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Pasar Malam - Home Tanks


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  • SRC Member

beautiful tank to suit a beautiful home.

the 6 footer does not look like a 2nd hand. did the previous owner even hook up for usage?

the tank still looks very spotless after running for a few months.. :thumbsup:

Brown SPS > Kinder Surprise

White SPS = Kinder Surprise after expiry date

Assumption killed the dinosaurs, they didnt have test kits.

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beautiful tank to suit a beautiful home.

the 6 footer does not look like a 2nd hand. did the previous owner even hook up for usage?

the tank still looks very spotless after running for a few months.. :thumbsup:


Thanks for the complement... the 6 footer was acquired from a restaurant in Changi where it was well matintained for 7 months. I think I was lucky then....


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Whaoo bro, very nice collection you got there :thumbsup:

The last piece of sps colour is insane ! Hope you update us on this beauty :bow:

Thanks bro... I would say your frags are the most hardy and stable among all of my SPS collection.

Just added another 8 x 39w T5 on top of existing 3 x 250W MH + 2 x 58W Buleplus...

keep my fingers crossed..


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Thanks bro... I would say your frags are the most hardy and stable among all of my SPS collection.

Just added another 8 x 39w T5 on top of existing 3 x 250W MH + 2 x 58W Buleplus...

keep my fingers crossed..

Wow, that's nice to know my commando trained frags are doing well :groupwavereversed:

The addtional lights you adding is gonna be awesome mann...cant wait to hear from you the positive results of the sps colours. Look forward to your updates :thumbsup:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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This is the most natural reef scaping i have seen so far...amazing !!!

Guess the scuba really helps alot :welldone:

thanks for the encourgement sir ....

I have made a mistake that every refeer might have made - trying to achieve the perfect water parameters..it's never be one..

I am now in the recovery mode...


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:agreed: MOI too...afterall we are all human. :yahoo:

thanks for the encourgement sir ....

I have made a mistake that every refeer might have made - trying to achieve the perfect water parameters..it's never be one..

I am now in the recovery mode...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been thinking of making some changes to my current scaping.. would like to seek advice and suggestion on how the current aqua-scaping can be further improved...

This is the current picture of my 6 footer..


I am quite happy with the left side of the scaping except that the big pink birdnest colony is few inches reaching the water level and I can see that some tip are getting brown due to direct MH light on top.. I think this has to go...but tot that this has always been the main attraction on the left side.. Not sure the effect of taking this peice of gem out ..


On the right side of the tank... would like to do a major scaping to give more rooms for growing SPS and to provide more direct lighting.. Currently, most of my SPS are planted on the two major top Live rocks.. space below the two rocks are not fully utilised..


Tot of taking out one of the top live rocks and the centre live rock to open up a space in the centre with four small hills (or mountains) subrounding the centre valelly. Not sure whether this will provide better growing space and lights for planting SPS around the four hills.


Any suggestion is greatly appreciated...


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  • SRC Member

think twice b4 u going to rescape...cos ur SPS all will stress up..

try building the SPS on the overflow side cover the box and for the tunze side reduce the height and place ur Birdnest there

if there a chance catch ur GT and change to a bigger school of small fishes it will be nice...

BTW i like your GTs..

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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think twice b4 u going to rescape...cos ur SPS all will stress up..

try building the SPS on the overflow side cover the box and for the tunze side reduce the height and place ur Birdnest there

if there a chance catch ur GT and change to a bigger school of small fishes it will be nice...

BTW i like your GTs..


Thanks for your advice... indeed...the GTs are nice but they are the main cause for high nutrient level...which is bad for SPS..

BTW...the GTs have been removed today...


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  • SRC Member

:welldone: mate ! Hope to visit U again soonz. :groupwavereversed:


Thanks for your advice... indeed...the GTs are nice but they are the main cause for high nutrient level...which is bad for SPS..

BTW...the GTs have been removed today...

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