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Skimz SM150 Skimmer for sale!


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Some Specs on the skimmer:

The SM150 features a powerful AquaBee 2000/1, suitable for aquariums up to 800 litres. The SM150 draws an air intake of 450 l/h, making it capable of handling a higher water throughput. Low power consumption and high performance makes the SM150 an excellent choice for reefers looking for a value-for-money, yet powerful skimmer.

The SM150 should be provided with water from the aquarium either from a separate feed pump or gravity feed.

Every Monzter range of product is hand-crafted with the highest quality materials, precision CNC machined and +GF+ pipe fitting.

Technical Data:

• Skimmer pump: 1 AquaBee 2000/1 needlewheel

• Power consumption : 20W

• Air intake: 450 l/h

• Method of feeding: Gravity or feed pump

• Feed rate: max. 800 l/h


• L 330 x W 280 x H 580mm

• Feed inlet Ø (mm): Eheim16/22 flexible hose

• Return outlet Pipe Ø (mm): 40

• Skimmer body Ø (mm): 150

For Aquariums:

• Normal stocking - 800 litres

• Heavy stocking - 400 litres


• Can be installed in-sump or out-sump

Skimmer: Skimz SM150 - $280/- Note: Depending on the buyer's address, might deliver and 'test' that it is in good working condition.

FOC: Used ehiem compact 1000 feeder pump, Nutrition Formula 1, Marine Pellet , Ocean Nutrition Formula 2, Marine Pellet & Aquapharm Marine Veggie (Dried Green Seaweeds)

Skimz skimmer SM150, used out-sump. Hence exterior very clean and white. Skimmer used for abt 13months.

Interested, pls call/sms 97617804. Thank you for reading. :thanks:








Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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Upz for sale!!....... :thanks:

Received several sms, thank you for ur interest. The price offered is my best and lowest, hence non-nego. Unless buyer do not want the FOC items, then i willingly to sell the skimmer only at $250 nett.

Thank you for reading.

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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Some Specs on the skimmer:

The SM150 features a powerful AquaBee 2000/1, suitable for aquariums up to 800 litres. The SM150 draws an air intake of 450 l/h, making it capable of handling a higher water throughput. Low power consumption and high performance makes the SM150 an excellent choice for reefers looking for a value-for-money, yet powerful skimmer.

The SM150 should be provided with water from the aquarium either from a separate feed pump or gravity feed.

Every Monzter range of product is hand-crafted with the highest quality materials, precision CNC machined and +GF+ pipe fitting.

Technical Data:

• Skimmer pump: 1 AquaBee 2000/1 needlewheel

• Power consumption : 20W

• Air intake: 450 l/h

• Method of feeding: Gravity or feed pump

• Feed rate: max. 800 l/h


• L 330 x W 280 x H 580mm

• Feed inlet Ø (mm): Eheim16/22 flexible hose

• Return outlet Pipe Ø (mm): 40

• Skimmer body Ø (mm): 150

For Aquariums:

• Normal stocking - 800 litres

• Heavy stocking - 400 litres


• Can be installed in-sump or out-sump

Skimmer: Skimz SM150 - $280/- Note: Depending on the buyer's address, might deliver and 'test' that it is in good working condition.

FOC: Used ehiem compact 1000 feeder pump, Eheim 16/22mm hose (Est. abt 52cm in length), Nutrition Formula 1, Marine Pellet , Ocean Nutrition Formula 2, Marine Pellet & Aquapharm Marine Veggie (Dried Green Seaweeds)

Skimz skimmer SM150, used out-sump. Hence exterior very clean and white. Skimmer used for abt 13months.

Interested, pls call/sms 97617804. Thank you for reading. :thanks:

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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Final Price reduction!

Skimmer including FOC items to sell at $260/- nett. Self-collection at my place, jurong west. Since i still have a tub of sea-water and some live rocks, i able to perform a 'live' test for the buyer.

FCFS, Interested, pls call/sms 97617804. :thanks:

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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Final Price reduction!

Skimmer including FOC items to sell at $260/- nett. Self-collection at my place, jurong west. Since i still have a tub of sea-water and some live rocks, i able to perform a 'live' test for the buyer.

FCFS, Interested, pls call/sms 97617804. :thanks:

Some pics of the pump and needle wheel....




Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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Just switch on the skimmer.....prove that it is still in good working condition!

Upz for sale!

Note: The FOC ehiem 16/22 hose is brand new as seen from the pic and is longer than 55cm (as quoted previously). Bascially all u need to do is plug and play!..... :eyebrow:

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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Nice meeting you, and thanks for your skimmer.

Spend entire morning shifting my pumps around my small 3 feet base, and setting up this wonderful skimmer.

Hey hi bro! Whoa took leave today? So how's the going? Should be upz and running by now? :rolleyes:

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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