbles and you may want to block them in position by moving small rocks near the coral, this will prevent your plate coral from inflating and trying to drift away. Maintaining proper calcium levels at around 420ppm will help the plate coral build and maintain its calcium skeleton. Good lighting is required as it is a photosynthetic creature. Flow must be adequate enough to gentily move its tentacles.


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