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Pasar Malam - Home Tanks


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very rare to pair AT successfully.

Highly territorial and demanding fish and very very difficult to sex. to have a pair (i'm assuming M and F), is truly amazing and very difficult to accomplish.

not to mention they are not sexually dichromatic and dimorphic meaning u cannot tell the sex from colour or form. and that makes sexing them extremely difficult and can only trial an error.

good job!

make sure you give them pristine water quality and PLENTY of wave.

AT like high oxygenated water in strong surge zones. they inhabit these areas in the wild.

rule of thumb. AT = SPS.

need flow

need good water quality

need high O2 lvl

very sensitive

very beautiful

need alot of space

AT do very well in SPS tank because the requirements are very similar.

good job!

Thanks bro LemonLemon for the great knowledge on AT... :bow:

I guess it's just my luck to discover these two ATs at the rigth time and right place..

I notice one of them is darker colour than the other and behave a bit different... :P

However, have no luck in seeing them having sex yet... ;) hope is legal to upload their love making pictures here... :evil:


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Thanks bro LemonLemon for the great knowledge on AT... :bow:

I guess it's just my luck to discover these two ATs at the rigth time and right place..

I notice one of them is darker colour than the other and behave a bit different... :P

However, have no luck in seeing them having sex yet... ;) hope is legal to upload their love making pictures here... :evil:

the difference in colour is probably individual variation. every fish is different.

good job and please do show us pics of their love making in future!

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Thanks Bro/Sis for all the complement and encouragement...

A "Tank with Tangs" surely cannot miss out this little fellow:


It has grown from a size of 20 cents coin to bigger than 50 cents in just 8-9 weeks...


A very hardworking algae eater and cheerful fish




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  • 8 months later...

Wow...finally surface liao. Yet the tank still look so good :wub: was just thinking how come you have been missing for a quite a while...you must be using the state of the art rebreather for your dive is it :upsidedown:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Very nice tank ! Any updates on your paired AT and Black tang v

thanks bro... the Black Tang has grown to be about 3.5" to 4" now.. live happily with the rest of the gangs.. However, for the paired AT, once was attacked by the PBT and stressed out for 2 weeks and stop eating..finally passed away 4 months ago.. other AT has also grown about the same size as the PBT and constant fighting with the PBT.. I think one day it might over power the PBT..


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Wow...finally surface liao. Yet the tank still look so good :wub: was just thinking how come you have been missing for a quite a while...you must be using the state of the art rebreather for your dive is it :upsidedown:

ha..ha... I has automated most of the necessary dosing process (now with 11 dosing pumps)and the fact the my tank is almost full so not much need to update.. Hate the pumping on the Zeovite reactor so... might be converted to Bio Pallets or Volka soon...

Anyway, nice to be see you around again.... :thumbsup:


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your pic can be my wallpaper...so siew...

whats is that fish beside the YT?

If you are referring the little fat fish beside the Yellow Tang that is a Damsels. I brought a pair from a LFS when they were very small and nice colour.. Now I bit of regretted as they attrack me every time I put my hand inside the tank or they will also attack cleaner when I cleaning the screen. :thumbdown:

so think twice before buy and put them in the tank.. <_<


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Been diving too long... it's time to surface up from underwater...

Frist start with the full view of my current tank update... as of September 2011:


Really inspired. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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haha.. Clee.. finally see u back on SRC instead of PSS facebook! :)

ha..ha... that's one of the reasons I was disappeared for a while here.... I am a focus person...he..he.. :friends:

Any idea what is the good parameters to take the full tank view? I am using F2.8 1/13 ISO-100 .. thinking of doing in Raw and tweak it in HDR with various exposures.. <_<

See your around both SRC and PPS... :thumbsup:


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ha..ha... that's one of the reasons I was disappeared for a while here.... I am a focus person...he..he.. :friends:

Any idea what is the good parameters to take the full tank view? I am using F2.8 1/13 ISO-100 .. thinking of doing in Raw and tweak it in HDR with various exposures.. <_<

See your around both SRC and PPS... :thumbsup:

FTS? well, can shoot at ISO 400 or even 800 since you need to freeze the fishes right? I seldom take FTS or even fishes with DSLR also :)

yup, see you here and PSS! :)

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