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Analyzing Personality


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  • SRC Member

Do not cheat!

The most accurate test I ever tried

Imagine you walked into a small hut by the river in the jungle.

You push open the door. In front of you are 7 small beds to the right of

the hut, and another 7 small chairs surrounding a small round table.

In the middle of the table is a round food tray with 5 kinds of fruit in


They are:

a. an apple

b. a banana

c. a strawberry

d. a peach

e. an orange

Which fruit will u choose? Your choice reveals about u!

Test results : Please SCROLL DOWN

























a. if you chosen apple:

that means you are a person who loves to eat apple.

b. if you chosen banana:

that means you are a person who loves to eat banana.

c. if you chosen strawberry:

that means you are a person who loves to eat strawberry.

d. if you chosen peach:

that means you are a person who loves to eat peach.

e. if you chosen orange:

that means you are a person who loves to eat orange.


Tell your boss then you know :P

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  • SRC Member
cher........ thought some kinda psych question. Of cause very accurate la. state the obvious. It like telling you I very accurate in juding if you boy or girl when I see you wan!! ke ke ke...

tangy..not necessary...some people you see already also hardly can tell if boy or girl... :lol:

...what are u missing from your life?... dun wait till your last breathe before telling them that you care

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