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Here's a FTS. All pics taken from cam hp.

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Nice scape, this kind of scape is high maintenance, you need to constantly keep algae growing at the back of tank as well. ;)

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  • SRC Member


always love a tank with depth..

just that its gonna be quite a problem if you have to retrive anything from the sand bed,

or re-arrange anything in future...

alot of your space on your sandbed!

i can imagine it filled with beautiful corals...

gonna be really nice... :upsidedown:

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member
Maybe can consider shifting the 2 wavemakers to the 2 sides of the tank so that you have a nice and clean backgrd. More natural too.

The 2 pump is temporary as I'll be getting a wavebox extension. The nano wavebox is having some prob after the move. Think it's the pump cuz there's a "clicking" sound when it's running.

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  • SRC Member

always love a tank with depth..

just that its gonna be quite a problem if you have to retrive anything from the sand bed,

or re-arrange anything in future...

alot of your space on your sandbed!

i can imagine it filled with beautiful corals...

gonna be really nice... :upsidedown:

Dun think I'll be filling this tank with lots and lots of corals. Wanted to make it look like a drop-off and also to give as much space for the fishes to swim. Will take my time to stock up on some corals.

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An overall view of the "drop-off" (A frame) and a start-up of the Rics and Yumas garden...

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Zoos garden and one of the clam (croceas) and 2 orange cup sponge(from previous tank) on the same level.

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Blue sponge corner and a black cup sponge(from previous tank)

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Leather coral garden(from previous tank) and 3 more clams (maximas).


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List of LS in my Angels, Tangs and Clowns reef...


1x Black (new, CF)

2x Purple

2x Yellow

2x Sailfins (2 type)

1x Blue (new, IWARNA)


1x Emperor

2x Flame (new, LCK 210)


2x True Perc (paired them myself)

2x Golden Stripes Maroon (paired them myself)


1x Comet (new, CF)

4x Mandarin (SL and Ah Beng's)

3x Green Mandarin (new, Ah Beng's)

5x Fire Dartfish (new, IWARNA)

3x Purple Dartfish (new, IWARNA)

3x Green Clown Gobies (new, IWARNA)

5x Trimmas

1x Blenny

2x Blue Cheeks (new, Ah Beng's)

1x Cleaner Wrasse (new, CF)

Inverts & Cleaning crews...

2x Black Sea Cuke (1 new from CF)

4x Cleaner Shrimps (new, IWARNA)

2x Harlequin (new, IWARNA)

3x Turbo Snails

In the refugium...

1x baby cuttlefish (new, CF and still trying to ID it)

a few Sexy (Anemone) Shrimps, as live food for the cuttlefish.

3x Anemone Crabs (new, Ah Beng's)

2x Sand Shifting Stars (new, Ah Beng's)

2x Cleaner Shrimps (new, IWARNA)

1x Brittle Star

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so the black tang in the first tank was yours....nice and stable specimen. Looks like you are a fish lover also. Hehe. Must exchange pointers. Hehe. Nice setup.

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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  • SRC Member
so the black tang in the first tank was yours....nice and stable specimen. Looks like you are a fish lover also. Hehe. Must exchange pointers. Hehe. Nice setup.

It wasn't mine, was asking abt Black Tang and aunty said they've got one and so I bought it since my last Black Knight died for no reason. But this one is not the jet black specie, might be getting a jet black one once they're in season again. Usually they come to our shore in year end.

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This is the "Island" on the right side of tank. Planned to keep this island for Carpet anamones and some giant shrooms.

The 2 pairs of clown had been with me for more than 3-4 yrs.

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Need help to ID this Sepiidae (cuttlefish).

Captured it on my cam hp as it feeds on a Sexy Shrimp. Amazing!

It's amazing how u can keep a flamboyant cuttlefish in your main tank with so many small fishes together! Did the smaller fishes not become food to the cuttle?

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As stated, the cuttlefish is in the refugium. Not sure how long it can last but it's my first time on this animal. So far it had eaten the anemone (sexy) shrimps and still doing fine.

It's $100+, bought it from CF.

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As stated, the cuttlefish is in the refugium. Not sure how long it can last but it's my first time on this animal. So far it had eaten the anemone (sexy) shrimps and still doing fine.

It's $100+, bought it from CF.

From the size, seems quite small only... They have a lifespan of 6 months to a year...

ML used to sell $250 + for a pair... It even spawned and hatched in Henry's sump.

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Cuttlefish had died... sad sad!

Updates of the tank.

There seems to be some minor white spots outbreak in the new tank. Had juz switched on the UV. Will leave it on till tomorrow and see how. Aya... setting up new tank not easy BUT selling the some ex equipments lagi difficult... very slow and steady LOL!

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Cuttlefish had died... sad sad!

Updates of the tank.

There seems to be some minor white spots outbreak in the new tank. Had juz switched on the UV. Will leave it on till tomorrow and see how. Aya... setting up new tank not easy BUT selling the some ex equipments lagi difficult... very slow and steady LOL!

That is sad.... Any idea why?

Bro, just keep the UV on for a few days.

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My 2 purple tangs. Find them very strange cuz one has a doted patterns and the other has the normal stripes patterns and it has abit of bluish tinted spot at the centre of it's body. As the pic shows...

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The black tang that was from CF. I think it should be call Ghost Tang or Chameleon Tang instead cuz it changes colour and tone the most as compared to the other tangs (Yellow, Purple, Brown, Sailfin and Gem). Some days it's jet black, some days it's black with the stripes like the brown tang and some days it's faded to almost translucent.


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Nitro, keeping maroon clown and true percs isn't such a good idea, they will in time become very territorial to other clown fishes. Experinced it before and had to remove both maroons!

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