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Here is a new chapter of my reefing experience to share abt the failures and success of a self-setup tank.

Do visit this thread often and feel free to post your comments and questions/answers. I'll do my very best to share as accurately as I can and to my best knowledge but in areas where I fail, do pardon me and correct me in a NICE way :wub:

Main Tank size : 4x2x2.5ft, 12mm thick

Glass type : Normal clear glass with black silicon

Backing : OYAMA Blue sticker

Outlet : External Overflow Box with 2x 25mm PVC outlet pipes

Return : 2x 20mm PVC inlet pipes

Sump/ Refugium tank size : 44"x22"x16", 8mm thick

Glass type : Normal clear glass with black silicon

No. of compartments : 5

Filtration method :

1st level - filter wool at EOS

2nd level - DSB (full aragonite sand) with cheato algae

3rd level - Poly-filters and Tropic Marin ELIMI-PHOS

4th level - In-sump H&S skimmer 150-F2001 (thank you Gouldian for giving me a good catch :thanks: )

5th level - 1x FR

Return pump : 2x Aqua-bee 2001/I

Other supporting pump/s : 1x Aqua-bee 2001/I driving the skimmer

1x Aqua-bee 2001 driving the chiller and FR (split with Eheim valves)

Chiller : Arctica DBE-200, 1/4Hp (thank you dleecool for giving me a good catch :thanks: )

Wave makers : Tunze Nano Wave Box, will add the extension once budget allows again.

Supported by 2x Tunze Turbelle Nanostream

Lights : 8x T5(24W) with 6x 10W LEDs (DIY, 4 white and 2 blues). Considering to upgrade either a Giesemann MOONLIGHT HQ / T-5 dim. 1200 mm

(2 x 250W / 4 x 54W) or to 6x T5(54W) with 18x 10W LEDs

Live rocks and sand : To use existing.

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Fish list...

2x Yellow Tang

2x Purple Tang

2x Sailfin Tang

1x Hybrid Powder Blue

1x Black Tang (to be added, the old one died recently)

1 pair True Perc

1 pair Maroon Clown, golden stripes

1x Emperor Angel

1x King Angel

1x Queen Angel

1x Flame Angel

2x Chalk Basslet

1x Blenny

1x Yellow Head Jawfish

2x Sea cukes

2x Turbo snails

many small small abalones and some no. of small fishes, gobies etc.

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Nice list. U decomission yr old tank?

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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  • SRC Member
Nice list. U decomission yr old tank?

Yes will be. Condition is bad now for old 2x2x2.5ft tank as most corals had died and whatever are left are those normal hardy and forgiving ones. Fishes are doing fine. Will be using the rocks and sand in my new tank. Once all LS are txf, I'll be selling off some items to raise cash for other upgrades :rolleyes:

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Cabinet was delivered this morning. Everything was good except for one thing...

Mistake no. 1 - Dun know what happened, the space for the refugium was wrong (I'm sure all measurements was correct and as discussed with carpenter and tank maker but haiz... Murphy's LAW... "Anything that can goes wrong, will go wrong"!). Got to re-order another refugium tank with a reduction of the width from 22" to 20", the rest remain unchanged. So I'll be posting pics of the new refugium tank for sale soon.

Main and refugium tanks will be delayed and planned to be deliver next Wed (03/02/10).



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Some close-ups of the cabinet patterns. I've used 2 colour for the laminates as the size of the laminates is not available. This also breaks away from the monotonous of a single pattern or colour. I've chosen this design bcuz it's gives a 3-D effect to the surface when viewed from different angle.





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Some pics of the equipments and type of piping accessories that I'll be using. In the plan is to get a UPS that will power the 2 nos. of Aqua-bee 2000/1 return pumps.

Equipments you see in the 1st pic are :-

1) 2x Aqua-bee 2000/1 pumps (will be use as return pumps).

2) 1x Aqua-bee 2000 pump (will be use to run the chiller and FR).

3) 1x H&S Skimmer 150-F2001

4) 1x HOPAR UV-611, 9W UV Lamp (most likely to hook up in-series with the chiller line or FR line).

Pipe accessories in the 2nd pic are :-

1) 2x 25mm Union Ball Valves

2) 2x 20mm Union Ball Valves

3) 2x 20mm one-way Union Valves

4) 2x 25mm adaptors



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Nice choice of laminates.

Looking forward to more updates. ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • SRC Member

Here's a story to side-tracked from my tank updates... LOL!

Bro Gouldian, this is for you and all Lady Gouldian lover :wub:

"In a palace set in a far away land, there lived two Lady (as in Lord and Lady). They were the most beautiful lady in their land. They had such beautiful skin colours that one look at them, any man would fall in love and yearn to hold them in their arms... here's Little Red and Blue Belle.post-1330-1264841425_thumb.jpg

One day, an evil spell was cast on Little Red and she was aging much faster than anyone of her age. As you can see from her head! She would looked at herself and weep bitterly but she never allows her sadness to sadden her dear little sister, Blue Belle. For she love her dearly.



Now Blue Belle knows that Little Red is putting on a strong front and she really want to cheer up her sister. So she decided to go and search for a cure.


A cure that will heal Little Red of this horrible spell.


She went to a far far away land in search of the "CURE".


... it was a long journey. The flight was a tough one, met with many challenges and adventures!

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  • SRC Member

... The search was a futile one but Blue Belle's return was enough to cheer up Little Red once again.

Then one day a stranger, a handsome and strong young prince arrived at the palace of Little Red and Blue Belle. Purple Heart as he was known from the land of the "Beautiful Sky Finch". He saw the plight that Little Red was in and he decided to help her.


He stayed to show both the young lady how to fly and play in the wind. He also taught them the skills of using colours to the benefit of oneself.

post-1330-1264842791_thumb.jpg post-1330-1264842796_thumb.jpg

Beside teaching them on survival, he also groomed them to become beautiful lady of the sky.

As the days goes by, with all the training, care and concerns, the evil spell seems to have little effect on Little Red. This pleased Purple Heart as he knows the spell had already been broken and Little Red is slowly turning into a matured, beautiful lady.


They soaked in the sun, spending time singing and even enjoying meals together.

post-1330-1264842809_thumb.jpg post-1330-1264842819_thumb.jpg

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Hey Nimrod, I will need to visit you one day! You reminded the beautiful memories I had with these beautiful birds, I am always amused by their courtship dance! ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Some pics of the equipments and type of piping accessories that I'll be using. In the plan is to get a UPS that will power the 2 nos. of Aqua-bee 2000/1 return pumps.

Equipments you see in the 1st pic are :-

1) 2x Aqua-bee 2000/1 pumps (will be use as return pumps).

2) 1x Aqua-bee 2000 pump (will be use to run the chiller and FR).

3) 1x H&S Skimmer 150-F2001

4) 1x HOPAR UV-611, 9W UV Lamp (most likely to hook up in-series with the chiller line or FR line).

Pipe accessories in the 2nd pic are :-

1) 2x 25mm Union Ball Valves

2) 2x 20mm Union Ball Valves

3) 2x 20mm one-way Union Valves

4) 2x 25mm adaptors

:yeah: yeah... another H&S user...

But I would prefer outsump.

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UEN: T08SS0098F

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Reefing in LED

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Nitro, what kind of birds are those? I've seen pictures of them.. are they kinds of Finches?

FOWLR Tank : Decom

Invert Tank: Decom

Current Tank: 2 ft with 2ft sump, 2 pyjama Cardinals, 1 Watchman Goby, 8 sand gobies, common saltwater shrimps, 3 turbo snails. 1 super green paly

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  • SRC Member
Nitro, what kind of birds are those? I've seen pictures of them.. are they kinds of Finches?

Yes, as stated... they're known as Lady Gouldian Finches. Under the family of Finches. The male can't sing as loud as the Yellow Canary but still quite beautiful to hear it sing. Colour wise... def the best among the finches.

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  • SRC Member
Hey, is 2xAB2000 enough for your 4ft tank? The flow might not be adequate :)

Hi, based on my calculation it seems to be enough. My overall water vol in main and refugium is abt 700 ltr after minus all the rocks etc. Each pump handles 2000 l/hr. 2 pumps will be 4000 l/hr. After minus all the pipe-lose and head-lose, let's put it at ard 500 l, I'll still have a return of 3500 l/hr. If I'm not wrong, based on my outflow pipe size of 2x 25mm piping and 8x 20mm openings at the EOS, the flow rate for the outlet of the main tank shd be ard 400-500 l/hr if pumps are running.

If my calculation got error, pls highlight to me so I can make the changes before filling up the tank. Thanks Divinesloth!

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Tank and refugium was delivered this week. Am pleased with the workmanship and price.

Next step is to get salt mix and aragonite sand...

Overall view of tank with hood and front panels.

post-1330-1265252582_thumb.jpg post-1330-1265252592_thumb.jpg

Without hood and front panels.


8 nos. of 20mm outlet holes to the EOS and a side view of the EOS.

post-1330-1265252726_thumb.jpg post-1330-1265252731_thumb.jpg

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will you be using LED?

Yes in the plan. Will be temporary using my existing DIY LEDs set and 8x T-5. Planning a light set with LEDs and T-5s that comes with a PLC with timer and dimmer but I think it'll take me sometime as it'll be DIY project.

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