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  • SRC Member

the first place was taken under blue LEDs hence i think the colour looks "unreal"..... but compare to this pic, taken under 3 aquablue special, 2 blue plus, 1 pro... the colour realli looks golden right? anyway how much will u guys pay for zoa if it is for sale?

anyway wilson, this fellow seem to grow at a fast rate. 1st pic was taken tonite...this was taken on the 20th of jan 2010....can see some growth? lol


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the first place was taken under blue LEDs hence i think the colour looks "unreal"..... but compare to this pic, taken under 3 aquablue special, 2 blue plus, 1 pro... the colour realli looks golden right? anyway how much will u guys pay for zoa if it is for sale?

anyway wilson, this fellow seem to grow at a fast rate. 1st pic was taken tonite...this was taken on the 20th of jan 2010....can see some growth? lol

definitely growing fast in your tank! just bare a month, and there's a visible increase in polyps.

very hard to put a price on zoas like these... IMHO this is not that common.

just put up 5 polyps for bid?

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



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  • Senior Reefer

tks for the ID...r they considered as rare? care to pm me how much u paid for them?

i wont say very rare, but yeah uncommon. can find during indo shipments but not in colony, but as hitchhikers, or in small colonies. have to grow them out. so far i only saw one colony brought in by ahbeng before quite awhile ago.

i got mine from coral farm growing amongst palys. i got the palys just for the king midas and fraged them out. i'm unsure of the market value for this, but should be able to fetch a decent price, considering its uncommon nature and yellow colouration. not many zoas are yellow or in this case, gold!

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  • SRC Member
i wont say very rare, but yeah uncommon. can find during indo shipments but not in colony, but as hitchhikers, or in small colonies. have to grow them out. so far i only saw one colony brought in by ahbeng before quite awhile ago.

i got mine from coral farm growing amongst palys. i got the palys just for the king midas and fraged them out. i'm unsure of the market value for this, but should be able to fetch a decent price, considering its uncommon nature and yellow colouration. not many zoas are yellow or in this case, gold!

in this case, we r the lucky ones to find them......

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  • Senior Reefer

this juz show that u gt too much gem in ur tank so this is nothing.... :P

no la :9 my tank very full, and the frag plug is too big for my frag plug holder lol. so i put it on the rock in some corner.... never check on it for awhile liao. hope its still there and never kena topple by snail! :pirate:

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