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Terry's 3x3x2 Tank


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Bro, those worms are huge!

I share your sadness for the lost of your fishes...

Mine is a small ones... Not those size but it managed to dig a tunnel about the size of a toothpick and went through the silicon straight..

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I threw it away it is called 沙虫 in chinese...



omg.. sick to the stomach.. :sick: how about natural predators while they're still small? yellow wrasse? 6line? bumblebee snail (supposely carnivorous to sand worms?)

anyway, sorry for your loss.. i also know its not about the price, but about the sentiments.. and a mass wipeout is very demoralizing.. hang in there bro! tough times dun last, tough men do!

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omg.. sick to the stomach.. :sick: how about natural predators while they're still small? yellow wrasse? 6line? bumblebee snail (supposely carnivorous to sand worms?)

anyway, sorry for your loss.. i also know its not about the price, but about the sentiments.. and a mass wipeout is very demoralizing.. hang in there bro! tough times dun last, tough men do!

Did I mention China eats them as a seafood delicacy, LOL...

I am not sure of natural predator, I had Yellow wrasse untill I caught it and put in my frag tank... Cause or coincidental?

The cost is not a lot lar, common fishes, just the sentimental values of them...

Omg, the last phrase "tough times dun last, tough men do!", so nostalgics, hear during sispec days... LOL!!!

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I threw it away it is called 沙虫 in chinese...



They look really huge... I goggle it.. China, They consume it for porridge & alacarte recipe..


Below another cartoon and Close look on 沙虫 Sandworm (Polychaeta Nereis virens).. It looks really notorious & alien feature look...



Edited by CFOh


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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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omg wtf! the last pic is just plain sick! hahaah.. got fangs~!?!?!?! how they cook it ? look like pig intestines, surprisingly looks quite tasteful.. :P

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They look really huge... I goggle it.. China, They consume it for porridge & alacarte recipe..


Below another cartoon and Close look on 沙虫 Sandworm (Polychaeta Nereis virens).. It looks really notorious & alien feature look...



The last photo is so alien!!!

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omg wtf! the last pic is just plain sick! hahaah.. got fangs~!?!?!?! how they cook it ? look like pig intestines, surprisingly looks quite tasteful.. :P

It is the fangs they used to dig thru the sand and rocks... Thats why they are able to dig thru the silicon...

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It is the fangs they used to dig thru the sand and rocks... Thats why they are able to dig thru the silicon...

I highly doubt the sand worm is the cause of your tank leak! It is most likely jux silicon worn out or poor workmanship.

Let's not be paranoid about the worms biting through our silicon!

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I highly doubt the sand worm is the cause of your tank leak! It is most likely jux silicon worn out or poor workmanship.

Let's not be paranoid about the worms biting through our silicon!

Actually , it is a very very very rare case,very few case occurred in RC and Aussie too.. I saw the hole personally, it is a straight hole thru the silicon... Like taking a straw and poke into and jelly and take out... I just will be more careful next time and look for worms...

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my god... i'm so sorry to hear about this terryz.... gosh.. I guess next time i'd pay extra care to my sand too.. yikes! The pictures are gross! I know I have a big worm in my tank too which I think is eating my starfish and maybe even snails... and probably clams... but I can't seem to catch it!!!! :(

Cheers, ;)


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my god... i'm so sorry to hear about this terryz.... gosh.. I guess next time i'd pay extra care to my sand too.. yikes! The pictures are gross! I know I have a big worm in my tank too which I think is eating my starfish and maybe even snails... and probably clams... but I can't seem to catch it!!!! :(

desi does it bolt back into its cave REAL FAST? sensitive to light? sensitive to meaty-smell? does it look like a CENTIPEDE?

sounds like a bobbit worm.. :heh: if it is, no choice but to take rock out.. this fellow i had, curled up 1 feet of its huge body into the rock, and only show a few cm of its head during feedings.. even tug-of-war also fail..

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my problem is that it moves .... I thought I knew where it's home was.. set traps.. but no luck.. then few nights later, ketchup saw it moving between 2 other rocks.. not near it's "home" at all... so it seems to be moving around the tank.. so to speak....well.. honestly, as long as it doesn't harm my fish.. I just leave it be.. fingers crossed that in the future it doesn't HARM my fishes!!


Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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The last photo is so alien!!!

With such a teeth , no wonder it can bite thru your silicon. Yes, take this as a new start , " Old things doesn't go, New things doesnt come " :P

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Actually , it is a very very very rare case,very few case occurred in RC and Aussie too.. I saw the hole personally, it is a straight hole thru the silicon... Like taking a straw and poke into and jelly and take out... I just will be more careful next time and look for worms...

Terry, sad to know about the unfortunate event. But is glad that you share one of the few rare event which may befall any of us.

Your personal sighting is also a good evidence that it is not due to poor workmanship :)


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my god... i'm so sorry to hear about this terryz.... gosh.. I guess next time i'd pay extra care to my sand too.. yikes! The pictures are gross! I know I have a big worm in my tank too which I think is eating my starfish and maybe even snails... and probably clams... but I can't seem to catch it!!!! :(

I didnt even know this existed...I know about the sandworm but never thought it is that destructive...

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With such a teeth , no wonder it can bite thru your silicon. Yes, take this as a new start , " Old things doesn't go, New things doesnt come " :P

Ya, will need time to get over it...

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Terry, sad to know about the unfortunate event. But is glad that you share one of the few rare event which may befall any of us.

Your personal sighting is also a good evidence that it is not due to poor workmanship :)

Unlucky for me... Take it as a case study..

But after witnessing how the repair is done, I roughly know how to repair if it ever happens again *TOUCHWOOD... LOL...

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I threw it away it is called 沙虫 in chinese...



Ahhh... They actually eat this in China... I tried it before in Xiamen....

Anyway, take a break and come back stronger with a better tank! Good Luck and Jia You!

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Ahhh... They actually eat this in China... I tried it before in Xiamen....

Anyway, take a break and come back stronger with a better tank! Good Luck and Jia You!

I heard it is nice... LOL...

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