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New chapter for 6ft


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Bro nice schooling chromis :) Hope they continue schooling for you!

Notice your clownfish swimming ard the corner of the tank and near the waterline... Same as mine!!! <_<

ya they've been schooling for me for almost ayr liao ever since in my 4ft tank

15pcs of them in total (no MIA so far) now planning to add more of it, but looking at blue chromis wonder whether will they've conflict and fight??

any kind bro with exp on this pls share

As for the clown fish mmm hard to have them swimming in the open most of the time

Maybe adding anemone will help but afraid that it'll die off and pollute the water

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Hi Steven,

wow your Queen looks so majestic! very very nice......

and I like the school of chromis..... swim left right left right....... such a pretty sight.

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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ya they've been schooling for me for almost ayr liao ever since in my 4ft tank

15pcs of them in total (no MIA so far) now planning to add more of it, but looking at blue chromis wonder whether will they've conflict and fight??

any kind bro with exp on this pls share

As for the clown fish mmm hard to have them swimming in the open most of the time

Maybe adding anemone will help but afraid that it'll die off and pollute the water

Same sentiments on the anemone. My clowns are venturing away from their corner nowadays as they are growing bigger, but always still end up there.

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Hi Steven,

wow your Queen looks so majestic! very very nice......

and I like the school of chromis..... swim left right left right....... such a pretty sight.

Queen look so majestic?? meaning hee hee

ya look like one big gang ha ha planning for blue so have two gang but scare later gang crash LOL

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Same sentiments on the anemone. My clowns are venturing away from their corner nowadays as they are growing bigger, but always still end up there.

my use to be in 4ft tank and they'll do the same and venture out for afew min and go back to the same location...

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Queen look so majestic?? meaning hee hee

ya look like one big gang ha ha planning for blue so have two gang but scare later gang crash LOL

lol.. not as in majestic angelfish.

meaning your queen really swims like a royalty. very nice. I have kept most angels before but never an adult queen.

My school of chromis disappeared slowly one by one over time :(

Of course I was quite a nooby at that time. Believe yours will definitely do much better.

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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lol.. not as in majestic angelfish.

meaning your queen really swims like a royalty. very nice. I have kept most angels before but never an adult queen.

My school of chromis disappeared slowly one by one over time :(

Of course I was quite a nooby at that time. Believe yours will definitely do much better.

maybe u don't feed enough as i feed 8-10 times a day

then u should try one queen chk with LCK than

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wah bro super nice man, btw bro when u off on weekday ? can I drop by to see during my lunch time cos my work place is very near your place .....

i work on wkday lei but will be home later at around 6plus to 7

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After a lot of thinking and planning, i've decided to shift my Hailea 1hp chiller away from my living hall.

As u all should know stand alone chiller produce too much heat to the enviroment we're in

so i've buy alot of pvc pipe and do a trunking along the wall side all the way to the kitchen dry clean area


there's a window opening just right for my chiller


i've also extend a wire cord with a plug that connect to the ext thermostat

have known that PVC can hold the cold water better than our hose, so i try not to use too much hose as well

Lastly i added a spinner to see that the pump for the chiller are working without lifting the pipe and see, as my pump only on when the chiller is on


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After a lot of thinking and planning, i've decided to shift my Hailea 1hp chiller away from my living hall.

As u all should know stand alone chiller produce too much heat to the enviroment we're in

so i've buy alot of pvc pipe and do a trunking along the wall side all the way to the kitchen dry clean area


there's a window opening just right for my chiller


i've also extend a wire cord with a plug that connect to the ext thermostat

have known that PVC can hold the cold water better than our hose, so i try not to use too much hose as well

Lastly i added a spinner to see that the pump for the chiller are working without lifting the pipe and see, as my pump only on when the chiller is on


that look really good. just ensure it got sufficient flow back and fore.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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wah bro , nice big tank you have there with the chromis (super attention seekers which captured most of my attention,i love schooling fishes haha)

tks bro maybe will buy more to add

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that look really good. just ensure it got sufficient flow back and fore.

ya have spend 5hrs just doing the piping and wiring, as for the flow it quite reasonable at bout 1000L/H

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hi bro stevenkoh08, I've had 8 of them in my smaller tank previously, but they don't school like yours, only except feeding. but super fierce when eating, :upsidedown: and really love your queen! really majestic~

" The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people! "

Randy Pausch, (The Last Lecture)

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Tks bro Milch

In the nature they only school in big enviroment, so think they really need big tank for it to school around.

recently just added a radioactive birdnest frag to see the respond

water parameter

MG 1350

CA 500

KH 8

the rest so far nvr test yet

as i trust the system well for no3 and po4

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After a lot of thinking and planning, i've decided to shift my Hailea 1hp chiller away from my living hall.

As u all should know stand alone chiller produce too much heat to the enviroment we're in

so i've buy alot of pvc pipe and do a trunking along the wall side all the way to the kitchen dry clean area


there's a window opening just right for my chiller


i've also extend a wire cord with a plug that connect to the ext thermostat

have known that PVC can hold the cold water better than our hose, so i try not to use too much hose as well

Lastly i added a spinner to see that the pump for the chiller are working without lifting the pipe and see, as my pump only on when the chiller is on


Hi bro,

Did you consider using a commerical chiller unit instead ? If you can place the compressor out of your house all the problem with the heat will be gone, and the drop in coil also chill faster thus saving some energy as well. I am also thinking about this right now especially the weather is so hot recently and make my chiller runing more often..innocent.gif

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ya have spend 5hrs just doing the piping and wiring, as for the flow it quite reasonable at bout 1000L/H

Wow, must be a lot of sweat on the piping work. Bro, is 1000l/hr enough for your chiller size?

As for the hose and piping, you can use those computer black (or white) wiring cable covers to conceal them if you want. I use those to conceal my green ehiem hose which looked out of place in my living room.

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Hi bro,

Did you consider using a commerical chiller unit instead ? If you can place the compressor out of your house all the problem with the heat will be gone, and the drop in coil also chill faster thus saving some energy as well. I am also thinking about this right now especially the weather is so hot recently and make my chiller runing more often..innocent.gif

ya i did consider of drop in coil, but the problem are i've to stick with the current set up forever till i decom

so i can't change design of the sump and tank position ( unless do extra trunking for the a/c ) pay more also

for the price of installing and unit it'll cost bout almost 2k for a 1hp

per day my chiller run 1hr and rest 3hrs, so means it run 6hrs per day to maintain at 27degrees by ext thermostate

as per kilo watt cost S$0.24 in total 0.704kw X 6hrs X 365days = 1541.76kw X S$0.24 = S$370.02per yr

so in terms of cost for a HC-1000A = S$754 For the turn over it'll be S$2k - S$754 = S$1246 spent on the initial

and S$1246 / S$370 = 3yrs and 5mths to get back the cost for the initail without the power comsumption of the unit yet

HC-1000A running for 3yrs 5mths cost me S$2448.50 in total with the chiller price

drop in unit cost me S$2370.11 for 3yrs 5mths with electrical comsumption with initial cost

so if i'm not going to use that long for 3yrs i won't see the saving

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Wow, must be a lot of sweat on the piping work. Bro, is 1000l/hr enough for your chiller size?

As for the hose and piping, you can use those computer black (or white) wiring cable covers to conceal them if you want. I use those to conceal my green ehiem hose which looked out of place in my living room.

ya it enough for the flow, as the slower it's the cooler is the output

as for the wire cover don't really get it can share more or pic to show

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ya i did consider of drop in coil, but the problem are i've to stick with the current set up forever till i decom

so i can't change design of the sump and tank position ( unless do extra trunking for the a/c ) pay more also

for the price of installing and unit it'll cost bout almost 2k for a 1hp

per day my chiller run 1hr and rest 3hrs, so means it run 6hrs per day to maintain at 27degrees by ext thermostate

as per kilo watt cost S$0.24 in total 0.704kw X 6hrs X 365days = 1541.76kw X S$0.24 = S$370.02per yr

so in terms of cost for a HC-1000A = S$754 For the turn over it'll be S$2k - S$754 = S$1246 spent on the initial

and S$1246 / S$370 = 3yrs and 5mths to get back the cost for the initail without the power comsumption of the unit yet

HC-1000A running for 3yrs 5mths cost me S$2448.50 in total with the chiller price

drop in unit cost me S$2370.11 for 3yrs 5mths with electrical comsumption with initial cost

so if i'm not going to use that long for 3yrs i won't see the saving

Wow good bro.. Seem like you have done all the Math calculation beforehand... happy.gif

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