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White flat worm on Euphyllia

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Hi reefers, anyone out there experienced the above infestation on your Hammer, Frogspawn, True Octo and Torch.

I have not come across any flat worms affecting euphyllia before and there is no mention of it in the literature. I will try and get a photo when i get the time.

Has any one experienced this?

Will this affect other coral?

What would the solution be?


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  • Senior Reefer

what is the size? i have experienced two kinds of flatworms on euphyllids. small tiny brown ones (harmless), while rather large purplish-white ones (not sure if harmful or not)

a picture will be very uesful in identifying the type of flatworms.

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what is the size? i have experienced two kinds of flatworms on euphyllids. small tiny brown ones (harmless), while rather large purplish-white ones (not sure if harmful or not)

a picture will be very uesful in identifying the type of flatworms.

yea its a i would say medium sized white ones! will try as one will need to zoom really in or a macro shot!

Nope its not those small brown ones we find on mushies!

Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family

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  • Senior Reefer
yea its a i would say medium sized white ones! will try as one will need to zoom really in or a macro shot!

Nope its not those small brown ones we find on mushies!

Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family

GXFC to you too! :)

read on RC that some use FW dip so is it advisable? Or must i use salifast flat worm removal kit

FW dip is not very advisable on euphyllias....quite sensitive. best is to use coral RX.

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Hi reefers, anyone out there experienced the above infestation on your Hammer, Frogspawn, True Octo and Torch.

I have not come across any flat worms affecting euphyllia before and there is no mention of it in the literature. I will try and get a photo when i get the time.

Has any one experienced this?

Will this affect other coral?

What would the solution be?


What are the side effects if i don't remove those flat worms?

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  • Senior Reefer
What are the side effects if i don't remove those flat worms?

not sure. there are some kinds of flatworms that prey on corals, while some don't. best to remove all of them. unless they are the small brown flatworms, like those on mushrooms.

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