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For my customed made 312W DIY LED set: RMB 3500 + RMB 800 (EMS to Singapore for 11-12 kg light set)

Wow! 312W, that's really stronge lights. Let's us know the effects when u start to use.

Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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I did purchased directly for china once last year for a led system.

But the fan was a bit noisy. Is yours?

Their led are comparable to the more expensive brands?..

Can pm me the price? Yours seems has more functions then mine.

Mine only 2 light switch blue n white.

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I did purchased directly for china once last year for a led system. But the fan was a bit noisy. Is yours? Their led are comparable to the more expensive brands?.. Can pm me the price? Yours seems has more functions then mine. Mine only 2 light switch blue n white.

I got the latest version of the Light set from the supplier with temperture control - that is the fan will knick off when the temperture reaches 50 degree and switch off when the temperture is cooled down to 45 degree... This also another angery saving feature of the LED sytem as compared to most of the system....where the fan is turned on when the power is on... for your info....the fan is very quiet when in operation..

It is also my aim to do a detail comparison with some more expensive branded LED system ... at first look, it looks comparable with the expensive one.(for those existing other LED users, please provide your comments if possible)... however, I am still in the process of testing out all the available functions to see if live up to the expectation... :score:

At this point in time, the supplier is in the process of finalising a local distributor in Singapore... as such it is in-appropreiate for me to provide the cost until I got the permission from the supplier.. However, I can safely estimated at it is about 1/2 - 1/3 of the cost of the branded so-called expensive LED system.. :cheers:

From the next few days.... I will go through all the main features with my findings and comments..so stay tuned... :thumbsup:


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The following are the detailed specification and features:



Size: L30cm*W13cm*4.1cm

Power: ~90W

Voltage: AC100V-240V


4 X Cree XPE Blue - 3W/PCS

12 X Cree XPE Royal Blue - 3W/PCS

2 X CREE XPG Warm White - 5W/PCS

6 X CREE XPG Neutral White - 5W/PCS

Main Features:

* 2-channel capable

* Active Cooled With Fans And Quiet

* Temperature Probe Design For High Temperature Protection

* Circulate Between Day and Night Automatically

* More Light Source Available

* Integrated Wireless Control Module

* Functions of Wireless Controller as Followings

1. Advanced Control For Sunrise/Sunset/Moonlight

2. Cloud Simulation

3. Lunar Cycle

4. Dimmable

5. Setting Night Time Length at Your Will

* 1 Year Wattanty

* Long life of 50,000 Hours

Very nicely built and with so many features and CREE LED use ...really worth buying.. :thumbsup: !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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One of the good design considerations for this LED system is that the driver and power supply is combined into one... this allows the main light module to be light and compact.. :thumbsup:


The single light module has the following basic function if use as a stand alone system:


In Manual Mode - Blue / White LED can be controlled using the LUM- and LUM+ buttons..


In Auto Mode - The syste is defaulted with the following setting and intensity


One of the future enhancement I can think of for the stand alone light module is to include a clock/timer so that reefer can set the current time rather than the default 6:00 am when ever the power is turn on... :yeah:


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This is probably the first China made LED system that provide a compact and powerful wireless controller:


The wireless controller can be purchased separately...however it is highly recommended to purchase one as it provides many additional advanced and good features such as the following:

1) Integrated wireless control multiple light modules - if you install multiple light modules as part of the expandability due to your tank requirements, you only need to use one single wireless controller. The controller can controll multiple light modules within the 4 metres range..so wireless control coverage range is good enough for large tank such as 6 footer to even 10 footer..

2) Unique light compensation function - this is probable the only LED system I know that have this special and impressive feature (even branded name like Radion and Mazarra do not have this feature - correct me if I am wrong). Basically, the wireless controller has a build-in light sensor to detect the lighting condition outside the tank and compared with the intensity of the light module.. if the light intensity outside the tank is brighter than inside the tank.. the system will automatically reduce the LED intensity of the light modules where by additional engery can be saved.. :score:

3) When the wireless controller is syned with multiple modules, more control points with different light intensity can be defined and stored in the controller:



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any pics of the led light set in action?

This is how I connect the two light modules using the connecting rob..



The connecting rob is optional because you can order various types of hanging kit and holding stands.. ...but by connecting two modules together using that.. it helps to provide a balance and consistent level for hanging and light coverage..


I took out one of my AquaLumen UltraBright LED systems and replaced it with the new PHAROS light modules.. :groupwavereversed:


See how compact it s as compared to the two other light sets.. :thumbsup:


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This the where all the light sets are on the same intensity.. :cheers:


You might able to notice that the light on the left side of the tank are brighter and I can responsible to report that the colour are more "vivid" if you personally experience it at a closer distance...


Another plus point is that... the light modules do not give you those flaring brightness as compared to the DIY LED light set and the AquaLument LED but the light spreads are equally intent..and concentrate.. :thumbsup:




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I thought I was in RC for a moment as these things like lightset comparison are usually done with our western reefers. Thumbs up for the review! :thumbsup:

I agree with Eugene on this.

May I suggest moving in some corals to test? same coral under different lightsets to compare the eventual outcome.. in a way we can clearly observe the differences shared by these lights? (:

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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I agree with Eugene on this.

May I suggest moving in some corals to test? same coral under different lightsets to compare the eventual outcome.. in a way we can clearly observe the differences shared by these lights? (:

Thank Bros for the supports and encouragements...

This will be a long process... in fact I have justed fragged the purple Monti and a orange digitata on both end to monitor the outcome...

However, may I remind you all that they are all under the good well spread of LED lights (they are all colour up and conditioned under the LED for months), so the different might not be so definite...not like as if you were to compare between MH/T5 and LED... :agreed:

We will see how they go....


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Thank Bros for the supports and encouragements...

This will be a long process... in fact I have justed fragged the purple Monti and a orange digitata on both end to monitor the outcome...

However, may I remind you all that they are all under the good well spread of LED lights (they are all colour up and conditioned under the LED for months), so the different might not be so definite...not like as if you were to compare between MH/T5 and LED... :agreed:

We will see how they go....

It will be fine bro. Some tests are always better than no test at all. We shall see....

(Can we fast forward it? haha)

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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  • 4 months later...

About 4 months never update... lots of things had happened... lost 80% of my SPS after a tank crashed 3 months back..

Rescaped a bit and re-started all over again... this time with full LED lights (including the sump)...

No checking of KH, no checking of CA, no checking of Mg.... now only read PH and checking the ploy extenions and colour of the corals...getting lazy..








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Wow, full LED lighting for a mixed tank, It's same as mine a 6ft x 2.5 x 2.5, how is your sps doing? Can yours house some higher demand sps in lighting?

No problem with any SPS.....as long as you put high enough with good flow... I have modified my LEDs with addition specturm of wavelenghts to cater for most of the SPS... :thumbsup:




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No problem with any SPS.....as long as you put high enough with good flow... I have modified my LEDs with addition specturm of wavelenghts to cater for most of the SPS... :thumbsup:



Hi bro, r u the guy stay in sengkang keeping alot of discus? Wish to visit u n learn more from u. HP 96493294 :friends:

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Hi Crispin,

Sorry to hear about the crash, but I am sure you will come back having a tank as great (or better) than before. Anyway, your tank still looks great! Looking forward to hear about your review on different LED spectrums on SPS.



Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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Your tank is great as ever, Crispin.

A mixed Sps/Lps reef creates a lot more challenge in water and light condition compared to a pure Sps tank. You really need to monitor Kh in mixed tank.



Thank Mike... my thank is mature and the KH is fairly stable and constant.. so when I look at the PH reading...I can actually "guess" what is my KH value... that's why I don't measure KH anymore (for more than six months now)...in additional, observing the corals ployn extensions add additional safe guard measure to know if the water parameters is in the right range... :cheers: ...


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Hi Crispin,

Sorry to hear about the crash, but I am sure you will come back having a tank as great (or better) than before. Anyway, your tank still looks great! Looking forward to hear about your review on different LED spectrums on SPS.


Thank Jerry... hope your corals and lights are doing well.... lately busy with work and another hobby... will post some review of my lights when I am free..


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