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Sands' Grades


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  • SRC Member

the grading is simple the range of sizes.

grade 0 is the finest, so fine that makes it looks like table sugar

grade 1 is slightly bigger.

grade 2, even larger.

and 3 is more of pebbles sized.

for marine, if you want to keep animal that sleeps in the sand, go for grade 0 to be safe.

grade 1 is the max you can go if you want safety for them.

but then while it is extremely beautiful to have grade 0 sand, it is extremely easy to get sand storm as well.

happy reefing.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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My sandbed is rather thin, maybe 2 inches at most. The tank is already inhabited. If I want to increase the depth, can I just top up live sand (either the packaged ones or from someone's tank) direct into the tank with all the inhabitants still in it? Or is there some procedure to do so?

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  • SRC Member
My sandbed is rather thin, maybe 2 inches at most. The tank is already inhabited. If I want to increase the depth, can I just top up live sand (either the packaged ones or from someone's tank) direct into the tank with all the inhabitants still in it? Or is there some procedure to do so?

If you just pour in, will have tsunami... and all the sands will be stirred up..

I am also considering of adding in some live sand (cos mine is black live sand anyway). So i believe one way is to use a funnel on top and extend a hard tube (like those rubber hose) and slowly pour into the area (preferable side of the tank).

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  • SRC Member
My sandbed is rather thin, maybe 2 inches at most. The tank is already inhabited. If I want to increase the depth, can I just top up live sand (either the packaged ones or from someone's tank) direct into the tank with all the inhabitants still in it? Or is there some procedure to do so?

Yes, you can do it but you will need to off all your return pumps and wavemakers otherwise you will have a sandstorm.

My Setup:

3x2x2 tank with IOS

Equipment List:

Chiller: Artica 1/5HP

Chiller Pump: Sicce 4000

Return Pump: OR3500

Skimmer: Deltec APF600

Wavemaker: Tunze Wavebox/2x Hydor K2/SCWD wavemaker

Lights: DElighting 2x150W MH + 2x 39W T5 Atinic

FR: Skimz

FR Pump: Atman AT-104

Tubby ATO, Kalkweisser Reactor with magnetic stirrer.

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