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Help required for New Setup

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Am setting up a new tank (48 inch x24 X30) and finding lots of information here (info overload ;P)

Can I get some advice on the following:

1) Is there an optimal size and what should we have (filter, skimmer) in a slump?

2) how do i decide the type of pump and flow rate required?

3) How do I decide/ know if the level of calcium, salinity, iodine, nitrates etc is acceptable for my tank?

Planning to keep these: To much?


2* Tang

2* Maroon Clownfish

2* Goby

2* seahorse

2* Blue Flavivertex Pseudochromis

2* Spotted Mandarin

1* starfish

1* Pincushion Urchin, Blue Tuxedo

clams, hermits, shrimps


Tree Sponge

Bulb Anemone



Sea Fans

Taro Tree Coral

Bubble Coral, White

Candy Cane Coral

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  • SRC Member

Am setting up a new tank (48 inch x24 X30) and finding lots of information here (info overload ;P)

Can I get some advice on the following:

1) Is there an optimal size and what should we have (filter, skimmer) in a slump?

2) how do i decide the type of pump and flow rate required?

3) How do I decide/ know if the level of calcium, salinity, iodine, nitrates etc is acceptable for my tank?

Planning to keep these: To much?


2* Tang

2* Maroon Clownfish

2* Goby

2* seahorse

2* Blue Flavivertex Pseudochromis

2* Spotted Mandarin

1* starfish

1* Pincushion Urchin, Blue Tuxedo

clams, hermits, shrimps


Tree Sponge

Bulb Anemone



Sea Fans

Taro Tree Coral

Bubble Coral, White

Candy Cane Coral

1) You mean optimal size for sump??? No optimal size but you could consider a 3x2x1.5 sump. Normally larger sump is better. In your sump, definately a skimmer and a FR at the minimum.

2) Return pump OR6500 should be sufficient for your tank. Normally you need minimum of 10X of your tank water volume for your flow rate.

3) Calcium/Mag - use test kits to measure. Typically maintain at ard 440/1350 ppm. Salinity 1.023 ~ 1.026. Nitrates 0~25 ppm unless keeping SPS then 0~5ppm. Iodine/Strontium dose weekly/biweekly/alt day depending on the brand you use.

4) Take note that most mandarins feed on pods. New tank setup quite difficult to keep mandarins alive unless you have either processed or live pods. Maroon clownfish & Chromis can be very aggressive and territorial so do take note of this. Seahorses are very slow eaters so very difficult to keep in a mixed reef tank. Should be kept in a species only tank where possible. Other fishes/invertibrates/corals should not be an issue.

My Setup:

3x2x2 tank with IOS

Equipment List:

Chiller: Artica 1/5HP

Chiller Pump: Sicce 4000

Return Pump: OR3500

Skimmer: Deltec APF600

Wavemaker: Tunze Wavebox/2x Hydor K2/SCWD wavemaker

Lights: DElighting 2x150W MH + 2x 39W T5 Atinic

FR: Skimz

FR Pump: Atman AT-104

Tubby ATO, Kalkweisser Reactor with magnetic stirrer.

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1) Is there an optimal size and what should we have (filter, skimmer) in a slump?

there is no optimal size. it depends on how u wan to run ur set up. everything place inside ur sump or every thing outside sump? for basic set up, we will place filter wool, skimmer, carbon, FR and of cos ur return pump

2) how do i decide the type of pump and flow rate required?

water vol of main and sump tank x 10 (at least) higher is better. i m running a 4 2 2 and i m using aquabee 7000 + 1262. flow rate of tank depends on what corals u planning to keep. get controllable wavemakers so that if u going for sps in the later stage, u can "up" power. i am running a vortech mp40 n a 5000L/hr wavemaker.

3) How do I decide/ know if the level of calcium, salinity, iodine, nitrates etc is acceptable for my tank?

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thanks for the info... what is FS and live pods???

FR = Fluidised reactor. Normally use PO4 or carbon media in it

Live pods - pods are copepods. Live ones like DT brought in by Aqua Mart or another brand brought in by AM. Jireh Marine also has processed copepods which are dead copepods but most mandarins will still feed on them.

My Setup:

3x2x2 tank with IOS

Equipment List:

Chiller: Artica 1/5HP

Chiller Pump: Sicce 4000

Return Pump: OR3500

Skimmer: Deltec APF600

Wavemaker: Tunze Wavebox/2x Hydor K2/SCWD wavemaker

Lights: DElighting 2x150W MH + 2x 39W T5 Atinic

FR: Skimz

FR Pump: Atman AT-104

Tubby ATO, Kalkweisser Reactor with magnetic stirrer.

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thanks for the info... need to start somewhere :)

It's good that you ask around before investing.

Reef keeping is great hobby but also a complex one.

Always good to read about each individual specie you intend to buy to understand their requirements and tolerance to other species you have.

Start slowly and Have fun!

Some experiences I have

I agree with the earlier comment on the Chromis and Maroon Clowns. They can be really territorial. Bit off the tail of my new additions last time... unless you add a even bigger fish then them.

Best to choose those labeled as peaceful for your earlier additions.

Also, start with those that at labeled "easy care" first to save $$ and heart pain.


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My advice is to concentrate on reading up on tank set up and cycling first. You can leave the rest till later so your brain doesn't go crazy with all the information coming in. Exactly what corals you wanna keep, what fishes you want to keep shouldn't be the priority. For starters, let's just assume you are going to keep a mixed reef tank of LPS and Softies with fishes.

Equipment and tank build, it would be good to talk to the many sponsors in our forums to get an understanding on how to build your tank. You will also get a good idea on quotations, and be able to budget the rest of your equipment. Armed with this list and knowledge, you can then move on to learning the importance of cycling your tank.

By then, you can start thinking about what fish and corals to add. Sponges, sea fans, tree corals in general are tricky that are not hardy and should not be tried by the beginner. After visiting LFS, getting to know more reefers here, you will have a clearer picture of what your new tank can or cannot support, and how to move on from there. The great thing is we all learn together and have a great time enjoying our tanks :)

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Hi apple...

Your setup is similar to our 4ft tank, you can check under Member Specs for Ketchup and Desi 4Ft tank for some ideas.. Impt is to get a good LFS that do a good job and guide you along and learn from the reefers here :P

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