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My Second Reef Tank!!!


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  • SRC Member

nice to c u back in action after MIA for a few months.... :thumbsup: keeping sps is like keeping women...just when u tot things r stable...shit happens....n u dun know y....haha...i'm tempted to keep angels and butterflies too...but can't bear to let my pratas die...haha...

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nice to c u back in action after MIA for a few months.... :thumbsup: keeping sps is like keeping women...just when u tot things r stable...shit happens....n u dun know y....haha...i'm tempted to keep angels and butterflies too...but can't bear to let my pratas die...haha...

haha.....as for now...i have to abandon the 'sps project' lor. The only regret now is i should have gotten a bigger tank to house more angels/wrasse and butterflies. Yah sell away your lps and other meaty corals before u keep angels and butterflies unless you dont mind em nipping a bite or two....

Btwn..alot of interesting angels ard lately...personifer and scribbled. And how abt a tinker or declivis butterfly? :P

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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Hi bro! haha.....as for now...i have to abandon the 'sps project' lor. Yah sell away your lps and other meaty corals before u keep angels and butterflies unless you dont mind em nipping a bite or two....

Btwn..alot of interesting angels ard lately...personifer and scribbled. And how abt a tinker or declivis butterfly? :P

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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Bro, your tank doing good... :) nice to bump on u last weekend n thks for finally directing me to SL..hahah.. really been so bz until no time to login liao.... must try to catch up again..

Hi Bro, tank okay for the fishes, not for the corals.. :cry2: Hey no problem, thanks for the ride to SL too!

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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Dont worry the white spot may due to stress from the new environment, my personifer had the same problem too when i put it in. If it continue to feed it should be ok.

Wanted to get the scrible angel at SL that day too but i guess i will have to wait till later after my pocket heal laugh.gif

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Dont worry the white spot may due to stress from the new environment, my personifer had the same problem too when i put it in. If it continue to feed it should be ok.

Wanted to get the scrible angel at SL that day too but i guess i will have to wait till later after my pocket heal laugh.gif

Hi Bro. Yah now spots getting lesser but scribled seem to be hiding most of the time when the lights are on.....whereas the rest are hyperactive...

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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  • 5 weeks later...

Agrees. New year resolution.

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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Some new pics before the end of 2010!.....happy new year everyone :groupwavereversed:

Happy New Year, it is my pleasure meeting with you at RD during their Year End Draw.

Take care...

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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How's your softie doing now ? Dont give up on your angels, take a rest now on your tank and pocket lol and stock up slowly ..

Hi Bro...softies doing great! Off my CR for the time being since not much calcium consumed....

Probably drawf angels and looking for a pair of bellus....too much coral at stake here.....wouldnt want another anomonia spike again......hehe

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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  • 1 month later...

Wow.. going into Nano tank now lol..

Hi Bro....honestly speaking, i dont know why i bought it.....haha...was just browing at C328 and i thought it look nice.....

And perhaps having a nano tank in my bedroom would give me better luck? Fengshui? hehe

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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  • SRC Member

Hi Bro....honestly speaking, i dont know why i bought it.....haha...was just browing at C328 and i thought it look nice.....

And perhaps having a nano tank in my bedroom would give me better luck? Fengshui? hehe

quite the opposite. a tank in the bedroom is considered

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