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WTS Nanocube 24G tank set

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Seling JBJ 24G nanocube(brought from aquamarin) used for 2year at $200


1) the tank

2) cabinet

3) wave maker

4) miscellaneous small stuff like testkits, food, etc...

free with purple rocks and chiller resun 230, still running with the tank. but may need to send for own servicing...

Able to view, no obligations... sms me @ 96825707 Calvin



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Hi Bro

What is the color of the tank + cabinet? From the picture looks brown.

Where to view?


thanks, the tank is grey in color. looks brown is due to my living room light.

currently bro lead28 is also interested but will only view during the weekend.

let me know when u able to, viewing is at punggol drive. sms me for detail address.


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Hi Bro

If Bro Lead28 is in the queue first, I don't wish to jump queue. If he back up, then I will come by la.....I am easy.

Hi bro, thanks for your consideration, anyway is for a friend of mine who wanted to start up a nano. Anyway, inorder not to delay Calvin time, i told him that i will let him know asap about the decision as is quite a good price for the tank with rocks, additives, accessories, cabinet, chiller etc.

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wah.. only $200 for all this? let me know if there is no taker.. i'll like to take it

hi xersion, thanks for the interest...

currently lead28 is unable to decide yet at the moment, so next in the list is bro jyoon.

should jyoon is giving up too, bro xersion will be next... :)

for viewing, bro jyoon and xersion can arrange with me, i'm fine.


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  • SRC Member
hi xersion, thanks for the interest...

currently lead28 is unable to decide yet at the moment, so next in the list is bro jyoon.

should jyoon is giving up too, bro xersion will be next... :)

for viewing, bro jyoon and xersion can arrange with me, i'm fine.


ur location is a bit far for me.. i'll view when its my turn to make a decision :thanks:

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